Just war theory


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I'm not saying that we can't achieve peace.

I'm saying that eliminating war completely is impossible, and will not happen until Christ returns.

I'm inclined to agree with you. War is nothing but a collective vs a collective. People dont act as irresponable when it is just one guy..

I know you will disagree with that.


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What if there should not be war any longer?

We should strive to live at peace with other nations, where possible.

One day there will be no more war.

That day is when Christ returns.

What is the good neighbor policy?

Think of the world, all of the nations, as a neighborhood.

America is one house, Mexico lives on one side, Canada on the other, but we have some property on the other side of Canada's house. Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, etc, live across the street.

Got that image in your head?

The idea is to treat each nation as your neighbor, and be a good neighbor to them, strive to live at peace with them, as Paul said:

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. - Romans 12:18 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans12:18&version=NKJV


Well-known member
Think of the world, all of the nations, as a neighborhood.

America is one house, Mexico lives on one side, Canada on the other, but we have some property on the other side of Canada's house. Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, etc, live across the street.

Got that image in your head?

The idea is to treat each nation as your neighbor, and be a good neighbor to them, strive to live at peace with them, as Paul said:

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. - Romans 12:18 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans12:18&version=NKJV

Pardon me while I say this post goes exactly to what I said.


What I mean is there is a reason for "war." That reason is "sin." Man is in a fallen condition. After Jesus returns, the books opened and everyone ever born finds where they are staying for eternity, then there will be no more "war."

And BTW, christians will stand before God and give account for the needless bloodshed they have started in the name of Christ.
I do not know about the final outcome. We should discuss it.


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What I mean is there is a reason for "war." That reason is "sin."


However, if a government is oppressing its people, a nation has the right (not necessarily the responsibility or obligation), if they are capable, of stepping in and even declaring war on the oppressive government to liberate its people from the oppression.

That, in and of itself, is a righteous thing to do. To the extent that the second nation saw a problem and decided to rectify it, that is not "sin".

But that's probably just semantics at that point.

Man is in a fallen condition. After Jesus returns, the books opened and everyone ever born finds where they are staying for eternity, then there will be no more "war."



Well-known member

However, if a government is oppressing its people, a nation has the right (not necessarily the responsibility or obligation), if they are capable, of stepping in and even declaring war on the oppressive government to liberate its people from the oppression.

That, in and of itself, is a righteous thing to do. To the extent that the second nation saw a problem and decided to rectify it, that is not "sin".

But that's probably just semantics at that point.


No dispute with this except for I will add that's the nature of man's government...to oppress. Even this fine nation we have.


We should strive to live at peace with other nations, where possible.

That day is when Christ returns.

Think of the world, all of the nations, as a neighborhood.

America is one house, Mexico lives on one side, Canada on the other, but we have some property on the other side of Canada's house. Britain, Ireland, Germany, France, Spain, etc, live across the street.

Got that image in your head?

The idea is to treat each nation as your neighbor, and be a good neighbor to them, strive to live at peace with them, as Paul said:

If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. - Romans 12:18 http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans12:18&version=NKJV
Should we think that war is a necessary evil until that day? Or do we decide now not to war?

Yes, nations should live as neighbors with each other.


Well-known member
Should we think that war is a necessary evil until that day? Or do we decide now not to war?

Yes, nations should live as neighbors with each other.

I am assuming most here on this board think of war as amoral...meaning it depends on the reason for the war.

I do not share that view personally, as everyone is entitled to their opinions.


I am assuming most here on this board think of war as amoral...meaning it depends on the reason for the war.

I do not share that view personally, as everyone is entitled to their opinions.
Would you say that war is never okay?


That depends on what you mean by pacifist.

this is not on topic....
Because we are talking about war it is important to know what kind of a pacifist you are, but I do not know the different kinds.

The reason I mentioned the death penalty is that it seems to be the only justification for going to war or killing someone in war, but then it is not one's neighbor.


Well-known member
Because we are talking about war it is important to know what kind of a pacifist you are, but I do not know the different kinds.

I didn't realize there were different kinds of pacifists

The reason I mentioned the death penalty is that it seems to be the only justification for going to war or killing someone in war, but then it is not one's neighbor.

Kind of makes the justification of war seem odd when it is usually one guy who determines when our youth should go abroad and get killed.


I didn't realize there were different kinds of pacifists

Kind of makes the justification of war seem odd when it is usually one guy who determines when our youth should go abroad and get killed.
If all the effort is to kill one murderer, it is sad if anyone else dies. But then should we be killing a murderer? Do you see why it matters to me?

What reason are you a pacifist and what does it mean to you?

Edit what matters to me is if we ever employ the death penalty. There needs to be a judge right?


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
The reason I mentioned the death penalty is that it seems to be the only justification for going to war or killing someone in war, but then it is not one's neighbor.
When the law instructs us to Love your neighbor, you are saying that someone who is trying to murder you, isn't our neighbor, and so the command to love your neighbor as yourself, doesn't apply when somebody is trying to murder you, or your family? Are you saying that that attempted murderer, of you, or of your family, is your neighbor, or are you trying to saying that the attempted murderer is not your neighbor, and so we don't have to obey Jesus when He says to love our neighbors as ourselves, since we have just defined an attempted murderer as not our neighbor?

Interesting approach. You know, it was the Good Samaritan who was the neighbor, not the two jerks who walked by. They weren't even trying to murder the guy, they just didn't help, and Christ's lesson is that it was the Good Samaritan who was your neighbor, not the ones who didn't help you. So where is an attempted murderer of your family, on that scale? Are they more like Good Samaritans, or more like the ones who walked on by?


Because we are talking about war it is important to know what kind of a pacifist you are, but I do not know the different kinds.

The reason I mentioned the death penalty is that it seems to be the only justification for going to war or killing someone in war, but then it is not one's neighbor.

Jesus was given the death penalty

Christians should be more about life than death
A lot of posters on this site want to Pharisaic- but the Old Law was heavily abused to perform the interests of the Jews themselves rather than being a natural law.
Jesus put an end to that.