I have no problem with that statement.
I have made it clear that Dispensationalism is like a cancer to the Body of Christ.
I will continue to "throw rocks" at Dispensationalism in order that others can see what a false teaching it really is. I will continue to show that Dispensationalism didn't exist until John Nelson Darby invented it in 1830.
All you are doing is proving my point that Dispensationalism cannot stand the test of scripture.
So far, none of you Darby followers has proven me wrong.
Just post the name Ryrie and be done with your stupidity, Interplanner - its what you'll respond against in your reading into things, anyway :doh:
So you throw rocks because you believe dispensationalism is a cancer to the body of Christ?
We don't think it is. Therefore, any question coming from you is not really an honest question.
Until you can talk about things without the sole intention of making us cross every T and dot every I to the end of declaring we have a false gospel when we might not have a fool proof answer to every conceivable flaw, there is no need to answer you.
Of course your rebuttal is that we don't answer because we can't with the implication that such is an indication we are believing heresy.
That's nonsense.
You cannot answer every conceivable flaw in your way of looking at the bible either.
Sorry, the default answer " it was fulfilled in Christ Jesus" is a cop out and extremy lazy thinking.
Where is your concern for those teaching things that send people to hell?
What they believe is far more dangerous than anything a dispy teaches.
There is nothing at all you can attack for what we preach for the current dispensation
Just post the name Ryrie and be done with your stupidity, Interplanner - its what you'll respond against in your reading into things, anyway :doh:
btw, where did the idea that you thought 'saved' in Rom 11 meant justification from sins come from? I mean where in the posts. That has been my objection to those who turn saved into a restored Israel!
we hold that Israel's restored kingdom
Lol - don't celebrate your OVER RELIED ON books based wisdom just yet - we hold that Israel's restored kingdom and commission is AFTER their Romans 9-11 justification from sin - Matt. 10; Acts 1-4, etc.
"their Rom 9-11 justification from sin" is an oxymoron. Justification is of individual sinners. You make it sound like it is one group (I assume in the future). But who would that be? It would not be 99% of Israel, that's who, because it would be one snapshot of them in the future! Don't you ever think about what you are saying? This is the same problem, or simply is the problem, of having heard but misunderstood 'all Israel saved' 1000x as a soundbyte that meant there would be a restored theocracy (there is no authentic "restoration" of Israel without there being a theocracy, and all the followers of this are salivating over a 'David' to come--hopefully without the idolatry, naked dancing and adultery!)
Interesting how you read into my words instead of asking. I don't even hold that "all Israel" refers to "all Israel" - no MADist does - that is just your shoddy reading into the words of others once more.
Ask one MADist if "all Israel" includes Judas Iscariot? Duh.
Keep it up and you'll soon find yourself in Tel's same self-inflicted predicament - wondering why he is no longer taken seriously.
You're in your own isolation ward on this one. It's in the literature and media every day. The whole country will be 'saved in a day.'
There you go with your OVER RELIANCE ON external sources again :chuckle:
There you go with your OVER RELIANCE ON external sources again :chuckle:
I don't think this is the right arena for you.
All you have to do is open your eyes and see that the end has not yet come. How stupid can one be ?Without an over reliance of external sources, there wouldn't be any Dispensationalists.
You're are the biggest hypocrite on TOL.
Without an over reliance of external sources, there wouldn't be any Dispensationalists.
You're are the biggest hypocrite on TOL.
All you have to do is open your eyes and see that the end has not yet come. How stupid can one be ?