Israel to be labeled an "Apartheid State" by the Global Community (ie: U.N.)


New member
Israel to be labeled an "Apartheid State" by the Global Community (ie: U.N.)

US Sec. of State, John Kerry quote: "Your either Jewish or can't be both".

It would seem that a "line has been drawn" by the Obama administration, warning Israel that they must give up their exclusive "Jewish Identity" in order to achieve peace.
As it now stands, you cannot immigrate to Israel and become a citizen unless you have Jewish "roots" (through the mother). Any "Peace Agreement" with the "West Bank" would have Jews and Palestinians living in close proximity due to the Jewish "settlements".
There really is no place in the modern world to accommodate a Theocracy, as the vast majority of the world is under the Democracy model of society.
If the U.N. declares that Israel is an "Apartheid State", then tremendous pressure and isolation could be exerted upon Israel by the Globalists.

It would literally take an "Egyptian-Exodus" magnitude Divine Intervention to persuade the "global community" otherwise...


Well-known member
What is your concern here? Are you as concerned that there are no-go zones in France and Sweden now? What about Crimea? Taiwan?

If the tide of modern times is toward seeing people live in their historic land, and one of the best documented (by virtue of the truth of Biblical records) is that the Philistines lived in Canaan before Israel, then you need to be spending your time battling the view that people must have their historic lands intact.

Then you might want to ask yourself if that is a 'religion' topic or even a Christian one. I don't see where it is either, and hope you enjoy the power of the new covenant and its mission, because it can never be bogged down in property rights issues.


New member
If the tide of modern times is toward seeing people live in their historic land, and one of the best documented (by virtue of the truth of Biblical records) is that the Philistines lived in Canaan before Israel...

Squatters are not owners. It was in Israel's best interests that the land not be overrun with more wild animals than it already was while waiting for the rightful owners.


Well-known member
This would be relevant if the modern "Palestinians" had anything to do with the ancient Philistines. They don't. They are Arabs.

I doubt that disconnection both geographically and etymologically. People who live 500 isolated miles from each other "have to do with each other." The root P-L-S is common.


Well-known member
I doubt that disconnection both geographically and etymologically. People who live 500 isolated miles from each other "have to do with each other." The root P-L-S is common.

The root PLS is common. The people are not.

The Philistines disappeared from history in the first millennium BC. They were apparently one of the Sea Peoples that invaded the region in the middle of the second millennium BC.
The Romans, then later the British, called the area "Palestine". During British Mandate times people who lived in Palestine were called "Palestinians"- but the term was applied to Jews that lived there. (My grandmother had a record of "Palestinian Folk Songs" that included such hits as "Hava Nagila"). A good example is the Jewish unit in the British army, known as the "Palestinian Regiment".

The Middle East was conquered by Arab Muslim invaders in the 7th century AD. The Arabs who live in Israel today are descended from those invaders, or immigrated much later. The Arabs of the region adopted the name "Palestinians" for themselves relatively recently, though historically they were never called that.

It is worth reading up on the history of this region.


God's Truth

New member
US Sec. of State, John Kerry quote: "Your either Jewish or can't be both".

It would seem that a "line has been drawn" by the Obama administration, warning Israel that they must give up their exclusive "Jewish Identity" in order to achieve peace.
As it now stands, you cannot immigrate to Israel and become a citizen unless you have Jewish "roots" (through the mother). Any "Peace Agreement" with the "West Bank" would have Jews and Palestinians living in close proximity due to the Jewish "settlements".
There really is no place in the modern world to accommodate a Theocracy, as the vast majority of the world is under the Democracy model of society.
If the U.N. declares that Israel is an "Apartheid State", then tremendous pressure and isolation could be exerted upon Israel by the Globalists.

It would literally take an "Egyptian-Exodus" magnitude Divine Intervention to persuade the "global community" otherwise...

It is not right to keep out people because of their ethnicity.

We don't do that in the USA, and more importantly, Jesus does not do that.


Well-known member
There really is no place in the modern world to accommodate a Theocracy, as the vast majority of the world is under the Democracy model of society...

Israel is not a Theocracy. And most of the world is ruled by various forms of dictatorship.

Many countries have state religions.,including all the Muslim countries and such places as England (!).

It is worthwhile checking up on your facts.


Well-known member
The root PLS is common. The people are not.

The Philistines disappeared from history in the first millennium BC. They were apparently one of the Sea Peoples that invaded the region in the middle of the second millennium BC.
The Romans, then later the British, called the area "Palestine". During British Mandate times people who lived in Palestine were called "Palestinians"- but the term was applied to Jews that lived there. (My grandmother had a record of "Palestinian Folk Songs" that included such hits as "Hava Nagila"). A good example is the Jewish unit in the British army, known as the "Palestinian Regiment".

The Middle East was conquered by Arab Muslim invaders in the 7th century AD. The Arabs who live in Israel today are descended from those invaders, or immigrated much later. The Arabs of the region adopted the name "Palestinians" for themselves relatively recently, though historically they were never called that.

It is worth reading up on the history of this region.


:thumb: Correct!


Well-known member
The west has been duped by false plagiarized history that magnified the ancient lie concerning a Chosen people called Israel and the Master Slave brainwashing of Judaism hiding behind various labels.


New member
Oh yeah, yet another 'final solution'!

It reminds me of the Seleucids under Antiochus IV Epiphanes.
Either give up your "exclusive" ethnic-religion and become "democratic"
(code for "globalist"), or keep your (apartheid-like) exclusive ("racist") ethnic-religious
State and suffer-the-consequences. Obviously, some of us know who is really behind this.

Ben Masada

New member
US Sec. of State, John Kerry quote: "Your either Jewish or can't be both".

It would seem that a "line has been drawn" by the Obama administration, warning Israel that they must give up their exclusive "Jewish Identity" in order to achieve peace.
As it now stands, you cannot immigrate to Israel and become a citizen unless you have Jewish "roots" (through the mother). Any "Peace Agreement" with the "West Bank" would have Jews and Palestinians living in close proximity due to the Jewish "settlements".
There really is no place in the modern world to accommodate a Theocracy, as the vast majority of the
world is under the Democracy model of society.
If the U.N. declares that Israel is an "Apartheid State", then tremendous pressure and isolation could be exerted upon Israel by the Globalists.

Before we give up our Jewish identity, Gog Magog will start and two thirds of the world population will vanish in their war against Jerusalem.

It would literally take an "Egyptian-Exodus" magnitude Divine Intervention to persuade the "global community" otherwise...

Before we give up our Jewish identity, Gog Magog will start and, two thirds of the world population will vanish in their war against Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 39:11-14) We will spend seven months burying the dead in the Valley of Gog's Multitude somewhere here in Israel.


New member
Before we give up our Jewish identity, Gog Magog will start and, two thirds of the world population will vanish in their war against Jerusalem. (Ezekiel 39:11-14) We will spend seven months burying the dead in the Valley of Gog's Multitude somewhere here in Israel.

Well now, that's interesting. I understood that you considered the Tanakh to be "symbolic" and "metaphorical".
Things take place gradually, "in stages", approaching "The Time of Jacob's Trouble", according to most "Literalists-Futurists".
I'd be looking at Psalm 83 as a "near event" on a "Literalist-Futurist" time-table. But like Yeshua said, it will be like a "woman in labor" (birth-pangs) as the "Day of the LORD" approaches.

Lazy afternoon

The root PLS is common. The people are not.

The Philistines disappeared from history in the first millennium BC. They were apparently one of the Sea Peoples that invaded the region in the middle of the second millennium BC.
The Romans, then later the British, called the area "Palestine". During British Mandate times people who lived in Palestine were called "Palestinians"- but the term was applied to Jews that lived there. (My grandmother had a record of "Palestinian Folk Songs" that included such hits as "Hava Nagila"). A good example is the Jewish unit in the British army, known as the "Palestinian Regiment".

The Middle East was conquered by Arab Muslim invaders in the 7th century AD. The Arabs who live in Israel today are descended from those invaders, or immigrated much later. The Arabs of the region adopted the name "Palestinians" for themselves relatively recently, though historically they were never called that.

It is worth reading up on the history of this region.


Yes but do not go to the Jewish sites for facts.


Ben Masada

New member
Well now, that's interesting. I understood that you considered the Tanakh to be "symbolic" and "metaphorical". Things take place gradually, "in stages", approaching "The Time of Jacob's Trouble", according to most "Literalists-Futurists". I'd be looking at Psalm 83 as a "near event" on a "Literalist-Futurist" time-table. But like Yeshua said, it will be like a "woman in labor" (birth-pangs) as the "Day of the LORD" approaches.

That's about Gog-Magog. Two thirds of the world population will be erased from the face of the earth and the Jews will spend 7 months burying their carcasses in the Valley of Gog's Multitude in Israel. (Ezekiel 39:11,12)


New member
That's about Gog-Magog. Two thirds of the world population will be erased from the face of the earth and the Jews will spend 7 months burying their carcasses in the Valley of Gog's Multitude in Israel. (Ezekiel 39:11,12)

Well now, that's interesting. I understood that you considered the Tanakh to be "symbolic" and "metaphorical" and full of "dreams".

Things take place gradually, "in stages", approaching "The Time of Jacob's Trouble", according to most "Literalists-Futurists".

I'd be looking at Psalm 83 as a "near event" on a "Literalist-Futurist" time-table, and Ezekiel 38-39 as a "more distant" event.

But like Yeshua said, it will be like a "woman in labor" (birth-pangs of gradual increasing intensity) as the "Day of the LORD" approaches.


What is your concern here? Are you as concerned that there are no-go zones in France and Sweden now? What about Crimea? Taiwan?

If the tide of modern times is toward seeing people live in their historic land, and one of the best documented (by virtue of the truth of Biblical records) is that the Philistines lived in Canaan before Israel, then you need to be spending your time battling the view that people must have their historic lands intact.

Then you might want to ask yourself if that is a 'religion' topic or even a Christian one. I don't see where it is either, and hope you enjoy the power of the new covenant and its mission, because it can never be bogged down in property rights issues.

God appears to be "bogged down" in those "property rights" in the book of Joel and pretty much every book with any prophetic implications.

# It's just God