Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Keep in mind friend God created al through his first creation, his spiritual son Christ. Christ is the son that he sent, not Jesus. Genesis only supports the fact that God and his son did the work.

Do you really think anybodies gonna 'buy' your baloney? Come on
now, tell us you're just kidding around, and we'll go easy on ya.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The start of creation of which Christ is firstborn. First of all creatures as it tells you in Col 1:15. God created everything through his son Christ.
Jesus was born, everyone born is a creation. Your either a creation or God, Jesus grew in wisdom and died so he does not pass the test for being God.
Manifested simply means to make known, you do not need to be God to make known of him.

John 17:3 tells it all my friend. Christ is a servant of his God.

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You sure are 'confused!'

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The start of creation of which Christ is firstborn. First of all creatures as it tells you in Col 1:15. God created everything through his son Christ.
Jesus was born, everyone born is a creation. Your either a creation or God, Jesus grew in wisdom and died so he does not pass the test for being God.
Manifested simply means to make known, you do not need to be God to make known of him.

John 17:3 tells it all my friend. Christ is a servant of his God.

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You're a 'Heretic' plain and simple!


Well-known member
Jesus, a man, became the Christ when he was anointed with Christ.
That's heresy, plain and simple. He was slain from the foundation of the world. That is not possible for a man. He said, Himself: "Before Abraham was I am." A man could not say that.


Anti Trinitarians belives Christ is not a person but a principle, a consciousness according to New Age philosophy.


Well-known member
That's heresy, plain and simple. He was slain from the foundation of the world. That is not possible for a man. He said, Himself: "Before Abraham was I am." A man could not say that.

Explain the power Jesus received in Acts 10:38.
Explain the body prepared for Christ in Heb 20:5.

Christ spoke through Jesus. Jesus was born, he is a creature like us. But the spirit in him is a form of God. Think Aimiel. Do not listen to clanging symbols like GM who have no verses to support his words.

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Well-known member
Bingo! Yes he is and has been for a long time. Talking to him is like talking to a rock. He has to hold on to his garbage, made-up doctrine at any cost.

Your blogs are so far off base. You are a follower not a leader. Any one who listens to the fool GM needs help.

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Well-known member
Never heard "Jesus was a god " in my life. You're the first.

He is the son/servant of his God. Son of the most high God. He was a spiritual being like his creator. He entered Jesus at his anointing. Christ spoke and acted through the body prepared for him in Heb 10:5. Christ came with power for he was given the fullness of the Father. God created everything through his Christ.

I am not a JW but they use the term a god in their translation. There is only one true God, Jesus tells you that in John 17:3. Jesus Christ was made Lord of all creation by his God and our God. Christ is the EXPRESS image of the Father, so he is not God, he is a god.

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Well-known member
Just a man could not redeem the human race! If He's not God, then you are running in vain.

He had to be a man to be the Lamb of God. Yet he was more than a man because the Christ in him is a created FORM of God. I run with ALL the facts concerning his origin and job. For many years I believed as you do Sheila, then I needed more questions to be answered. I was quite active in church and it was very hard for me to leave it. But my Lord was calling me to seek his truth and I have been. I got my first Bible 67 years ago and I have tried to understand the words on the pages. My Bible study always starts with a prayer for understanding, he has answered some of those prayers.

Christ is a creation, the spiritual son of the most high God. He was/is a spirit that took the form of flesh to die for us. Christ is the son sent to dwell in the body prepared for him, that was Jesus, the sinless human, God's flesh son. Jesus became the Christ, for Christ came with the wisdom of the creator.

Sheila, Jesus Christ is a very special person. But he is not God. He was sent by God to reveal to us the awesum God we have and that great love God has for us. For he sent his son to pay the price for our sins.

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Well-known member
Explain the power Jesus received in Acts 10:38.
Acts 10:38
How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.


Matthew 28:18

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.
Explain the body prepared for Christ in Heb 20:5.
I don't know how many chapters are in your Book of Hebrews, but I did find, in Hebrews 10:5:

Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me:

Jesus came into the world from His previous place (Heaven) and entered the egg in Mary's womb, when she conceived.
Christ spoke through Jesus.
Chapter and verse, please.
Jesus was born, he is a creature like us.
No doubt, but He is also God.
But the spirit in him is a form of God.
The Spirit OF God...

Romans 8:9

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Think Aimiel. Do not listen to clanging symbols like GM who have no verses to support his words.
I listen to The Spirit of The Lord, which is Who showed me that Christ is God, in the first place. When you're following Him and not a stranger, you don't have to think, you just know.


He is the son/servant of his God. Son of the most high God. He was a spiritual being like his creator. He entered Jesus at his anointing. Christ spoke and acted through the body prepared for him in Heb 10:5. Christ came with power for he was given the fullness of the Father. God created everything through his Christ.

I am not a JW but they use the term a god in their translation. There is only one true God, Jesus tells you that in John 17:3. Jesus Christ was made Lord of all creation by his God and our God. Christ is the EXPRESS image of the Father, so he is not God, he is a god.

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Why use the non existant god?