You're a liar. I never said rape, murder and sodomy were OK. Show the post# if you can? Flamed out merkin!
Yes, you did, as there is no objective law against them, as you assert that
everyone decides, for themselves, "within themselves," not from an objective source authority, "outside of themselves,",through this "feelings...their Holy Spirit," what is right/wrong, and you have nothing to say, absolutely NADA, no objective, reasoned argument, to those, such as a Muslim, deluded Hare Krishna,Catholic, reincarnationist, Buddhist, ........................, who argues with you, counters, with, "My experience/Koran/Book of Mormon/feelings/my Holy Spirit/God, the Inner Id ............................tells me that suicide bombings to murder,for Allah, multiple wives, raping, sodomy,getting drunk/smoking pot excessively,slavery ....................................................................................................................................................are OK, and
who are you, to tell me what is right/wrong, except for you to "opinionate:"
"Well, everyone knows that suicide bombings to murder,for Allah, multiple wives, raping,debauchery, drunkeness, wrong, based upon my experiences, my Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You are wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Wha...Wha...Wha
....Cuz I say so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My Holy Spirit tells me so, and your Holy Spirit is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
You wicked subjectivist, confusing, in drunken demonism, objective revelation, given by objective words, in "the scripture of truth"(Daniel), with illumination/understanding via the Holy Spirit, as you satanically assert that
there is no objective, good, holy, spiritual law of God, that defines what sin is, so others can be led to the Lord Jesus Christ, by the law, as a schoolmaster/tutor., as it is replaced by the Holy Spirit, and thus everyone does what is right in their own eyes(Judges), not what the
objective holy law of God says.
And the drone does not "get," that the laws of the US., for eg., are a codified,
objective set of laws, an
imposition of morality, i.e., an objective source.