Can you get an "app" on your old rotary phone, saint john?
I've upgraded to a Motorola "Razor," Mayor.
Can you get an "app" on your old rotary phone, saint john?
I've upgraded to a Motorola "Razor," Mayor.
Can you get an "app" on your old rotary phone, saint john?
However, there will be in the future, as "the prophetic clock resumes," and "in the ages to come...time past" kicks in.
I agree with your statement as written.
And unemployment benefits are "free" to you, but myself/members of society, who have jobs, are paying for your free loading/leaching, Freddie.
However, there will be in the future, as "the prophetic clock resumes," and "in the ages to come...time past" kicks in.
you know my answer - Israel's Prophetic clock was temporarily stopped by God
However, there will be in the future, as "the prophetic clock resumes," and "in the ages to come...time past" kicks in.
It wouldn't help him.
He can't defend his claim:
Since Danoh and Little Johnny W keep making posts about Israel's prophetic clock stopping and resuming in the future, maybe you can reconcile their claims with the events that took place in 70AD?
You've already said that the stones not left standing upon another was fulfilled in 70AD, so you can't use the "Wailing Wall" excuse.
Please tell us how the fulfillment of Luke 19:43-44 can be reconciled with Israel's prophetic clock being stopped?
Perhaps some believe that, I do not.
Obviously God dealt with Israel, according to prophecy, all the way through Acts.
It's a free app.
Once again, your intelligence is on display.
Instead of making up lies upon lies about me (i.e. I'm unemployed, divorced, filing bankruptcy, fat, bald, kicked out of my church, etc.) why don't you try defending your claim:
assume all assert the same thing, stick to that no matter how many times one says otherwise,
Instead of making up lies upon lies about me (i.e. I'm unemployed, divorced, filing bankruptcy, fat, bald, kicked out of my church, etc.) why don't you try defending your claim:
No, punk, you sent me a PM, propositioning me, and later , suggested that I meet with your wife in the DFW area.
Hilston and musterion claim some stones were still standing, thus they claim Luke 19:43-44 is a future fulfillment.
For what purpose?
Like you lied about me, you hypocrite, with your deceitful "Dancer" sodomite charge, and spinning it to mean something other than what was the clear intent,
I'm the director here; you are the dancer.
Yeah, but the guy is Jerry's twin - assume all assert the same thing, stick to that no matter how many times one says otherwise, and bait them with no intent of sorting out any differences but those of his delusion.
For what purpose?
You are a real man, eh Craigie? Assertions against Hilston, when he is not here to respond?