Originally posted by JayHoover
Really great circular reaosning. If, as you say, this scenario exists, of course there are no black workers with those skills: Your racist policies and sympathies perpetuate that situation.
:darwinsm: Yeah, it's MY fault blacks don't get into the trades! :darwinsm:
<-- This is a racist viewpoint, no doubt about it.
Wrong, it's a business viewpoint. I wonder how many white folks BET employs. Or professional Basketball Teams? Or black churches?
Being black doesn't make one more or less likely to behave in anyway other than courteously amd professionally.
It most certainly does. The ratio of blacks in prison is at a higher ratio than the percentage of blacks in America. Also, I can't understand them when they speak their jive talk ebonics, can you imagine how difficult it would be for my customers? I'm not going to put them or myself in that situation, whether you like it or not! :banana:
Whether you like it or not, such a belief as you've outlined is, by deifnition, RACIST.
:yawn: You wouldn't understand business if I spent all day explaining it to you.
Precisely. This is evidence that you too are as racist as they are. You certainly run your business to cater to this racist, irraitonal and unsupported fear you claim "white rich Southerners" suffer from.
That's just good business. I am not a racist in any way. I have hired blacks in the past and even opened up my home to one when he needed a place to live for a few months.
You are as much a part of the problem, and your practices are illegal as well as unethical.
They are not illegal in any way. They are also not unethical. You are a political correct Nazi who wishes to impose his liberal views on the rest of America. To you, I just laugh in your pathetic, commie face. :darwinsm:
A man's skin color, his religion, and his politics is irrelevant to his talents, whatever they may be.
They are relevant to whether or not he gets a job with my company.
If a person can do the job skilfully, you are ethically bound to hire him.
:darwinsm: You are a complete idiot! There are a lot more considerations that go into the hiring process than an applicants skill. Instead of me listing them for you, why don't you sit down, take a few minutes and come up with a list of your own? I'll grade you on your level of understanding how this whole thing works.
You are legally obligated as well,
No I am Not!
but enforcing it can be difficult.
Yeah, no kidding! I suppose you [being the commie that you are] would like to force owners of private businesses to employ persons based on racial quotas. That, my my commie friend, is TRUE Racism.
So let us have you convict yourself out of your own mouth:
If a black Jewish man displays exactly the skills you require for your job, would you hire him?
Nope. [Sammy Davis Jr. has been dead for years.]
(And I've dropped the woman issue because you probably have cause in terms of physical abilities, but women can be skilled contractors as well. I know -- my gf built a business on it and did the heavy work herself. But I'll let that pass simply because your obvious racism is far easier to illustrate than is your sexism.)
Mrs. BillyBob helped me on a job today, but I have no female employees. The reasons are numerous and I won't bother listing them as you have already conceded that I am not a 'sexist'.
We're not talking about quotas here, and you know the tenor of this debate is beyond such nonsense as numbers for numbers sake. I specifically am saying that who you hire would need to have the skills, but you started this by making a blanket statement that A) you have a discriminatory criteria that you always apply and B) It's not illegal.
And I stand by that. Do you have a problem with freedom?
A) You discriminate on the basis of race and religion and
B) Yes -- it's ILLEGAL
No it isn't.
Let's test your claim. I'lkl pay for it 100%
Then let's test it. where should we place this public advertisment? Please send me the name of your local paper and yourt information. It will be a discreet ad with the copy as I noted.
I have told you 3 times now that I do not hire by way of ads.
On a forum anonymously is not in a public newspaper. Surely you can tell the difference?
I don't read the local newspaper, it's too liberal for my tastes.
Discriminating based on religion and race is illegal.
NO IT ISN'T!!!!!
And you are probably right. Where is racism scripturally supported? If this were purely sexism, you'd be right of course. Sexism and religious bias is definitely the hallmark of Christianity. But racism? I don't believe it is.
I'm not a racist.
Depends on the why. You are all balls and pride when claiming this hiring criteria of yours here online where you can't be investigated for discriminatory practices. I am curious if your lion;s heart extends to the real world.
Of course it does.
Let's do this ad thing. It's perfectly legal you say. Let's see if it is.
If you want to take out an ad, be my guest.
So? Don;t hire anyone. You just said you don;t have to hire anyone you don't want to hire.
Of course I don't. Would you prefer I didn't have the freedom of choice?
It does when the correctness happens to synchronize with ethics. Your discrimination policies are neither correct nor ethical.
There is nothing ethical about a government who attempts to impose a liberal agenda which takes away freedom.
I'll pay to rpove it. Send PM me the information and I'll run the ad in your local community. Let's see how legal your standards are. Remember, you don't have to hire anyone you don't want to hire-- and it will cost you absolutely nothing.
PM me the info, BillyBob.
I'll give you the info right here:
Gerald E. Vil
666 Fire-n-Brimstone Lane
Hades, Hell
I'll run the ad. What do you have to lose? You may find some very talented black non-Christian liberals who would make your business soar mightily than it presently does with such stellar leadership such as yourself.
And if you don't-- don't hire 'em!
But let's run that ad, shall we? My treat.
No, of course you wouldn't. You are a shining example of Christian goodness.
The entire point that you seem incapable of grasping is that I have the right to hire and fire at will without consulting the government.