Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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The Word is the Light that illuminates every man having come into the world. And without having and holding the Testimony of the Meshiah in uprightness and truth one does not have the Meshiah. Moreover the Word includes the Living Oracles, Living Sayings, and Living Logos-Words of the Torah, even all of the holy Scripture: but without the Testimony of the Meshiah, found in the Gospel accounts and the Apocalypse, one does not even have the Spirit of Grace which is the Testimony of the Meshiah. This is the same Spirit in me which you have already said is Satan. You have no idea Who or what the Light is, for if you did you would not have blasphemed the Light and his and my Father.

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Only the god of this egocentric world could be blasphemed, The Divine laughs at such time based drama.


New member
No Jesus is not God, and the people who say he is can't stand for someone to start a thread saying that! Why? Because they don't want to see or hear the truth. They shut their eyes and put their hands over their ears and gnashed their teeth, just like the Pharisees who didn't want to hear what Stephen had to say!

"At hearing [what Stephen said] they felt cut to their hearts and began to gnash their teeth at him....They cried out at the top of the voice and put their hands over their ears and rushed upon him with one accord. And after throwing him outside the city, they began casting stones at him." (Acts 7:54,57)

Why would anyone here who calls themselves a lover of God get rid of a thread that someone started merely to encourage a meaningful discussion? Why wouldn't they just kindly refute my statements, if they could? Is it the truth that they cannot refute the statements that Jesus is not God? So they just shut up the author and lock the thread up. What a bold-faced attempt to just gag somebody so they won't say anything that might rock their flimsy little boat. Too bad they live with such precarious support for their erroneous doctrines.

Y'all can ignore me all you want. I will continue to speak for my Lord Jesus Christ and his beloved Father, and tell whoever will listen that Jesus is THE SON of God. How can God be his own Son? Will someone stop and think about this?


Well-known member
Only the god of this egocentric world could be blasphemed, The Divine laughs at such time based drama.

One thing I know, that it is indeed "time based" in the first "age" of every man, as the Messiah teaches in the doctrine concerning the ages of a man, (it is all in the Gospel accounts if anyone has eyes to see and ears to hear). And even Paul confesses that he blasphemed, that is, when he was formerly Saul. And that is one of the reasons why Saul had to die. And yet in his second age he blasphemed no more, (when he became Paul he was given that name by the Master: and no doubt he received it having been written upon a "white light stone" of approval), for in the second age blasphemy will likewise not be forgiven according to the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, (if anyone has eyes to see it), and there is therefore no more sacrifice, as the author of Hebrews likewise states, and therefore the Father is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, as Peter also states: and therefore we have a bunch of "first-age" babies running around here blaspheming the Holy Spirit, while imagining themselves to be "saved", when they do not even have any clue what that actually means according to the scripture. So believe what you will, but what you have said is in direct opposition to the Torah and the teachings of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, and therefore it is nothing more than your own private opinion which, moreover, rejects what is already written.


Well-known member
Hi friend, I see that you quoted one of my posts but I guess your comments did not come through. :)

I guess I know that they will not listen, but I posted it again anyway. They struggle so hard to prove what they can't.

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Well-known member
I guess I know that they will not listen, but I posted it again anyway. They struggle so hard to prove what they can't.

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Oh okay, now I see, you were just reinforcing my previous comments by quoting them and bringing them up again. Thank you. And funny how what you say is already proven true by "Truster" himself, who claims that I refused to answer him while ignoring the fact that I did answer him in what you have quoted. :)


Well-known member
Oh okay, now I see, you were just reinforcing my previous comments by quoting them and bringing them up again. Thank you. And funny how what you say is already proven true by "Truster" himself, who claims that I refused to answer him while ignoring the fact that I did answer him in what you have quoted. :)

They will never understand as long as their minds are closed. It took me many years to learn that the logos and Jesus were two separate beings, one human, one spirit. They can not see the logos that God used to build the Universe. The spirit that moved across the face of the waters and brought enlightenment through the body provided for it. They fail to see that God said that was his son after the logos went into Jesus. They fail to see that Jesus needed to adjust to the knowledge and power just given to him by going into the wilderness alone. They fail to see that the Father is the only true God.

What more can we do my friend to show them?

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Well-known member
They will never understand as long as their minds are closed. It took me many years to learn that the logos and Jesus were two separate beings, one human, one spirit. They can not see the logos that God used to build the Universe. The spirit that moved across the face of the waters and brought enlightenment through the body provided for it. They fail to see that God said that was his son after the logos went into Jesus. They fail to see that Jesus needed to adjust to the knowledge and power just given to him by going into the wilderness alone. They fail to see that the Father is the only true God.

What more can we do my friend to show them?

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Amen, but as for showing anyone anything, it is a worthy endeavor because we ourselves learn from the study and discourse with others: however, in the end, when all is said and done, all of the people of Elohim are taught of Elohim.


Well-known member
One thing I know, that it is indeed "time based" in the first "age" of every man, as the Messiah teaches in the doctrine concerning the ages of a man, (it is all in the Gospel accounts if anyone has eyes to see and ears to hear). And even Paul confesses that he blasphemed, that is, when he was formerly Saul. And that is one of the reasons why Saul had to die. And yet in his second age he blasphemed no more, (when he became Paul he was given that name by the Master: and no doubt he received it having been written upon a "white light stone" of approval), for in the second age blasphemy will likewise not be forgiven according to the Testimony of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, (if anyone has eyes to see it), and there is therefore no more sacrifice, as the author of Hebrews likewise states, and therefore the Father is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, as Peter also states: and therefore we have a bunch of "first-age" babies running around here blaspheming the Holy Spirit, while imagining themselves to be "saved", when they do not even have any clue what that actually means according to the scripture. So believe what you will, but what you have said is in direct opposition to the Torah and the teachings of the Messiah in the Gospel accounts, and therefore it is nothing more than your own private opinion which, moreover, rejects what is already written.

Not going to argue with a mind /satan/devil/leviathan, you follow the script that created you're need just like we all do until the time spell is broken, you think you have found the truth which you have for the state you are in, but its a very small portion because you are still following the mental/emotional path or you wouldn't believe like Paul did who said a lot of things with a milk mustache that he set aside, for more the more excellent way where there is no condemnation or fear there of muchless wish it on anyone else.


Well-known member
Not going to argue with a mind /satan/devil/leviathan, you follow the script that created you're need just like we all do until the time spell is broken, you think you have found the truth which you have for the state you are in, but its a very small portion because you are still following the mental/emotional path or you wouldn't believe like Paul did who said a lot of things with a milk mustache that he set aside, for more the more excellent way where there is no condemnation or fear there of muchless wish it on anyone else.

False accusation: I have not wished anything on anyone except understanding, (if you only understood what has been said here because we all blaspheme, but we do not all overcome, and many die in their blasphemy, which was why I mentioned what I did about Paul also blaspheming). But if you will not believe what is written in the scripture then you will never understand what any of this conversation is truly about anyway. You refuse to even learn as Paul learned? That makes you nothing more than a thief and a robber pilfering from his words and using them to invent your own crackpot theology. You are the one with the chip on your shoulder who apparently thinks he has arrived. I am talking from the scripture in the things I say here: you speak from yourself, which is meaningless because it either comes from knowledge of other carnal men of the world or your own private darkened understanding.

"Not going to argue with a mind /satan/devil/leviathan"

More blasphemy because I speak from the scripture and the Testimony of the Messiah who is the Word of the Father. You blaspheme the Father and His Word by saying that I have the mind of "satan/devil/leviathan" when in fact I am doing as Paul teaches and putting on the mind of Messiah by way of immersing in his TESTIMONY found in the Gospel accounts which you mock and scoff at like you are above all scripture. Like I said, believe what you will, but if you are not here to convince others of what you believe, which you clearly are never going to do in a place like this, then what on earth are you doing here with people who actually DO believe the scripture? That makes you nothing more than a mocker, scoffer, and peanut gallery rock thrower and haggler.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zeke
Not going to argue with a mind /satan/devil/leviathan, you follow the script that created you're need just like we all do until the time spell is broken, you think you have found the truth which you have for the state you are in, but its a very small portion because you are still following the mental/emotional path or you wouldn't believe like Paul did who said a lot of things with a milk mustache that he set aside, for more the more excellent way where there is no condemnation or fear there of muchless wish it on anyone else.

Matthew 12:31-32 HNV
31 Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men.
32 Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him, neither in this age, nor in that which is to come.

Can you not see the two ages I spoke to you about in the above passage?
Do you think it means nothing and is completely inconsequential?

And what about "this age" from the parable of the Sower which follows the above?

Matthew 23:22 HNV
22 What was sown among the thorns, this is he who hears the word, but the cares of this age and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful.

And what then about the following which builds on the previous?

Matthew 13:39-43 HNV
39 The enemy who sowed them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.
40 As therefore the darnel weeds are gathered up and burned with fire; so will it be at the end of this age.
41 The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will gather out of his Kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and them which do Torah-less-ness,
42 and will cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
43 Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.

Yes, I am telling you from the scripture and the Testimony of the Messiah that the end of your first age is coming, it is called a harvest, if indeed you are a child of Elohim and not a bastard son, (as according to what the author of Hebrews says about bastard sons).

Luke 20:34-36
34 Yeshua said to them, The sons of this age marry, and are given in marriage.
35 But those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage.
36 For they cannot die any more, for they are like the messengers, and are sons of Elohim, being sons of the resurrection.

These two ages in the above passages are in progress right here in the here and now and have nothing to do with the eventual death of your slowly rotting carcass: for when the carcass dies off, if you are not already living, you will not be living, ever. And if you believe in reincarnation you really are utterly deceived.

And I was not talking about condemning people to hell for blasphemy but rather trying to wake you and your sleeper friends up from your dead slumber: and I spoke from the teachings of the Messiah which you have now said is the mind of Satan.


New member
Y'all can ignore me all you want. I will continue to speak for my Lord Jesus Christ and his beloved Father, and tell whoever will listen that Jesus is THE SON of God. How can God be his own Son? Will someone stop and think about this?

How can a lawyer be his own client? Stop and think about that. Are you really saying that the only way you recognize those words are in their normal carnal physical sense?