JESUS: God's Predestinated Savior of the World

Ben Masada

New member
Jesus - God's Predestinated Savior of the World.

I don't think so. The world has become many times worse as the condition of being lost is concerned since Jesus died than from before he was born. Who failed here, Jesus or God? If you ask me, none; neither Jesus nor God but Paul because the idea comes from his gospel aka the NT and not from the gospel of Jesus aka the Tanach.


Well-known member
Jesus - God's Predestinated Savior of the World.

I don't think so. The world has become many times worse as the condition of being lost is concerned since Jesus died than from before he was born. Who failed here, Jesus or God? If you ask me, none; neither Jesus nor God but Paul because the idea comes from his gospel aka the NT and not from the gospel of Jesus aka the Tanach.

Do you think its much more golden calf worship now like the jews did ?

patrick jane

Jesus - God's Predestinated Savior of the World.

I don't think so. The world has become many times worse as the condition of being lost is concerned since Jesus died than from before he was born. Who failed here, Jesus or God? If you ask me, none; neither Jesus nor God but Paul because the idea comes from his gospel aka the NT and not from the gospel of Jesus aka the Tanach.

I don't like Judaizers


Well-known member
I don't believe you, a man that denies that Christ death alone saved them He died for,making Him a failure!

Peter warned there are false teachers who can and will deny Him, bringing swift destruction upon themselves...even though He bought them.

How's that square with election, since according to you only the elect are "bought"?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Peter warned there are false teachers who can and will deny Him, bringing swift destruction upon themselves...even though He bought them.

How's that square with election, since according to you only the elect are "bought"?

Good question, but I doubt if he will answer it.


Well-known member
He's ignoring every question I ask. I'm convinced he's a long game troll, a fake...despite his logically correct Calvinism. I found a website where atheists talk about having fun playing the long game on Christian websites. A few of them said being hardcore Catholics or Calvinist is their act. The positions are relatively simple to mimic, especially if one was raised in that religion. Would be much tougher and less fun to fake being, say, a hardcore Methodist.

Ben Masada

New member
I don't like Judaizers

That's okay. You are not alone. When I read the Essay of Mark Twain about the Jews, I soon realized why some people don't like Jews. How about Christianizers, to you like them? I don't dislike them, though the problem is that they just don't have what it takes to Christianize a Jew.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
That's okay. You are not alone. When I read the Essay of Mark Twain about the Jews, I soon realized why some people don't like Jews. How about Christianizers, to you like them? I don't dislike them, though the problem is that they just don't have what it takes to Christianize a Jew.

If you are waiting for a Christian to Christianize you who is a Jew, forget it.

The law should tell you that you have missed the mark and stand before God's court as a sinner.

You may not believe that now, but you will believe it in the judgment.