The only time I see distinction between spirit/soul is when the regenerated soul is indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God,
Who alone distributes epignosis knowledge to that human spirit/soul.
Right. It's because of spiritual death (thanatos), into which we are conceived and inevitably results in hamartia (singular articular, the inner sin condition).
It's not that the spirit and soul aren't distinct, it's that the spirit is "buried" in the soul and needs to be resurrected unto zoe life from within. That can only happen via the Logos piercing and dividing asunder. And it's not a separation, it's a (re-)distribution.
The Rhema is the sword of the Spirit. The wielding of the sword is the Logos. So only the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can do this diikneomai and merismos, having been distributed at Pentecost.
Before conversion, the human spirit is present and only marginally internally functional; but with no communion with God by His Spirit. That's the (spiritual) thanatos (death). A cessation of communion with environment of origin.
The only logical reason I can fathom, to distinguish soul from spirit, is to give God the Holy Spirit ALL the glory for illuminating the human spirit/soul with His truth.
Of course. :salute:
Even in regeneration, IMO, by nature, the believer remains totally depraved in body and spirit/soul and no elevation of the human spirit is warranted apart from the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. There is nothing in man to be trusted, even when confessing faith in God.
This is where an intricate understanding of the ontological Gospel is vital. Our hypostasis is translated into the hypostasis of God when by the hypostasis of faith (which came by hearing the rhema hypsotasis), we reckon our prosopon (outer man) crucified with Christ, and put on the prosopon of Christ.
But this would take some lengthy exegesis to outline in detail.
God alone is a complete, righteous, triune Being; functioning in perfection. Fallen man fails to fully reflect God while remaining in his corrupted prosopon and hypostasis/ousia, except when exercising the beliefs (epignosis) gifted to him by God as an earnest, until that sinner is finally and actually bodily resurrected to eternal glory.
Sola Deo Gloria!
This is where the translation of the human hypostasis must be understood.
I was just pointing up the distinction that though they can only be pierced and divided asunder by God's Logos, the spirit and soul are not the same. And there needs to be a reconciliation of the Bipartite and Tripartite views to truly recognize the structural funcationaliy and mechanism to both hamartia and our redemption.
Since the soul was derived by spirit-body joining, it has no environment of origin to cease communion with. The thanatos of the human spirit (which is from conception) is administered to the soul, conjoining it to that thanatos and relegating it's life to that of the physical body still being sustained by the spirit as breath of life.
With all the different views and perceptions flying around, and with all the bare English vocab for everything; it's hard for others to get a bead on what each other are actually saying.
That's why I've kinda stood back. Thanks for the convo.