C'mon Tots !!You've never seen nothing like it.
C'mon Tots !!You've never seen nothing like it.
There will be more Chinese and Indians and Pakistani'sThere will be more blacks than white in heaven
C'mon Tots !!
There will be more Chinese and Indians and Pakistani's
Oh really ?Indians and Pakis are black
Indians and Pakis are black
The Color of the C-A-R-N-A-L BEING Does NOT Matter AT ALL!!!! IT'S The Color of the ""Spiritual S-O-U-L"". BLACK / D-A-R-K - OR - WHITE / L-I-G-H-T; A-N-D YOURS IS D-A-R-K / B-L-A-C-K!!!!!! - (( That's What GOD SAYS )) - Y-o-u Stupid Pile of DARK CRAP!!!!!!!!!
((((( Revelation 16:10 KJV )))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 060716
You are contradicting your nonsense without end thread
((((( I S-H-O-W-E-D -- Y-O-U What G-O-D Said ))))) You ""F-O-O-L""!!!!!!!!!! N-O-W Shove I-T UP YOU N-O-S-E!!!!!!!!!
PAUL, DAVID -- 060716
Come come, let me teach you
Question no.1.
What does Good news mean?
Question no.2.
What does to every creature mean?
Now that is no way to speak to your teacher
Question no.3.
What is basically the difference between blessing people and cursing them?
Question. no.4
Can someone curse and bless out of the same mouth?
- Y-o-u Stupid Pile of DARK CRAP!!!!!!!!!