"The Kenosis theory is a dangerous doctrine because if it were true, then it would mean that Jesus was not fully divine. If Jesus was not fully divine, then His atoning work would not be sufficient to atone for the sins of the world.
The correct doctrine is the Hypostatic Union--that Jesus is both fully God and fully man (Col. 2:9) and did not give up any divine attributes while as a man on earth."
(From the above link.)
Modern Kenoticism is actually from Hegel, who was a Hermeticist and Gnostic. The Word of Faith and other charismatics and hyper-gracers are eaten alive with Hegelian Kenoticism for their Christology.
They insist as Continuationists, that Jesus Christ did all miracles as a man filled with the Holy Spirit. So now we can do all the miracles as men filled with the Holy Spirit.
Totally apart from Continuation/Cessation, it totally denies that Jesus Christ was the fullness of the Theotes bodily. And it also denies the ontological Gospel of Paul.
God accepts no man's prosopon, so whatever is done "as a man filled with the Holy Spirit" is not of faith. And that which is not of faith is sin. (Sin isn't just evil or bad works. It's anything good that is not of faith.)
Faith is a hypostasis (substance). It cometh by hearing the Rhema (the thing spoken about, which was God's substance). And that faith translates our underlying substantial reality of existence (hypostasis) into God's. Engrafted. Partaker of the divine nature.
Our prosopon is reckoned dead by faith, crucified with Christ. And we put on Christ. His prosopon. We're IN Christ. We've put on His prosopon.
The only valid Continuationism would be pre-Hegelian Kenoticism. Only the hypostasis of God can accomplish anything by His Spirit in us. That's why there's so much fraud in the modern "movements" with gifts. It's man's pride to presume his own flesh filled with God's Spirit can do alleged miraculous works.
It's actually keeping the old man alive rather than it being reckoned dead by faith. So regardless of one's position on Cessation/Continuation, the modus operandi of modern movements is completely invalid. It's all Hegelain Kenoticism to go with Hegelian Dialectic.