It's ok to beat up people you deem fascist


New member

Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims “fascists,” they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody. No police officer will stop them.*

We have no way of knowing if the speakers at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally last weekend were “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or passionate Civil War buffs, inasmuch as they weren’t allowed to speak. The Democratic governor shut the event down, despite a court order to let it proceed.

As the “Unite the Right” crowd was dispersing, they were forced by the police into the path of the peace-loving, rock-throwing, fire-spraying antifa. A far-left reporter for*The New York Times, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, tweeted live from the event: “The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park.”

That’s when protestor James Fields sped his car into a crowd of the counter-protesters, then immediately hit reverse, injuring dozens of people, and killing one woman, Heather Heyer.

This has been universally labeled “terrorism,” but we still don’t know whether Fields hit the gas accidentally, was in fear for his life, or if he rammed the group intentionally and maliciously.

With any luck, we’ll unravel Fields’ motives faster than it took the Obama administration to discern the motives of a Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while gunning down soldiers at Fort Hood. (Six years.)

But so far, all we know is that Fields said he was “upset about black people” and wanted to kill as many as possible. On his Facebook page, he displayed a “White Power” poster and “liked” three organizations deemed “white separatist hate groups” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A subsequent search of his home turned up bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics.

Actually, none of that is true. The paragraph above describes, down to the letter, what was known about Micah Xavier Johnson, the black man who murdered five Dallas cops a year ago during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. My sole alteration to the facts is reversing the words “black” and “white.”

President Obama held a news conference the next day to say it’s “very hard to untangle the motives.”*The New York Timeseditorialized agnostically that many “possible motives will be ticked off for the killer.” (One motive kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.)

In certain cases, the media are quite willing to jump to conclusions. In others, they seem to need an inordinate amount of time to detect motives.

The media think they already know all there is to know about James Fields, but they also thought they knew all about the Duke lacrosse players, “gentle giant” Michael Brown, and those alleged gang-rapists at the University of Virginia.

Waiting for facts is now the “Nazi” position.

Liberals have Republicans over a barrel because they used the word “racist.” The word is kryptonite, capable of turning the entire GOP and 99 percent of the “conservative media” into a panicky mass of cowardice.

This week, Mitt Romney and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) — among others — instructed us that masked liberals hitting people with baseball bats are pure of heart —*provided*they first label the likes of Charles Murray or some housewife in a “MAGA” hat “fascists.”

Luckily, the week before opening fire on Republicans, critically injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Bernie Sanders-supporter James Hodgkinson had used the vital talisman, calling the GOP “fascist.” So you see, he wasn’t trying to commit mass murder! He was just fighting “Nazis.” Rubio and Romney will be expert witnesses.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's okay to beat up someone you deem fascist?

Not unless they're assaulting you, as the witnesses from the clergy attested was the case in alt right aggression in at least one incident in Charlottesville. At that point, by all means, defend your ground.

Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims “fascists,” they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody. No police officer will stop them.*
Actually the police ineptitude ran both ways and is a separate issue.

We have no way of knowing if the speakers at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally last weekend were “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or passionate Civil War buffs, inasmuch as they weren’t allowed to speak.
Given the dress choices, banners etc. that's just not the case. Rather, we do know as we also can understand there were some there who weren't affiliated and who meant to address their own agenda. I'd say those people made a tactical error in allowing racist filth to stand shoulder to shoulder with them.

The Democratic governor shut the event down, despite a court order to let it proceed.
Understandable, but wrong headed.

As the “Unite the Right” crowd was dispersing, they were forced by the police into the path of the peace-loving, rock-throwing, fire-spraying antifa. A far-left reporter for*The New York Times, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, tweeted live from the event: “The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park
If you only grab the tail of an elephant you might think it was a snake. Or, supra on violence both in terms of my position and who was causing it. I don't know where she came in, so I can't know that the Antifa started it or she was seeing the second foul, to use NFL parlance. But I know the clergy and the mother who anna chronicled in their recitation of facts were seeing a very different story of aggression and it was less ambiguous.

That’s when protestor James Fields sped his car into a crowd of the counter-protesters, then immediately hit reverse, injuring dozens of people, and killing one woman, Heather Heyer. This has been universally labeled “terrorism,” but we still don’t know whether Fields hit the gas accidentally, was in fear for his life, or if he rammed the group intentionally and maliciously.
:plain: The fellow who loved Nazis and was abusive to his own mother might be a misunderstood victim in this? That's your go-to? Great.

With any luck, we’ll unravel Fields’ motives faster than it took the Obama administration to discern the motives of a Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while gunning down soldiers at Fort Hood. (Six years.)
And to further muddy the waters you're dragging a politicized version of the deaths of American servicemen from several years ago into it, along with the president and Muslims? Nice.

President Obama held a news conference the next day to say it’s “very hard to untangle the motives.”*The New York Timeseditorialized agnostically that many “possible motives will be ticked off for the killer.” (One motive kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.)
If he had the information on hand at that time (as opposed to it coming out of a longer and larger investigation) then given your response you at best put yourself on the same level of stupid. If he didn't (the more likely case given the backlash it would invite) then there wasn't anything unreasonable in his remarks.

In certain cases, the media are quite willing to jump to conclusions. In others, they seem to need an inordinate amount of time to detect motives.
An abusive racist hurting a group of people he hates is a pretty easy get. Blacks, sadly, are disproportionately responsible for violent crime for a number or reasons, much of it unrelated to racial issues and much of it aimed at their own community. It's not so automatic then.

The media think they already know all there is to know about James Fields, but they also thought they knew all about the Duke lacrosse players, “gentle giant” Michael Brown, and those alleged gang-rapists at the University of Virginia.
It's one thing to take the word of one person against a number of people with no corroboration. This wasn't that.

Waiting for facts is now the “Nazi” position.
There are a great many facts at hand. It's not unreasonable to assert some fairly bald facts or even to draw conclusions from them. The rest will out at trial, if it comes to that.

This week, Mitt Romney and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) — among others — instructed us that masked liberals hitting people with baseball bats are pure of heart —*provided*they first label the likes of Charles Murray or some housewife in a “MAGA” hat “fascists.”
It's not what he said, but it's like you guys to eat your own for thinking outside of the your case an eventual coffin for the Republican party if it wins out. Meaning I hope it doesn't because as little use as I have for the extremists, I greatly value the more rational elements who routinely garner my vote...but the left loves this sort of thing and can't wait for you to keep it up.

Don't say you weren't warned on the point.


New member
Not unless they're assaulting you, as the witnesses from the clergy attested was the case in alt right aggression in at least one incident in Charlottesville. At that point, by all means, defend your ground.....Town.

Perhaps that was the case in one incident but it seems to me the vast majority of violence was started by antifa and BLM against the original protestors. My point is the CNN etc.. are saying it's ok that they started the violence because they believed they were fighting fascists.


New member
Actually the police ineptitude ran both ways and is a separate issue. .....

Was it police ineptitude or the result of direct orders from above to stand down? Is it both ways when police were doing their duty guarding the alt right but deliberately took them out of the park they were permitted for and directed them straight into crowds of angry bat wielding urine bag holding BLM and antifa crowds? And then walked away and stood by silently as the leftists groups began to mercilessly pound the original permitted group?

I didn't realize police inaction was not part of the story. What slice of the story have you arbitrarily decided is the main issue?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Was it police ineptitude or the result of direct orders from above to stand down?
When the police obey orders not to do their sworn duty I call it ineptitude, but there's more blame here to be sure.

Is it both ways when police were doing their duty guarding the alt right but deliberately took them out of the park they were permitted for and directed them straight into crowds of angry bat wielding urine bag holding BLM and antifa crowds?
I doubt that was the intent, which was to disperse the crowd. If they had an open route and one choked by angry counter protesters then the police are worse than inept, but I was speaking to the hands off attitude that allowed much of the violence to continue.

And then walked away and stood by silently as the leftists groups began to mercilessly pound the original permitted group?
Or allowed the clergy attacked to be overrun. Like I said, a dangerous hands off approach to police work.

Perhaps that was the case in one incident but it seems to me the vast majority of violence was started by antifa and BLM against the original protestors.
And yet, in support of that contention you only point to one incident.

My point is the CNN etc.. are saying it's ok that they started the violence because they believed they were fighting fascists.
I haven't seen or read that, so you'll have to direct me to verification on the point.


New member
As for ineptitude for lack of action. Police around the country have learned after events like Ferguson that doing your job can lead to your dismissal and possible jail time and forever taint cops as black hating racists. I believe obeying a direct order to stand down is only reasonable and the opposite actually suicidal.


New member
Actually the police ineptitude ran both ways and is a separate issue. .....

Was it police ineptitude or the result of direct orders from above to stand down? Is it both ways when police were doing their duty guarding the alt right but deliberately took them out of the park they were permitted for and directed them straight into crowds of angry bat wielding urine bag holding BLM and antifa crowds? And then walked away and stood by silently as the leftists groups began to mercilessly pound the original permitted group?

I didn't realize police inaction was not part of the story. What slice of the story have you arbitrarily decided is the main issue?

Considering how often that kind of steering of a person or persons into a hoped for harm's way of an opposing side that both alt-right and alt-left cops have often been guilty of all the way back to even before there was a U.S.A., I would not put it past some to continue that kind of thing.

Such has been the hard learned lesson of many an opposer on one side of one fence or another, within various areas of life.

Happened to me once - one of those "uh, oh...not in Kansas anymore" moments - lol


Tragedy...reflected on...over time.


New member
Hall of Fame

Apparently, as long as violent leftists label their victims “fascists,” they are free to set fires, smash windows and beat civilians bloody. No police officer will stop them.*

We have no way of knowing if the speakers at the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally last weekend were “Nazis,” “white supremacists,” or passionate Civil War buffs, inasmuch as they weren’t allowed to speak. The Democratic governor shut the event down, despite a court order to let it proceed.

As the “Unite the Right” crowd was dispersing, they were forced by the police into the path of the peace-loving, rock-throwing, fire-spraying antifa. A far-left reporter for*The New York Times, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, tweeted live from the event: “The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding ‘antifa’ beating white nationalists being led out of the park.”

That’s when protestor James Fields sped his car into a crowd of the counter-protesters, then immediately hit reverse, injuring dozens of people, and killing one woman, Heather Heyer.

This has been universally labeled “terrorism,” but we still don’t know whether Fields hit the gas accidentally, was in fear for his life, or if he rammed the group intentionally and maliciously.

With any luck, we’ll unravel Fields’ motives faster than it took the Obama administration to discern the motives of a Muslim shouting “Allahu Akbar!” while gunning down soldiers at Fort Hood. (Six years.)

But so far, all we know is that Fields said he was “upset about black people” and wanted to kill as many as possible. On his Facebook page, he displayed a “White Power” poster and “liked” three organizations deemed “white separatist hate groups” by the Southern Poverty Law Center. A subsequent search of his home turned up bomb-making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics.

Actually, none of that is true. The paragraph above describes, down to the letter, what was known about Micah Xavier Johnson, the black man who murdered five Dallas cops a year ago during a Black Lives Matter demonstration. My sole alteration to the facts is reversing the words “black” and “white.”

President Obama held a news conference the next day to say it’s “very hard to untangle the motives.”*The New York Timeseditorialized agnostically that many “possible motives will be ticked off for the killer.” (One motive kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.)

In certain cases, the media are quite willing to jump to conclusions. In others, they seem to need an inordinate amount of time to detect motives.

The media think they already know all there is to know about James Fields, but they also thought they knew all about the Duke lacrosse players, “gentle giant” Michael Brown, and those alleged gang-rapists at the University of Virginia.

Waiting for facts is now the “Nazi” position.

Liberals have Republicans over a barrel because they used the word “racist.” The word is kryptonite, capable of turning the entire GOP and 99 percent of the “conservative media” into a panicky mass of cowardice.

This week, Mitt Romney and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) — among others — instructed us that masked liberals hitting people with baseball bats are pure of heart —*provided*they first label the likes of Charles Murray or some housewife in a “MAGA” hat “fascists.”

Luckily, the week before opening fire on Republicans, critically injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Bernie Sanders-supporter James Hodgkinson had used the vital talisman, calling the GOP “fascist.” So you see, he wasn’t trying to commit mass murder! He was just fighting “Nazis.” Rubio and Romney will be expert witnesses.

Its only ok, if you are liberal, a Muslim or black. Then its deemed " understandable" no matter what.


Hall of Fame
It's okay to beat up someone you deem fascist?

Not unless they're assaulting you, as the witnesses from the clergy attested was the case in alt right aggression in at least one incident in Charlottesville. At that point, by all means, defend your ground.

^ This. Violence should be the last resort ... and only in the case when it is done to defend another or one's self.

patrick jane

The KKK, American Nazi Party and the Alt Right Movement (all strong Donald Trump supporters) who represented the "Unite the Right" crowd in Charlottesville are not

"the Right".

Even your fellow Trump ally Nick M. has admitted that the Nazi Party (the National Socialist Party) was and continues to be "the Left".
They ARE the left. That's another reason why the left is so bad