Israel and my Fellow Jews. When do we begin the Omer Count, the Count of the Omer?


New member
Here's the verses, what day in the first month after leaving Egypt did God name a Sabbath
It doesn't matter what day of which month the Sabbath fell on any particular month of any particular year.

Every month the numbering of days in a month begins anew with the new moon.
However, the numbering of the days of the week begins anew with the passing of every seventh day (Sabbath).
Since the new moon does not happen every 28 days (divisible by 7), the numbering of the days of the month and the numbering of the days of the week go out of sync with the next new moon.


Well-known member
It doesn't matter what day of which month the Sabbath fell on any particular month of any particular year.

Every month the numbering of days in a month begins anew with the new moon.
However, the numbering of the days of the week begins anew with the passing of every seventh day (Sabbath).
Since the new moon does not happen every 28 days (divisible by 7), the numbering of the days of the month and the numbering of the days of the week go out of sync with the next new moon.

Sorry I meant to ask: what day in the first month does the omer count begin on?

Leviticus 23:15-16
The Festival of Weeks
15“ ‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. 16 Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the Lord.


New member
Sorry I meant to ask: what day in the first month does the omer count begin on?

Leviticus 23:15-16
The Festival of Weeks
15“ ‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full weeks. 16 Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to the Lord.
You have to find the weekly Sabbath that falls in the feast of Unleavened first, then you will know to begin counting the omer on the next day , which will always be on the first day of the week since that day is the day that always follows the weekly Sabbath.
Every year the day of the month that the Sabbath during Pesach falls on will be different from the previous year.
The Sabbath during Pesach will always fall on one of the following seven days: Abib 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
The counting of the Omer will always begin on the first day of the week on one of the following seven days: Abib 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.


New member

He literally asked a question but does not want an answer, its incredible. He says he does not know, then when you and others help him understand and spell it out he will not accept it and refuses to learn and just says he doesnt know. Its frustrasting just to read, Ihave no idea how you can continue lol


Well-known member
He literally asked a question but does not want an answer, its incredible. He says he does not know, then when you and others help him understand and spell it out he will not accept it and refuses to learn and just says he doesnt know. Its frustrasting just to read, Ihave no idea how you can continue lol

He has autism according to his Rabbi who he only trusts the words of but as you have seen he did rightly answer the question about there being a Sabbath on day 22 in the 2nd month after leaving Egypt: but because of his confusion he now can't trust that he got the answer correct.

The thing is he is the only one here who has got that question correct so it shows just how little others here are able to read and understand certain scriptures. You can try it for yourself if you like and see if you can understand it. It's post number one here:


Well-known member
You have to find the weekly Sabbath that falls in the feast of Unleavened first, then you will know to begin counting the omer on the next day , which will always be on the first day of the week since that day is the day that always follows the weekly Sabbath.
Every year the day of the month that the Sabbath during Pesach falls on will be different from the previous year.
The Sabbath during Pesach will always fall on one of the following seven days: Abib 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
The counting of the Omer will always begin on the first day of the week on one of the following seven days: Abib 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22.

Look! Exodus 16 proves there there was a Sabbath on day 22 in the 2nd month after leaving Egypt:

And also in Leviticus 23:39 it shows there were Sabbaths on days 15 and 22 in the 7th month after leaving Egypt:

The only way this is possible is if Sabbaths are on days 8, 15, 22 & 29 each lunar month. If you disagree then you are saying scripture is wrong.


New member
He has autism according to his Rabbi who he only trusts the words of but as you have seen he did rightly answer the question about there being a Sabbath on day 22 in the 2nd month after leaving Egypt: but because of his confusion he now can't trust that he got the answer correct.

The thing is he is the only one here who has got that question correct so it shows just how little others here are able to read and understand certain scriptures. You can try it for yourself if you like and see if you can understand it. It's post number one here:

Well I didn't read the details or try to figure it out because it not essential to my faith to know that and plus my brain is full of studying for my final exams.
I did notice that he did not want to accept the answer and it went on and on like that for a few pages so I just expressed what I thought because it is a common theme across many threads.
next time I'll read the whole thread


Well-known member
Well I didn't read the details or try to figure it out because it not essential to my faith to know that and plus my brain is full of studying for my final exams.
I did notice that he did not want to accept the answer and it went on and on like that for a few pages so I just expressed what I thought because it is a common theme across many threads.
next time I'll read the whole thread

Cool, hope you do well in your exams. Try to study more as i found many distraction from study when I did my exams and could have done better if I'd been more disciplined. Good luck/God be with you.


New member
Cool, hope you do well in your exams. Try to study more as i found many distraction from study when I did my exams and could have done better if I'd been more disciplined. Good luck/God be with you.

Thanks I appreciate that. I really get it it is hard to stay focused on study when spring is here and all I want to do is be outside for once in 6 months lol. But I think I have a reasonable study pattern down - a lot of work, a little play, repeat I don't go crazy lol. And I graduated from my first 4 year bachelor degree and I'm halfway done my second 4 yr bachelor degree so I have a lot of practise in studying - too much lol. But thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind :)


Well-known member
Thanks I appreciate that. I really get it it is hard to stay focused on study when spring is here and all I want to do is be outside for once in 6 months lol. But I think I have a reasonable study pattern down - a lot of work, a little play, repeat I don't go crazy lol. And I graduated from my first 4 year bachelor degree and I'm halfway done my second 4 yr bachelor degree so I have a lot of practise in studying - too much lol. But thanks for the advice I'll keep it in mind :)

Wow! That's so impressive. What is/are you fields of study?


Well-known member
The wave sheaf omer is cut at 9am on 15th Abib, the passover sabbath or annual holy day. Say this is a Wednesday, counting from 9am, one counts 50 days or 7 Wednesdays, to get to Pentecost morning. Because the count is inclusive (starting Wednesday morning as day 1), we always end up with Pentecost on the same day of the week as Passover.

The wave sheaf represents/type of Christ being cut off from the earth and nailed to the cross. The sheaf is bashed around to release the grains of barley (symbolising the punishing of Christ). An omer or liquid measure of grain has to be obtained, to prove the grain harvest may begin.

Pentecost was FULLY COME at 9am (Acts 2) at which point the holy spirit was given, exactly 50 days or 7x7 weeks to the hour after Christ was nailed to the cross at 9am.


The wave sheaf omer is cut at 9am on 15th Abib, the passover sabbath or annual holy day. Say this is a Wednesday, counting from 9am, one counts 50 days or 7 Wednesdays, to get to Pentecost morning. Because the count is inclusive (starting Wednesday morning as day 1), we always end up with Pentecost on the same day of the week as Passover.

The wave sheaf represents/type of Christ being cut off from the earth and nailed to the cross. The sheaf is bashed around to release the grains of barley (symbolising the punishing of Christ). An omer or liquid measure of grain has to be obtained, to prove the grain harvest may begin.

Pentecost was FULLY COME at 9am (Acts 2) at which point the holy spirit was given, exactly 50 days or 7x7 weeks to the hour after Christ was nailed to the cross at 9am.
Today is Rishon (First), Ziv 7, It is Boker (Morning), It is Yom (Day).

You are incorrect.

