Kackling Kamala

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Compare this state of affairs with the successful removal campaign—or, as some have called it, “palace coup”—against President Biden, who was, a week after the attempted assassination, unceremoniously replaced with Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

This replacement was executed free of debate, conflict, or delay. It simply happened. Why? Because, within the Party model, both Biden and Harris are figureheads. They follow wherever the Party directs them. Tough, then soft, on crime; strong, then weak, on the border. The Party provides the political formula; they are the vessels for communicating it to the public and advancing it in the White House.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Compare this state of affairs with the successful removal campaign—or, as some have called it, “palace coup”—against President Biden, who was, a week after the attempted assassination, unceremoniously replaced with Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

This replacement was executed free of debate, conflict, or delay. It simply happened. Why? Because, within the Party model, both Biden and Harris are figureheads. They follow wherever the Party directs them. Tough, then soft, on crime; strong, then weak, on the border. The Party provides the political formula; they are the vessels for communicating it to the public and advancing it in the White House.

View attachment 12018
I find it fascinating that the author seems incurious about who exactly is "the party"

It certainly isn't the registered Democrats

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I was going to joke that he's looking around for a child to sniff, but then he raised his hand in that dementia patient slow motion manner to scratch his face and it's so obvious that he's not there. He would be an object of pity if he wasn't such a corrupt miserable piece of human excrement.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

Right Divider

Body part
Unscripted Harris devolves into word salad, demonstrating what so many people are saying, that her intelligence level is lower than Joe's, while Joe the Rapist stands there like a zombie

View attachment 12021
Even without dementia, she's a babbling fool.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Lying right to your face. And nobody to call them on it in the MSM


KAMALA HARRIS’S BORDER CHUTZPAH. Vice President Kamala Harris has two big jobs in her young presidential campaign. The first is to run away from many of the positions she held when she first ran for president in 2019. The second is to run away from much of her record as vice president.

The issue of border security is a challenge for Harris on both fronts. Now, in a stunning display of chutzpah or gaslighting or whatever you want to call it, Harris is attempting to rewrite the history of her position on the border both as a presidential candidate and as vice president.

Harris ran for the Democratic nomination for president between January and December 2019. Mired in sixth place, she dropped out of the race on Dec. 3, 2019, meaning she never made it to the Iowa caucuses or any other contest in which Democrats voted for a candidate. Her biggest moment was a debate in which she accused rival Joe Biden of racism. After that, it was downhill all the way.

In that campaign, Harris favored decriminalizing illegal border crossings. She also favored taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants. She favored sanctuary cities. She would have expanded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program and given “deportation relief” to millions of people in the United States illegally. At the same time, she opposed virtually everything then-President Donald Trump did to secure the border, from strengthening physical barriers on the border to the “Remain in Mexico” program to detention and expulsion of illegal border crossers.

In other words, Harris proposed doing what the Biden administration would later do, which is increase the incentives — the magnet — for people to cross illegally into the U.S. while tying the hands of law enforcement to stop, or at least greatly decrease, the flow of illegal crossers.

Had Harris miraculously won the White House in 2020, she would have set off the same border crisis that Biden did, and maybe worse. So when Biden actually did set off the crisis, he had Harris’s full support. When Biden put her in charge of dealing with the “root causes” of the crisis he had caused, he, she, and everyone else understood that it was a way of appearing to deal with the problem without dealing with the problem. And that is precisely what Harris did. She took a few perfunctory actions, and things got worse.

You know what happened. More than 10 million illegal crossers came into the U.S., a number that is probably higher when so-called gotaways are counted — that is, those who entered the country while evading contact with the Border Patrol. The flood of illegal crossers has put enormous burdens on cities across the country struggling to house and support immigrants. Harris turned the border problem into a national crisis. And now she owns it.

Here’s the chutzpah part. Hitting the campaign trail, with an adoring press in tow, Harris is now claiming that she is much, much tougher on border security than Trump. “Donald Trump … has been talking a big game about securing our border, but he does not walk the walk,” Harris said at her first rally in Atlanta. “I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week, including, for example, on the issue of immigration.”

What Harris said was extravagantly, flamboyantly, wildly untrue. And here is a way to check: Trump has actually been president of the United States. You can check his record against Harris’s. He was much, much, much tougher on border security than Harris.