Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit, no, Jesus is not God. Jesus is a man, but Christ is a spirit. God did not come in the flesh, he sent his son Christ to live in the flesh. Your confused friend. Christ came in the flesh. Christ, God's first creation was sent to us. Christ is a form of God yet not the most high God. Christ is a creation, the firstborn of all CREATURES. Col 1:15, Heb 1:3.

Then what is the Word who was with God and was God. Your explanation is convoluted.

Jesus is the Word, that is obvious:

John 1:14 King James Version (KJV)

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

And Jesus, the Word, was God, also obvious:

John 1:1 King James Version (KJV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

You reject the elementary premise of the scripture. The unveiling of Jesus Christ as God the Son.


Well-known member
Then what is the Word who was with God and was God. Your explanation is convoluted.

Jesus is the Word, that is obvious:

John 1:14 King James Version (KJV)

14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

And Jesus, the Word, was God, also obvious:

John 1:1 King James Version (KJV)

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

You reject the elementary premise of the scripture. The unveiling of Jesus Christ as God the Son.

Christ is the the word, Christ was with God and is a form of God. Christ, NOT JESUS. JESUS BECAME THE CHRIST when Christ took over his body. The word BECAME flesh, it was not flesh, it was spirit like the early translations told us. Jesus is the flesh son of God. But Christ is the spiritual son, Christ is the son that God SENT. Christ spoke and acted through the body prepared for him. Heb 10:5. It is the Christ that was in Jesus that is Devine. Jesus is the man, Christ is the spirit. The logos is the spirit that God used to create everything. Christ is and was the highest of all creation, he is a created FORM of God. He could die and suffer for us. God himself can not die. For God so loved the world that he SENT his son to save us. Christ took the form of man to suffer for you and me BR. Christ was returned to the glory he had before he came to dwell in Jesus.

BR, the theory given to me fits all scripture. It explains the man Jesus and the son Christ. God is a spiritual being, so is his express image. Col 1:15 not only tells you he is a spirit it tells you that he is a creation. All images are creations, he is firstborn of all creatures.

There is only one true God my valued friend, the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:3.


Well-known member
The "truth" as you see it! Nobody else in their right mind will

agree with you though!

Disprove it GM. You can't.

Most church goers just accept religion as it was taught to them. Even the Pastors are traditionalist. Most are content to sit and soak in the same old dribble week after week. I am not that way, I was, then I grew up. Santa will not stop at my house GM for I out grew him. The neither will the Easter bunny or the tooth fairy. I had to prove to myself that the Bible really is the word of God. Then I had to find all the truth I could about him because the churches fail to do so. Stay in the comfort of darkness if you chose GM, I prefer the light of the Son of God. You have no idea who he is.

patrick jane

No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit, no, Jesus is not God. Jesus is a man, but Christ is a spirit. God did not come in the flesh, he sent his son Christ to live in the flesh. Your confused friend. Christ came in the flesh. Christ, God's first creation was sent to us. Christ is a form of God yet not the most high God. Christ is a creation, the firstborn of all CREATURES. Col 1:15, Heb 1:3.

NO NO NO keypurr - see John 1 my brother ! Jesus the man - Christ the Spirit - God in the flesh. it had to be, it is God's Will. that no soul should perish. i'll find you in heaven and and then we will know. you have alot of company, so do i. God knows we won't understand it all. do you want a God you understand completely. self - pride - ego makes us think we can:patrol:

patrick jane

Christ is the the word, Christ was with God and is a form of God. Christ, NOT JESUS. JESUS BECAME THE CHRIST when Christ took over his body. The word BECAME flesh, it was not flesh, it was spirit like the early translations told us. Jesus is the flesh son of God. But Christ is the spiritual son, Christ is the son that God SENT. Christ spoke and acted through the body prepared for him. Heb 10:5. It is the Christ that was in Jesus that is Devine. Jesus is the man, Christ is the spirit. The logos is the spirit that God used to create everything. Christ is and was the highest of all creation, he is a created FORM of God. He could die and suffer for us. God himself can not die. For God so loved the world that he SENT his son to save us. Christ took the form of man to suffer for you and me BR. Christ was returned to the glory he had before he came to dwell in Jesus.

BR, the theory given to me fits all scripture. It explains the man Jesus and the son Christ. God is a spiritual being, so is his express image. Col 1:15 not only tells you he is a spirit it tells you that he is a creation. All images are creations, he is firstborn of all creatures.

There is only one true God my valued friend, the Father and God of Jesus Christ. John 17:3.

God sent Himself. Jesus. it IS amazing, don' get caught up in individual words. absorb the whole:plain:

patrick jane

The Word was with God in The BEGINNING, Jesus is The WORD fleshly AND Spiritually. God lived as a man on earth. He had to. with all of the limitations of every man of that time, except miracles, healing and His Word. if you don't get it yet, you will. it's ok. i have considered many of the same points you make as well as many many others. we each arrive at "our own understanding". you may have been seeking God through Jesus longer than me. bravo. peace


Well-known member
NO NO NO keypurr - see John 1 my brother ! Jesus the man - Christ the Spirit - God in the flesh. it had to be, it is God's Will. that no soul should perish. i'll find you in heaven and and then we will know. you have alot of company, so do i. God knows we won't understand it all. do you want a God you understand completely. self - pride - ego makes us think we can:patrol:

Dear friend, I disagree with you and your church. God did NOT come to save us. He sent his son Christ to do that. It is time to start putting the milk aside and eat the meat of his words. There is much more to God and his Christ than you will learn in church.

All souls are mine says the Lord, the soul that sin will die. Study your Bible with prayer for understanding friend. I have been reading the scriptures for about seventy years. And I am still learning.


Well-known member
The Word was with God in The BEGINNING, Jesus is The WORD fleshly AND Spiritually. God lived as a man on earth. He had to. with all of the limitations of every man of that time, except miracles, healing and His Word. if you don't get it yet, you will. it's ok. i have considered many of the same points you make as well as many many others. we each arrive at "our own understanding". you may have been seeking God through Jesus longer than me. bravo. peace

Jesus is NOT the word, the Christ IN him is the word. The Christ in him was with God at the beginning. Jesus was BORN to Mary.

So much to learn friend, so much. God did not come as Jesus, he sent his son to do that. God can not die, Christ took the form of man and died.

patrick jane

Jesus is NOT the word, the Christ IN him is the word. The Christ in him was with God at the beginning. Jesus was BORN to Mary.

So much to learn friend, so much. God did not come as Jesus, he sent his son to do that. God can not die, Christ took the form of man and died.

yes, He Is His SON. so much to understand. you can't just learn. eventually you put the book down and apply it in your life. pray for understanding. not worldy, earthly, simple understanding. but Spiritual Understanding. you'll be so much more comfortable with yourself, at peace, content. you can see it in the eyes of those who know. it's an understanding that makes life even more beautiful and meaningful. and you are correct. your last sentence says it. just make the connection. YOU CAN DOOO IIIT ! !:BRAVO:


Well-known member
yes, He Is His SON. so much to understand. you can't just learn. eventually you put the book down and apply it in your life. pray for understanding. not worldy, earthly, simple understanding. but Spiritual Understanding. you'll be so much more comfortable with yourself, at peace, content. you can see it in the eyes of those who know. it's an understanding that makes life even more beautiful and meaningful. and you are correct. your last sentence says it. just make the connection. YOU CAN DOOO IIIT ! !:BRAVO:

Patrick I am very comfortable in my faith and understanding of the scriptures. I am totally at peace with myself and my God. I have a spiritual understanding that is deep enough to live comfortable and at peace. I await for my Lord to return to bring me home.

I was a very active church member for many years. I sat in church three days a week. I was on the board, chairman of a committee, my wife and I were youth advisors. But I found church lacking of a good educational foundation. It was the same o, same o, week after week. I felt no spirit in the church, just bla, bla, bla. Finely I left, that was years ago. Now I have found my God and his son. So please do not worry about me knowing who God is.

patrick jane

Patrick I am very comfortable in my faith and understanding of the scriptures. I am totally at peace with myself and my God. I have a spiritual understanding that is deep enough to live comfortable and at peace. I await for my Lord to return to bring me home.

I was a very active church member for many years. I sat in church three days a week. I was on the board, chairman of a committee, my wife and I were youth advisors. But I found church lacking of a good educational foundation. It was the same o, same o, week after week. I felt no spirit in the church, just bla, bla, bla. Finely I left, that was years ago. Now I have found my God and his son. So please do not worry about me knowing who God is.

thank you, that explains it. you're done growing. reached the pinnacle of understanding. as we grow old and realize just how short of a life we are blessed with, we must reach a level of understanding that comforts us. or have inner strife until we pass. i respect your knowledge and wisdom, not at all worried for you. i know what you mean about not feeling the Spirit in a church. too many. i know you know God. i don't believe any one man knows God better than others. it's an individual journey. i'm sure we both know folks that can quote scripture left and right but don't walk the walk. it's discouraging. not you, but you know what i mean.:noid:

God's Truth

New member
The WORD is not Jesus, the WORD is the spirit Christ. Christ came to us from his God. Christ is the son SENT not Jesus. Jesus is just the body prepared for Christ to dwell in.

Jesus is the Word of God.

Revelation 19:13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

God's Truth

New member
No Jesus is not the Holy Spirit, no, Jesus is not God. Jesus is a man, but Christ is a spirit. God did not come in the flesh, he sent his son Christ to live in the flesh. Your confused friend. Christ came in the flesh. Christ, God's first creation was sent to us. Christ is a form of God yet not the most high God. Christ is a creation, the firstborn of all CREATURES. Col 1:15, Heb 1:3.

Jesus is God come in the flesh. That is what the scriptures tell us.

Jesus is the Word, and the Word was God.

God's Truth

New member
Dear friend, I disagree with you and your church. God did NOT come to save us. He sent his son Christ to do that. It is time to start putting the milk aside and eat the meat of his words. There is much more to God and his Christ than you will learn in church.

All souls are mine says the Lord, the soul that sin will die. Study your Bible with prayer for understanding friend. I have been reading the scriptures for about seventy years. And I am still learning.

You make two Sons sent by God. That is not biblical.

You say God has a Son named Christ, and another Son named Jesus.

That is nonsense.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus raised himself.

John 10:18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father."

John 2:19 Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."

Jesus and God are the same. That is why some scripture says God raised Jesus, and other scriptures say Jesus raised himself

The Holy Spirit raised Jesus.

1 Peter 3:18 For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit,

(Jesus was made alive by the Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is his Spirit.)

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Because The Messiah also died once for the sake of our sins, The Righteous One in the place of sinners, to bring you to God, and he died in body and lived in his Spirit.