Watch out for the amateur system going about called Mid Acts D'ism Attention Deficit Disorder. Possibly caused by the use of phone Bibles--those devices where you don't really read, you just bing on pop phrases heard from poorly taught preachers and broadcasters about a few key system points that are imposed on the Bible.
Y'all need to read Eph 2-3 10x each time you bing on a key phrase from MADADD.
Oh, and there's that other problem. MADADD thinks there are protogospels. In other words, Jesus didn't really know what he was going to do. So he told some people there might be an Old Testament theocracy. And he told some people while healing their kids that "all they needed" was faith without him sacrificing himself. That sacrifice thing--well, it became the elephant in the room and when he spoke plainly about it, he got his head bit off by a few of the close followers. Aren't humans weird?
But back to those protogospels, MADADD doesn't know that our main character in all this is called Joshua for 'saving his people from the debt of their sins.' And that his PR assistant goes around everywhere saying 'See! The sacrificial lamb of God will take away the debt of sin.' I mean it is just not there, and is probably due to the same retention problems found throughout all modern life and information overload.
As one of the members here was saying this morning how it was just great to have a 'system' to make that dang Bible de-mysterious! Not a chapter from the NT or Paul itself, but a real, logical, thought out system! The problem was the people who wrote it had ADD and thought they had to 'find' a protogospel to make it make sense.