Joseph Prince, False teacher?

Totton Linnet

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Silver Subscriber
I love Joseph, of course we always remember that he is a man and as Spurgeon was wont to say even the best of men are still at best but men.

He is at the very forefront of the Grace movement....but his methodology is Arminian, Reformed believers will know what that means, He preaches by grace alone but then will then ask for decisions, this practice has become so totally imbedded, nay welded to modern is one "the high places" which in even the best revivals never seems to be taken away.

Jesus was a prosperity preacher
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New member
A sampling of Joseph Prince’s false teachings:

- Nothing but blessings for the believer
- No longer a need to be concerned about God’s Judgment
- Repentance and confession of sin is never necessary
- Wealth is for all Christians
- God is continually restoring “New Truths” to the church—-New Revelations
- Prince’s personal revelation from God is: “More grace; less judgment”
- Prince believes that God WILL NOT JUDGE America because of the cross
- The Moral law has no bearing on Christians today; it was abolished with the Ceremonial law
- Prince says that he never encountered anyone that said “now I can go out and sin because of grace”
- Repentance means “Only to turn around”


New member
Joseph Prince in Destined to Reign (pg. 100) says that “Knowing that you are completely forgiven destroys the power of sin in your life.” His assertion is NOT true. Forgiveness is NOT deliverance. ONLY BELIEF in Jesus Christ and the Cross of Cavalry has the power to save, deliver, give liberty, etc.


New member
Joseph Prince in Destined to Reign (pg. 100) says that “Knowing that you are completely forgiven destroys the power of sin in your life.” His assertion is NOT true. Forgiveness is NOT deliverance. ONLY BELIEF in Jesus Christ and the Cross of Cavalry has the power to save, deliver, give liberty, etc.

I know what he meant by this, as I heard his testimony as a young Christian. He fell into the Devil's trap, which Paul refers to. I believe C.S. Lewis wrote a book on this entitled "Screwtape Letters". People that have a problem with "grace" generally have a problem with the "Holy Spirit". c Rom 8, Gal 5
BTW, he is geared to the Singaporean mind-set. I live in that "neck-of-the-woods", so have a bit of insight/perspective.


Well-known member
What say you?

I have watched him several times and I like his zeal and presentation. I also have never heard him say anything that wasn't biblical.

I have heard rumors of the "prosperity" bit but have not heard him say anything along those lines.

I sometimes listen to Joyce Meyers, too, and I like her (even though she has some "word/faith" tendencies).

Really, if Jesus Christ is exalted and the scriptures are taught, and one is regularly in the Word and asks God for wisdom and discernment, the Holy Spirit will guide one into all truth and one can enjoy the less mainstream pastors/teachers.

Anyway, I like him.

Re: I have only watched him a few times.


Little Joe claims that Jesus drank the cup of filth.
Man. It's obvious that this guy is a clepto


So Christ has drunk the cup of filth and wrath and the result is that the world has not to fear anymore wrath. Hmm , sounds like heresy, smells like it and looks like it.