I predict that it will "disincentivize" no one. In fact, I predict that it will incentiviize even more real terrorists when Israel starts locking up 9-year-old Palestinian kids for 20 years for throwing stones. Not to mention making Israelis look petty, vindictive, and foolish in the process.I very much agree with this. Having followed the Israeli news for several years now, this is a much needed disincentive.
Most of the rock-throwers are children.Most of the rock throwers are terrorists.
That's what happens when you occupy someone else's land. If you don't like being bit by ants, you shouldn't build your house on an anthill.It must be like swarms of ants in your house. It's not like going to the pub - which you don't have to do. You can avoid going to the pub. You can't avoid travelling on roads.