Jesus and the word of God


Well-known member
My dear friend. You have been deceived. The Assembly I attend teaches nothing but the love of the Father. If we know His love it is all that is needed.

I do also BR, love is the key to a happy life. It's not what you do for yourself that makes you a success, it's what you do for others, that is what will glorify the Father in your actions. By reflecting his love to other folks who need it.

I wish my life had more God and less church in it. I was so caught up in the business of running a church that it just turned me off. You were lucky if you found comfort in your Assembly, I did not experience that. I found church cold and barren. I felt no love, just folks being like robots and doing what their parents did.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I do also BR, love is the key to a happy life. It's not what you do for yourself that makes you a success, it's what you do for others, that is what will glorify the Father in your actions. By reflecting his love to other folks who need it.

I wish my life had more God and less church in it. I was so caught up in the business of running a church that it just turned me off. You were lucky if you found comfort in your Assembly, I did not experience that. I found church cold and barren. I felt no love, just folks being like robots and doing what their parents did.

I'm sorry to hear that and hope that you find some solace here on TOL.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear that and hope that you find some solace here on TOL.

I have found that and so much more friend. TOL is a great place to share our faith. I am glad that the owners allow me to be honest with my thoughts. I only wish I could be more help to financially support this site more, but my budget is tight. Knight knows that I disagree with most yet her has not hindered me from giving my opinion. That says a lot of three folks who pull the strings.

This is my second home. I love everyone on it but I do not agree with them.