JPPT1974's Weekend Thoughts 3/25-3/27/2022


Well-known member
You and I need to
Not just in the living
The Christian walk and
Life there only on
Sundays but each and
Every single day as
Long as we are on the
Earth there from the point of
View of Christ on it as
He is 24/7!


Well-known member
God wants us to
Live our lives and
Knowing that we are
Under His command and
We are His children
When we live the Sunday
So called Christian life
You see there we are
Realizing that we are
Not in the living for
Christ on it at all as
It has to be 24/7!


Well-known member
It is not that
We need to go to
Church that we do
In fact do in the being
Right in front of the
House of the Lord
And that we need to
Be with other fellow
Worshipers but it
Goes beyond such a
Very long way there
You see my friends.