Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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You contradict what God's Word tells us. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

So, you believe it should read ....'almost all things were created through it.'?

Seems rather heretical, don'tcha think?
You contradict what God's Word tells us. "For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him" Col.1:16

So, you believe it should read ....'almost all things were created through it.'?

Seems rather heretical, don'tcha think?


Him is not Jesus, him is the logos, the express image, the spirit son that God created through.

No conflict at all with scripture.

I do believe what I read, I just do not agree with the stuff the churches preach, they do not go deep enough for me.

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Well-known member
You reject scripture that says that Jesus was the Christ at His birth.

Notice how arrogant you are? Saying you know something that was not revealed in scripture...

Your understanding of scripture is flawed JR. You assume to much that is not in the words. You do not see that scripture has been corrupted by the early church fathers who were ignorant to what Christ and the Apostles preached to tham.

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Your understanding of scripture is flawed JR.

No, Keypurr, it is not.

You're the one outright rejecting what scripture says so that you can inject your own theology into the Bible.

You assume to much that is not in the words.

No, Keypurr, I accept the words themselves, and anything outside of scripture I take with a grain of salt, even my own understanding. You seem to be unable to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

You do not see that scripture has been corrupted by the early church fathers who were ignorant to what Christ and the Apostles preached to tham.

The only corruption is in your own head, Keypurr. You have corrupted scripture so that it fits your theology. That's evil, Keypurr. Repent.


Well-known member
No, Keypurr, it is not.

You're the one outright rejecting what scripture says so that you can inject your own theology into the Bible.

No, Keypurr, I accept the words themselves, and anything outside of scripture I take with a grain of salt, even my own understanding. You seem to be unable to consider the possibility that you're wrong.

The only corruption is in your own head, Keypurr. You have corrupted scripture so that it fits your theology. That's evil, Keypurr. Repent.

You have soooo much to learn JR.

If you wish to follow your misunderstanding of scripture then do it. I do not trust my afterlife to the half truths that the churches teach.

Evil is the distortion of God's truth and that is what the churches have done to you. Your content to be pushed into the darkness, I am not, I left that darkness many years ago. I was wrong when I thought as you do, I took my family to church every Sunday, was active in the church to the point I was attending meetings three times a week at the church. But God was missing, he did not come to the meetings or the Sunday service. Why? Because they did not preach or teach the truth about God or his Son. I left the church at a great price but I found my God and I found and understand my Lord.

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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You have soooo much to learn JR.

Says the heretic...

If you wish to follow your misunderstanding of scripture then do it. I do not trust my afterlife to the half truths that the churches teach.

I trust the church more than I would ever trust a heretic.

Evil is the distortion of God's truth and that is what the churches have done to you.

Everything I say comes directly from the Bible. It doesn't come from any church.

You're content to be pushed into the darkness,

There is no darkness in the truth of scripture. Unfortunately, you have turned away from it.

I am not, I left that darkness many years ago.

You have become antichrist, and what you teach is heretical.

I was wrong when I thought as you do, I took my family to church every Sunday, was active in the church to the point I was attending meetings three times a week at the church. But God was missing, he did not come to the meetings or the Sunday service. Why? Because they did not preach or teach the truth about God or his Son. I left the church at a great price but I found my God and I found and understand my Lord.

You should have sought a different church then, instead of leaving altogether. Not every church teaches the same thing, Keypurr. You've thrown the baby out with the bathwater by leaving the church instead of seeking out a different one.

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.

Meaningless from the mind of a heretic who does not know God at all.


Well-known member
Says the heretic...

I trust the church more than I would ever trust a heretic.

Everything I say comes directly from the Bible. It doesn't come from any church.

There is no darkness in the truth of scripture. Unfortunately, you have turned away from it.

You have become antichrist, and what you teach is heretical.

You should have sought a different church then, instead of leaving altogether. Not every church teaches the same thing, Keypurr. You've thrown the baby out with the bathwater by leaving the church instead of seeking out a different one.

Meaningless from the mind of a heretic who does not know God at all.

FYI. I check out other churches. They all came from the same school using the RCC standards. They are children of the world not of God and his Son.

Judge Rightly you don't, change your name it does not fit you.

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Well-known member
You don't know God of the Bible then, or His Son. God the Father begat on Son.

Your showing your confused with my thoughts. The True Son existed before the Universe was created. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The true son is a SPIRIT like the Father, not a man.

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Well-known member
JR when are you going to learn that the church is within you?
You are the Temple. Not the social club that gathers on Sunday.

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God's Truth

New member
Your showing your confused with my thoughts. The True Son existed before the Universe was created. Jesus was born in Bethlehem. The true son is a SPIRIT like the Father, not a man.

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I am not confused you are.

All humans have their own spirit within them. Jesus' spirit is the Holy Spirit.

The scriptures say Jesus CAME FROM HEAVEN.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The trinity doctrine is false. There is only one God and He is the Father.

Like I said you are confused.

2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. :poly:

God's Truth

New member
Like I said you are confused.

2 Timothy 2:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. :poly:

You chose teachers that said things you approved of.

I am taught by God.