Jo Scott's Conviction

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I identify as a Christian
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They are obsessed with Pastor Enyart and anyone he knows. Its like moths to a flame with these guys. I don't think they can help themselves. By atheist reasoning, this means Granite and Jukia are closet fundamentalist Christians. :)

Seems reasonable to me. A certain other atheist on here uses the same logic to accuse the Christian posters of being gay.


New member
Hall of Fame
They are obsessed with Pastor Enyart and anyone he knows. Its like moths to a flame with these guys. I don't think they can help themselves. By atheist reasoning, this means Granite and Jukia are closet fundamentalist Christians. :)


Thanks, I needed that.:cool:

So, I see that fewer and fewer are interested in the actual OP.


New member
I don't suppose anyone here had it occur to them that not every woman who runs the gauntlet of protestors is there to murder their child. (Until this story it didn't cross my mind, either.)

I have never had an abortion, but I have been to many Planned Parenthood offices: to get a yearly pelvic exam, to get birth control before I had health insurance, to get information about available health care services. Like many, many women in this country. Most of the people the protesters are shouting at going into the clinic are probably not there to get an abortion either.



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I don't know about jukia, but it appears that Granite is mad at Christianity and enjoys the freedom this site allows him to shout names at people who disagree with him.

Not all that far removed from these little fellers:



LOL! Perfect picture for granite. He will NEVER respond to an argument head on when he knows his stupidity has been revealed. He dodges, and then commences the action depicted above. If that doesn't run you off he starts crying and puts you on ignore. :D

Sorry to hear about Jo, not surprised, but dissapointed. She's a great lady, mad respect for her.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I don't know about jukia, but it appears that Granite is mad at Christianity and enjoys the freedom this site allows him to shout names at people who disagree with him.

Not all that far removed from these little fellers:



How did you find a picture of granite, doogietalons, jokia, and alate one?


New member
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I have never had an abortion, but I have been to many Planned Parenthood offices: to get a yearly pelvic exam, to get birth control before I had health insurance, to get information about available health care services. Like many, many women in this country. Most of the people the protesters are shouting at going into the clinic are probably not there to get an abortion either.


The one closest to me, two towns over, is protested frequently, even though they don't offer abortions there at all.:idunno:


New member
This comment from Todah provokes a response from me, "Or she arranged the timing and her route with the PP employee, who was obviously lying as the videotape clearly showed." The tape neither proves nor disproves (imo), because the cameras range (on top of the old fire training facility), does not show the lot entrance of PP. * If PP would have presented the tape from the camera at the entrance gate, we would have more of a view of what really

However, the footage from this camera is only presented when it serves PP purposes it seems. When the video evidence stands against them, PP lawyers make arguments that the cameras video evidence was lost or recorded over. This has happened before and it sounds like it has happened again. Also, I am reminded that there is a sign at the lot entrance which reads, your conversation is being recorded. Never have I heard this evidence being released.

So although it might be an undertaking to record everything, it seems that it should be, so that we avoid the suspicious loss of tapes and who said what recordings. Back to the opener, it does seems to come down too - when you cause others grief by what you say, it can be held against you, especially when you are fighting against an abortion provider who pumps money into the local economy and political system. Jo and Ken should appeal as far as they can and sue for damages caused by PP not releasing all the evidence and the Court for stepping on free speech.

The Barbarian

Even good intentions can't justify harassment. If the facts are as they were stated in court, then this lady has to bear the consequences.

Should have been easy for the defense to get the medical records, if they wanted to show the woman was lying about the miscarriage. Either they already knew she was telling the truth, or the lawyer is incompetent.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Or they could have just watched the video of the incident. :plain:
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