Kabul Fell Yesterday, Where Is The President


Well-known member
OOPS! Biden was shocked to learn how fast the thugs regained control of Afghanistan but that was only a mild shock compared to shock is is going to get once he finds out how fast Muslim terrorists are going to rebuild terror networks around the globe thanks to his cowardly surrender in the war on terror.

The U.S. Department of Defense is now evaluating Afghanistan for the “reconstruction of terrorist networks” after the Taliban captured Kabul and declared victory over the weekend, said a spokesman.
Before the Taliban was toppled in the early 2000s by U.S. forces, the group was accused of harboring terrorist organizations including al-Qaeda and, later, the Haqqani network.
“It’s way too early to make assessments and judgments about what the terrorism threat is going to be in Afghanistan going forward,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby told reporters on Monday. “The secretary certainly believes that, in light of recent events, that a reassessment of the possibilities for reconstitution of terrorist networks inside Afghanistan is warranted.”
Hillary's ignorance and incompetence led to the deaths of 4 Americans in Benghazi, but she blamed a host of others for her failure, as is typical democrat practice. Biden's ignorance and incompetence have stranded tens of thousands of Americans and American allies in Afghanistan and Biden now admits he will likely be unable to save them from their bloody murderous enemies at this point in the degenerating disaster.

The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said Wednesday the federal government and military cannot ensure the safe passage to the Kabul airport after Taliban extremists took over the capital as video footage shows throngs of people trying to enter the facility.
“The United States government cannot ensure safe passage to the Hamid Karzai International Airport,” the U.S. Embassy wrote in a security alert issued on Wednesday, adding that “the security situation in Kabul continues to change quickly, including at the airport.”
Meanwhile, the embassy said that a large number of individuals have registered for flights out of Afghanistan, while “space on these flights is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.”
Some White House officials have estimated that as many as 10,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan. More than 80,000 Afghans, including those who worked with the U.S. government and could face Taliban reprisals, are awaiting approval to escape.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I love it when the left starts to eat their own.

been watching more CNN, MSNBC lately than I ever have before and I'm struck by how many really weird-looking anchor persons they have on staff. This woman is a perfect example - is she pretty or is she ugly? I can't decide.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Biden's incompetence

The important question is this: does Biden's military have the ability to achieve its mission in Afghanistan while maintaining diversity and critical race theory training?

Can we be sure that Americans are being rescued by a military that represents ethnic diversity and an acceptance of white racism? Can we be sure that Americans in Afghanistan are being rescued by a military with transgenderism in the forefront of its mission?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Chris Wallace - what an idiot.

it's been a mess ever since the inept senile old fool took office - just ask anybody on the southern border or look at the situation with covid.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Here he is - the leader of the Free World, the man with his finger on the nuclear button, the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military that has ever existed on this planet. Your president and mine - Joe the Rapist.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
okay I'm halfway through and the sarcastic response I have to give is the following: the man exudes strength and resolve.


He's the very definition of weakness and ineffectualism. America's enemies are laughing their butts off.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
13:12 Mr. President - with all due respect, your ineptitude and incompetence have been on full display for the past 5 days. How can you assure the American people that they can trust you moving forward?

I may have paraphrased a little bit 😁

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
ABC broadcaster from studio: Is Joe the Rapist lying?

ABC reporter in the field: He sure is. I don't know if he's delusional or blatantly lying, if he's just off his meds or late for his nap but he's lying, he's really lying. Yes he is. He is lying.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Don't you cringe when you hear Biden say, "That's not true".
No, I'm used to it. Joe's been on my radar since 1977 when my best friend used to brag about him. My BFF was in the same program Biden had gone through five years earlier, and my friend was proud of his success as a legislator and a former SU grad. I missed no opportunity to rub his nose in the fact that Joe was almost expelled from SU, that he graduated near the bottom of his class, that he was the very definition of venal and corrupt, and that he was at his heart undoubtedly a racist.