

New member
I don't think you are in a position to discuss JUSTIFICATION with me. Sorry, but it appears to me you don't know what you are saying regarding justification.

JUSTIFICATION (the act of making "just" one who is NOT "just") is God's act for man done through Christ, Who was resurrected for our JUSTIFICATION (Rom 4:25). This is His current ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. Justification holds sway in the present tense of salvation, all throughout the lifetime of a person.

The act of justifying is done whenever man commits sin NOW, that is, when he is overcome of evil instead of overcoming evil with good. In other words, God through Christ considers us righteous (or just) despite having done wrong or committed sin by not imputing or counting against us the sin committed, that sin having been forgiven on the cross. But the act of sinning is proof that the person is NOT an overcomer yet. He must come to a point in his life where confronted with the opportunity to sin, he does what is good instead. Is man able to overcome evil with good? Yes, because he is part of the body of Christ, our Strength for overcoming evil with good. It is not a question of inability, but one of refusal. And overcomers will Christ NOT blot out from the book of life but will be seated with Him in His throne even as He also overcame and sat down with the Father in His throne (Rev 3:5, 21). All NOT blotted out will be allowed entry into heaven (Rev 21:27); all blotted out will have their portion in the lake of fire (Rev 20:15).

If you have any question or objection, you may ask. And I'll respond with Scripture references.


I don't think you are in a position to discuss JUSTIFICATION with me. Sorry, but it appears to me you don't know what you are saying regarding justification.

JUSTIFICATION (the act of making "just" one who is NOT "just") is God's act for man done through Christ, Who was resurrected for our JUSTIFICATION (Rom 4:25). This is His current ministry in the heavenly sanctuary. Justification holds sway in the present tense of salvation, all throughout the lifetime of a person.

The act of justifying is done whenever man commits sin NOW, that is, when he is overcome of evil instead of overcoming evil with good. In other words, God through Christ considers us righteous (or just) despite having done wrong or committed sin by not imputing or counting against us the sin committed, that sin having been forgiven on the cross. But the act of sinning is proof that the person is NOT an overcomer yet. He must come to a point in his life where confronted with the opportunity to sin, he does what is good instead. Is man able to overcome evil with good? Yes, because he is part of the body of Christ, our Strength for overcoming evil with good. It is not a question of inability, but one of refusal. And overcomers will Christ NOT blot out from the book of life but will be seated with Him in His throne even as He also overcame and sat down with the Father in His throne (Rev 3:5, 21). All NOT blotted out will be allowed entry into heaven (Rev 21:27); all blotted out will have their portion in the lake of fire (Rev 20:15).

If you have any question or objection, you may ask. And I'll respond with Scripture references.

I said
Somebody has lied to you. Jesus provided the Way.

2 Cor 4:3-4
3 But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing,
4 whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them.


New member
I said
lol Your just another one of them intellectual idiots who think they can explain God carnally.
Pretending to be God you know what others think?

What does the Bible call one who pretends to be God?

Answer: AntiChrist


New member
I said
But that doesn't tell me what you know. You said you would tell me the difference. Tell me.
What I know is what Scriptures say and Scriptures told you the difference.

Any more you don't know you want me to tell you through Scriptures?


New member
Most people believe that man in some degree is made in the image and likeness of God. We have a soul that is infinite, we have an intellect and free will which is limited in knowledge and we have a body that is limited but the essence in the similarities is our free will and intellect. ...
KJV Ezekiel 18:20 The soul that sinneth, it shall die.

Seems like not infinite. What do you think?


Most people believe that man in some degree is made in the image and likeness of God. We have a soul that is infinite, we have an intellect and free will which is limited in knowledge and we have a body that is limited but the essence in the similarities is our free will and intellect.

Humanly speaking many believe that the Almighty God created the universe, and mankind, He wanted to share some of His glory etc. Now in creating man He probably said but first I will create a being that has choices, that he can earn My rewards or he can go about his own way.

And so He said if you wish to share in my glory then here are the rules the two Great Commandments.

I guess it's just too simple for many————if you go to work for some one—-you respect his office (boss) and if you perform your job you will be rewarded (pay)……now we all know that there are those who will hate their boss, cheat him, not work honestly, etc and then there are those who may love the boss, have respect for him and work hard…..and receive proper wages……..

Rather simple analogy———-perhaps too simple for the so-called erudite………

I said
Is that your theology?


Are you justified squeaky? Didn't you admit you had sin in your heart still that needed to be forgiven? Have you become completely clean through your faith in Christ Jesus yet?

I said
I am justified every time I submit to the Holy Spirit. You seem to have a weird idea of what justified means. One can be justified to day and not to morrow.