Greetings MC,
I think KR has held such a view of God and Christ for as long as she's been a JW or even earlier, so I dont know if you can claim that she got the idea or concept from you. Thats quite a leap of faith, unless you can prove your hypothesis
- from what I've seen of KR, she knows
Biblical Unitarian theology quite well,...since JW's only use the Bible as their primary religious text. -
it is therefore 'biblically' centered (protests aside). Of course so many christian denominations all believe the Bible', but look at how many different translations and interpretations exist. - this shows that 'sola scriptura' does not necesarily make for any kind of 'unity' among believers, since it depends on HOW you interpret it, which denomination your were born into, and which sect or branch you choose to be affiliate with within the larger context of Christendom.
:crackup: - (your comment above deserves the crack-up smiley to the left).
First of all, if you want to properly judge my commentary in this thread, you'll have to read it from the beginning so you can assess and understand
all I have written here, and then challenge or debate particular point therein. You cant just come on a thread, read one post, then make a bombastic response to it, assuming that this is all the poster has written upon the subject from which you then judge their theology upon.
I have MANY posts here and elsewhere sharing from a historical and biblical Unitarian point of view and challenging the traditional orthodox definition of the Trinity. There are also different schools in the wide spectrum of
Christology...Unitarianism on one end, to Trinitarianism on the other, and variants and subschools inbetween. So, it helps first to understand the general debate, ...the Arian Controversy is a good start, then know some key points about 'Christology' for a foundation from which to research and engage discussion. Otherwise, you're just jumping in without proper preparation, education, with so many presuppositions and assumptions, which further distorts perception and conclusions.
I say let one's commentary and knowledge speak for itself,
then you may intelligently engage in dialogue, if you're able. Prerequisite learning helps and staying OPEN to continue learning is essential, if you are a student of truth.
Actually if your familiar with Christology in general, its a bit more COMPLEX granted the different schools that have risen up in the development of doctrine over the centuries, and even today with some heterodox schools still existing as the 'orthodox' schools still assumes its 'right' and 'official' view, but mass consensus does not necessarily guarantee truth. One can quote creeds and dogmas daily and remain spiritually retarded.
hat I have written of 'Christ' shall speak for itself, since the 'Anointed One' has many different levels and dimensions to his role and office. Also much is spoken of 'figuratively', important key to note. (think 'key-note'
Agreed, and there is continued
progressive revelation.
We'll let our commentary and knowledge speak for itself on such matters.
To TEACH YOU PROPERLY on the Urantia Book issue I share this link
here, made to GM on the Urantia Book issue in his own mock thread.
This will CLEAR up misgivings and ignorance on what its all about. ALSO, I do not generally even mention or quote from the UB, unless I find that some of its passages illuminate and shed light upon any given theological subject we are discussing, and I have made one post showing the wonderful insighs on
'free will' it shares, on the 'Free Will' thread. -such a sharing is
appropriate related to a given subject. I have not mentioned or quoted anything from the UB on the Unitarian/Trinitarian debates,
except in a few instances to share that its teaching on The
Paradise Trinity is even more glorious and awesome than the traditional orthodox Christian concept of its Trinity....showing that I do not discount that trinities exist in nature and are patterns after spiritual realities, relationships and patterns in the Spirit-world.
Other than that, discussion of the UB, mostly stays is the UB thread itself.
Also,...we have ignorant folks here going on and on about the UB, assuming I'm an exclusive UB enthusiast or apologist, when this is certainly false, as Im am very eclectic and universal in my religious philosophical studies and metaphysics,....drawing from and learning from many different religious texts and schools of esoteric wisdom, so these few posters who do not follow any of my other writings are apparently CLUELESS about this fact, and continue to identify me only with the UB.
Its sheer ignorance. I encourage anyone to do their real homework before making presumptions and mistaken judgments, not seeing the forest for the trees.
Wow. just wow.
see above.
Totally False. Anything I've added about the UB
mainly in the UB thread, is in the function of an expositor and expounder on various points or subjects that it teaches about.
Thats it. I have never forced, or tried to convert anyone to believe in the book per se, but have merely illuminated and expounded upon some of the insightful
concepts and
principles (which includes the values, meanings, ethics and wisdom of religious truths and philosophy) that the book elaborates upon. I've been very vocal of this fact, and that I only expound on parts of the book that have an interest to me. I'm selective in that regard. It is one religious book out of many other meaningful and valuable texts OUT THERE. I am not an exclusivist. Truth is Universal. It is not limited to any one book, religious cult or tradition.
You cant put 'God' in a 'box'.
False. Read the above, most discussion of the UB is on the UB thread. My research, studies, meditation includes MUCH MORE than just the UB. Please get educated.
Ah, reply to a little statement made in the chatbox, is true.....
about man having access to Unlimited LIGHT. Since 'God' is Light....such is true. The Light is ever-available, omnipresent, all-radiant. The Light IS. Is sharing a truth a crime? - readers are welcome to read the recent chatbox discussion for themselves, where you and GM jump in to preach (pontificate and the like), so I
corrected GM as he keeps bringing up the UB. - YOU GUYS keep bringing up the UB, not me. I just respond with this link
here. I tire of defending against
misrepresentation, so I will just share my link, on the UB issue. - they just cant leave it alone. - i'm so busy with other discussions on other topics....they are stuck with a false and limited image of a person and their assumed beliefs based on some discussion way in the past, not staying UP on the times, lest they become educated thereby. Its ludicrous.
lol. - I have a purpose and reason for somethings I will share
strategically speaking, and they are spiritually, related to consciousness (for ones own benefit, if they take the opportunity).
Consciousness is everything, it is the fundamental reality. If anything, LIGHT can enlighten, inspire, expand one's awareness....I would be your enemy if I did not serve as a light-bearer (of some kind, to any degree), but kept you in ignorance or was merely indifferent to your religious programming. Perhaps you can be thankful for that.
I'm quite open to the parousia of the Lord, and have recently written about it. The Christ has come, appears in the present moment to moment of existence, and is to come (past, present, future)....the Presence of 'God' is all-pervading, in all space and in all times. Where 'God' already IS, there is no wait
- thus full, total and absolute reality is here NOW, in toto.
All is here, is All. Omnipresence fills all in all. 'God' is Spirit.
Yes, The Shema sums it up pretty much. 'God' is One. - this unity includes all multiplicity and diversity, yet remains One, and on the relative levels of creation, is a manifold UNITY.
There are many ways to conceptualize a diversified unity or differentiated oneness, as paradoxical as that seems. Slice, dice, divide or personify 'God' as you like, with one, two or three personalities. All comes from the The One, and returns to The One, since the Infinite One is All There IS...anyways, no matter how many transformations it undergoes. - all is just a simulation of creation (interactive relationships) in a primal unified FIELD....that field is LIGHT (Energy-Spirit-Consciousness). - all is a reflection thereof.
I dont believe I have EVER blasphemed the Holy Spirit, and if I have, do tell and show where this great crime against the Spirit of God has taken place. I have no fear or worry about this, but am curious about any impression anywhere of this having taken place, which would be but a distorted or presumed assumption on a spectators part, probably loaded with so many 'theological' proofs of course
I dont have a problem or disagreement with the above, since the
Father and Son are one by Jesus own testimony,...he also prayed to his Father that we are be one with THEM, all together in oneness
- this oneness must mean one in will, purpose, agreement, in SPIRIT.
AUMEN. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.
Its all good. Why would I be against the parousia of the Lord Jesus? It remains anywhere to be proved where I am against the Lord Jesus, his goodnews of the kingdom, his teachings of ethical, moral goodness, wisdom and religious practice,
his universal Law of Love, his supreme devotion and loyalty to DO the Father's will, his wonderful example of REVEALING 'God' to us, and so much more. Its astounding, really.
But anyways,...all my commentaries here hold on God's relationship to His Son, if you want to mine their fields to find any treasure or dirt therein. Happy Trails!
Be careful not to create an 'enemy' where one does not exist in reality,...alot seem to be engaged in such polemics. - its unnecessary.