Jesus is God !


Well-known member
We don't believe in the same God and Jesus, your Jesus might not be God, but the one I believe in is both The Son of God and God, so see you at the Judgment !

You are making up your own scriptures.

KJV N.T. - When Jesus was on earth in a physical body he was the 'son of man'.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is now in His Spirit body seated on the right side of God. In this format Jesus is the 'son of God'. This means that Jesus have a seat and God have a separate and different seat.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is not God.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is the way to God.

I am pleased that Jesus is my way to God and that he is not God. I am in Christ and Jesus differs in no way from me, except that Jesus is the head of the body of Christ. Jesus is my big divine brother and we are both sons of God.

If you do not know Jesus as your divine brother then you do not know Him and you are not known to Him. You simply have some intellectual concept about Jesus.

You deny that no one comes on to God but through Jesus. Although this is his God given right. You therefore deny Jesus, He and God, cannot be pleased with you.

You erroneously, boldly and blasphemously promote that you and other humans can come directly onto God, the Holy Spirit. You are doomed. When you go directly to God His door will be 'closed' to you. God expect you to go through His Son, Jesus to come onto Him. Fact is if Jesus (as a separate entity) does not confess you to God you will not be known to God. Sad but it seems that you are very misled and kind of 'gone through'.

At all times, Jesus has to be 'of man' and 'of God' in order to intercede with God on behalf of humans.

You foolishly deny Jesus His God ordained position.


Well-known member

You are making up your own scriptures.

KJV N.T. - When Jesus was on earth in a physical body he was the 'son of man'.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is now in His Spirit body seated on the right side of God. In this format Jesus is the 'son of God'.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is not God.

KJV N.T. - Jesus is the way to God.

I am pleased that He my the way to God and that he is not God.

You deny that no one comes on to God but through Jesus.

You erroneously, boldly and blasphemously believe and promote that you and other humans can come directly onto God, the Holy Spirit.

At all times, Jesus has to be of man and of God in order to intercede with God on behalf of humans.

You foolishly deny Jesus His God ordained position.
You don't believe the scripture, or in God or in the Son of God !!


He is Omnipresent but His Son is unique in that He is God and ALL of God not just part. The fulness of The Godhead dwells in Him. God is able to be and do more than you have imagined.

Omnipresent means all at once so all at once was already done eternity ago and you try to imagine Him can do more?

Are you telling Him He hasn't done enough for you and you demand your rights to free will?


Eclectic Theosophist
Truth, Self-evident......

Truth, Self-evident......


More evasion and rabbit trail !

My former points here and elsewhere hold :)

Only 'God' is 'God', pure Spirit, pure Consciousness, pure Being.

Jesus is 'God' inasmuch as he reveals, expresses and radiates 'God', in essence, form and consciousness.

Again, we go back to what exists before any image, thought or conception, and see 'that' as the 'original essence'. It is the essence of consciousness itself, the nature of 'being'.


No need for 'rabbit trails' unless you like to cover old ground in a number of ways, since there is no 'path' to 'reality', since it is all-inclusive, ever-present and all-encompassing. You cannot be separate from the reality in which you inhere, it is impossible. This reality is all there is....of all there it is. Theistically we call this reality 'God',....having both 'personal' and 'non-personal' qualities and attributes.



Well-known member
Omnipresent means all at once so all at once was already done eternity ago and you try to imagine Him can do more?

Are you telling Him He hasn't done enough for you and you demand your rights to free will?

No, merely stating that God put all of Himself into human form I Jesus.


Eclectic Theosophist
different flowers in a field............

different flowers in a field............


Your evasion and rabbit trail holds also !

My explanations of 'God' clearly pointing to the awareness prior to any thoughts or concepts...holds. There is only this reality, now conscious of itself, and all that appears before a dance of light to the senses (whether internal/external).....all is a play of mind. It might behoove your religious sentiments to consider your concept of 'god' could be a well intentioned 'illusion' or 'creation' of your own mind. I'm willing to consider my concepts could very well be that and more,.....since all is a creative play of consciousness :)

Again, can pick or choose your own favorite 'rabbit trail' in the great terrain,...but you have ever before you the one reality of Existence, simply matter what arises. Throw any god-concept or 'theological-construct' up into the field that you like (you're the painter, space is the canvas),....its just a 'point of view' you've CHOSEN over other points of view floating out there in infinity. Kinda puts things in 'perspective' eh?



Well-known member
My explanations of 'God' clearly pointing to the awareness prior to any thoughts or concepts...holds. There is only this reality, now conscious of itself, and all that appears before a dance of light to the senses (whether internal/external).....all is a play of mind. It might behoove your religious sentiments to consider your concept of 'god' could be a well intentioned 'illusion' or 'creation' of your own mind. I'm willing to consider my concepts could very well be that and more,.....since all is a creative play of consciousness :)

Again, can pick or choose your own favorite 'rabbit trail' in the great terrain,...but you have ever before you the one reality of Existence, simply matter what arises. Throw any god-concept or 'theological-construct' up into the field that you like (you're the painter, space is the canvas),....its just a 'point of view' you've CHOSEN over other points of view floating out there in infinity. Kinda puts things in 'perspective' eh?


Worthless post !


Eclectic Theosophist
God Alone is INFINITE.........

God Alone is INFINITE.........

And another !

You have yet to prove 'Jesus is God', let alone address every point already shared that challenges or expands upon such an assumption, since much depends on our definition of 'God' and how Jesus the Son of God represents his Father. Jesus is a personality born in time, developed and perfected in time. This is the case, historically speaking.

Real God is timeless, unborn, undying, incorporeal, infinite. I gather the 'difference' here is apparent.

Remember, only 'God' is 'God',....while Jesus, Joe, John, Mary or Elizabeth (throw in any 'personality' you like) is a person born of God, developed, organized, processed in time. These 'personalities' have beginnings.



Well-known member
You have yet to prove 'Jesus is God', let alone address every point already shared that challenges or expands upon such an assumption, since much depends on our definition of 'God' and how Jesus the Son of God represents his Father. Jesus is a personality born in time, developed and perfected in time. This is the case, historically speaking.

Real God is timeless, unborn, undying, incorporeal, infinite. I gather the 'difference' here is apparent.

Remember, only 'God' is 'God',....while Jesus, Joe, John, Mary or Elizabeth (throw in any 'personality' you like) is a person born of God, developed, organized, processed in time. These 'personalities' have beginnings.


And yet another !