Jesus is Our... Redeemer, Justifier, Reconciler, Sanctifier, Glorifier.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What I have posted is directly from the scriptures.

So then it is with the scriptures themselves where your disagreement lies.


No, the disagreement lies with Calvinism, not the scriptures.

I think that someday you will drop Calvinism.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Those scriptures are Truth.

Do you deny them?


There is nothing wrong with the scriptures, it is how you interpret them.

Since the whole New Testament is about Jesus Christ and his Gospel don't you think that it would be wise to interpret everything in the light of that?


Well-known member
Read this carefully because you will probably never hear it again. The Gospel is almost a thing of the past. People are not interested in what Jesus has done for us. They are more interested in what they can do for Jesus, which is their religion.

Jesus is Our Redeemer, Justifier, Reconciler, Sanctifier, Glorifier and we are complete in him, Colossians 2:10. If this is true then what good is Calvinism, Catholicism or any religion? If Jesus saves and he saves to the uttermost, Hebrews 7:25, then why do we need anything else other than Christ himself? When we marry, why is it the preacher or priest doesn't say... "Do you take this person and their religion to be your lawfully married mate?". No, we don't marry any ones religion, we marry the person. It is later that religion becomes a problem.

REDEEMER: Redemption means to buy back. Fallen man is redeemed from the curse of a broken law. "The soul that sins shall die". Man is redeemed from the bondage of sin to a new life in Christ, Romans 6:4. Jesus Christ, who knew no sin becomes sin for us that we might be made the righteousness of God in him, 2 Corinthians 5:21.

JUSTIFIER: Means to make right. Jesus MAKES us right with God, he is our justifier, Romans 3:26. Man cannot justify himself with God because he is a sinner, Romans 3:10. God does not accept the works or the obedience of sinners. Justification is the judicial act of God by which he declares a sinner to be just based upon the meritorious work of Christ that was done on his behalf.

RECONCILER: Means to be brought back to a right relationship with God. The word "reconciliation" means that at one time man was estranged from God. When Adam sinned he lost his relationship with God. Jesus in our name and on our behalf reconciles us to God, 2 Corinthians 5:18, 19. He reconciles us to God by doing for us those things that we cannot do for ourselves. He fulfills God's Holy Law and atones for our sins and in doing so reconciles us to God.

SANCTIFIER: To set aside as God's. All who come to Christ as repentant sinners to receive God's great free gift of salvation that has been provided by Jesus Christ, receive God's mark which is the Holy Spirit. God gives us his Spirit and places us in Christ, Colossians 3:3. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13. There is no unsealing because of sin. God now sees all that have been sanctified by Christ as perfect and complete in Christ, Ephesians 2:6.

GLORIFIER: To be made like Christ. Because we are in Christ, we shall also be like Christ when he appears, Colossians 3:4. Until Christ appears we will continue to live in these Adamic bodies that are prone to sin and corruption, Paul said, "This corruption must put on incorruption" 1 Corinthians 15:53. Paul saw himself as "The Chief of Sinners" 1 Timothy 1:15. Glorification will happen when the glorifier appears. Until then we will have to groan within these bodies right along with the whole creation, Romans 8:22-25.

You teach salvation by works, by what a person does, which discounts salvation by what Christ did alone.


Well-known member
I didn't do anything, Christ death alone saved me while I was an enemy. Rom 5:10!

So true, and that's the only way a person is saved.

But many are condemned already; in a permanent state of being under the wrath of God John 3:18, 36!
