Arsenios said:
Nowhere in Scripture is it written that the Holy Spirit baptizes...
How is it you are so willfully ignorant?
What is your point in deliberately being so?
I don't get it.
Now aside from the sheer fun of getting your goat, I enjoy saying true things as things that are true...
The petting of your feathers from tail to head is simply an incidental benefit, irreligious of how much it tickles me...
And you always seem to come down to moral indignation and accusation and condemnation,
which does add, I should confess right away, a certain
SAVOR to the tastiness of it all...
EVERYWHERE in Scripture,
WHENEVER Baptism is mentioned,
it is ALWAYS being done at the hands of men
who baptize IN the power of the Holy Spirit,
and it is NEVER done BY the Holy Spirit
apart from the men who are the
ACTUAL DOERS of the Baptism...
Ananias, for instance - Remember him?
The one who did not want to go see Paul?
He it is, as Scripture faithfully records,
who GAVE TO PAUL the Holy Spirit
which up to that time PAUL DID NOT HAVE...
Remember that?
Do you not remember that this is WHY Christ sent him to Paul...??
He said to Paul that the very Christ Who had appeared to Paul on the road
had sent him, Ananias,
in order that Paul should receive his sight, remember?
And what ELSE???
That Paul should receive the Holy Spirit...
"That thou shouldest be filled with the Holy Spirit..." were the exact words, if I recall correctly...
Please correct me if I am in error, my old brain goes off on side-tracks all too frequently these days...
So what did Ananias DO???
He laid his hands on Paul, and what happened?
"As it were SCALES fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight..."
Remember that?
So that the first half of his words were fulfilled, that he should regain his sight...
And THEN what happened???
Paul AROSE, remember?
And he was BAPTIZED...
So WHO baptized Paul?
Ananias baptized Paul...
WHO filled Paul with the Holy Spirit?
Ananias filled Paul with the Holy Spirit...
THAT is WHY Christ SENT Ananias to Paul...
That Paul be FILLED with the Holy Spirit...
I should perhaps mention that Ananias could not GIVE what he did not POSSESS in order to give...
And the only way, to have to give what he did have to give,
is to have received it himself from someone who himself had it to give to him...
This is HOW Christ is the Baptizer of men into Himself
at the hands of His Servants IN HIMSELF,
in His Body, the Ekklesia of God...
Now I know that you like to call this "WILLFUL IGNORANCE"
(Notice that I did manage to correct your mis-spelling of willful
which you had rendered "wilful", mind you...]
but perhaps you can manage to simply address the issues
and sprinkle some holy water on that demon who insists
that you impugn the moral character of every person
who has the brassy cheek to actually disagree with you...