Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Well-known member
Another typical example of ad hominem with NO actual substance keypurr. You apparently have no shame at all in this regard.
You do not pray to the same god or you would KNOW who Jesus is.
And yet before Jesus left He told His disciples to pray in HIS name, so obviously again you fall short in understanding scriptures and only quote things you pull out of context to eisegete a point, NOT to actually SEE the truth.

What God do you think Jesus prayed to?

Did he pray to himself?

He taught us to pray to his Father, why is that?

Do you think at all Stan?


Jesus said: I and the Father are one.
Jesus said: If you've seen me you've seen the Father.
Jesus said: If you knew me, you would know my Father also.
Jesus said: You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.
Jesus said: If you do not believe that I am He, you will indeed die in your sins.
Jesus said: You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am.
Jesus said: Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.

I am aware of the discrepancies and contradictions in the New Testament (and the Hebrew Bible as well).

Many of your quotes seem familiar to me to have come from the Gospel of John. I stand with the majority of historians who see John's account as an early expression of Christian theology.

The Jesus in John is nothing like the itinerant rabbi wandering about the Galilean countryside. John's Jesus speaks in long, dense mystical speeches, all about himself and the importance of believing in him. There are no parables, no short sayings, no concern for the poor and the outcast, etc. There is also a sizable chunk of John's community of believers' anti-Semitism placed into Jesus' mouth.

The Jesus of the synoptics never mentions he is divine:
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good."


Only God is good and Jesus is God.
What is the meaning of Jesus' word "me" in this quotation?

Any native speaker of English knows that he is deflecting a definition of himself as God here. Besides, he never acknowledges himself as God in any of the New Testament (save for John which is theological and gnostic rather than historical).

God's Truth

New member
What is the meaning of Jesus' word "me" in this quotation?

Any native speaker of English knows that he is deflecting a definition of himself as God here. Besides, he never acknowledges himself as God in any of the New Testament (save for John which is theological and gnostic rather than historical).

Since you claim to believe in God, stop contradicting yourself by claiming God could not preserve His written Word. So then, stop putting down the Bible and trust the words written in it.

The words in the Bible are God's words. If you believe in God, then believe He can preserve His word!


New member
What God do you think Jesus prayed to?

Did he pray to himself?

He taught us to pray to his Father, why is that?

Do you think at all Stan?

What god do you think he prayed to? Was it His own God nature or the Father of His physical self?
Did ANYONE pray to the Father in the OT? Do you think about that?
Oh sorry I forgot, you DON'T think, you opine.


New member
I am aware of the discrepancies and contradictions in the New Testament (and the Hebrew Bible as well).

Many of your quotes seem familiar to me to have come from the Gospel of John. I stand with the majority of historians who see John's account as an early expression of Christian theology.

The Jesus in John is nothing like the itinerant rabbi wandering about the Galilean countryside. John's Jesus speaks in long, dense mystical speeches, all about himself and the importance of believing in him. There are no parables, no short sayings, no concern for the poor and the outcast, etc. There is also a sizable chunk of John's community of believers' anti-Semitism placed into Jesus' mouth.

The Jesus of the synoptics never mentions he is divine:
"Why do you call me good? Only God is good."

They are only such IF you don't accept the truth of our Triune God, otherwise in MY Bible there are no discrepancies or contradictions.

If you are going to make an assertions about scholars, then cite the facts.
BTW, John the Apostle did NOT write John.
There is NOTHING mystical about the writings in John. They are first hand knowledge and based on a very close and personal relationship with the Savior.

Yes that is what Jesus said, and notice He did not say, I am not good, but just like the people He directed His question at, who did not answer, you apparently don't understand what He was conveying either. He wasn't JUST a man, He was God and that is what He was conveying to those men who had called Him a GOOD teacher.


Well-known member
What god do you think he prayed to? Was it His own God nature or the Father of His physical self?
Did ANYONE pray to the Father in the OT? Do you think about that?
Oh sorry I forgot, you DON'T think, you opine.

The son was not known in the OT.

Do you believe in Santa?


Since you claim to believe in God, stop contradicting yourself by claiming God could not preserve His written Word. So then, stop putting down the Bible and trust the words written in it.

The words in the Bible are God's words. If you believe in God, then believe He can preserve His word!
At this stage of the game, I have learned that everyone brings their own set of lenses to study the Bible. I think it is important to try and connect with what Jesus actually said and did instead of projecting my own modern outlook on people living and writing in the first century.

So because I preference certain literal verses in the Bible over others, that then means I am putting down the Bible??


You make me confused. You know as well as I do that God is not the author of confusion. His truth will always highlight the conflict between opposing theologies and traditions in the text.


They are only such IF you don't accept the truth of our Triune God, otherwise in MY Bible there are no discrepancies or contradictions.

If you are going to make an assertions about scholars, then cite the facts.
BTW, John the Apostle did NOT write John.
There is NOTHING mystical about the writings in John. They are first hand knowledge and based on a very close and personal relationship with the Savior.

Yes that is what Jesus said, and notice He did not say, I am not good, but just like the people He directed His question at, who did not answer, you apparently don't understand what He was conveying either. He wasn't JUST a man, He was God and that is what He was conveying to those men who had called Him a GOOD teacher.
I interpret the Bible differently. I think I am honest and respectful of the text because I acknowledge there are discrepancies and contradictions and because they are all IN the Bible, I must honestly confront them and take them all seriously.

On a fundamental level, I cannot begrudge other believers for preferring a certain biblical tradition or theology over other traditions and theologies.

I am doing the best I can, but as a finite and imperfect human being I have to be accountable for the truth that I can only cherry-pick what actually resonates with me. It is an immense, infinite orchard God has and I certainly cannot harvest every piece of fruit.

If I can find out what a passage or verse actually meant to its original writer and audience it will make more sense to me. I used to twist the ancient knowledge in the Bible to my own 21st century modern beliefs but I soon found I was demanding this knowledge prove my own personal theology.

I know now this is not so. But if I am to follow the truth wherever it leads me, I will learn the truth. If I focus on Jesus and what he was really saying, I can truly arrive home free--and I feel I have.

I no longer have to leave my brain out in the parking lot before I enter a church or get to learn someone else's belief system.


New member
Wrong again Stan, Jesus was flesh he did not BECOME flesh. A spirit being became flesh. I hope that helps you to find the right road.

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.