Islam ... Atheists, The Left and the Spiritually Blind are nurturing Terror


People who advocate against war and global honesty are generally steeped in Self Righteous Pride, Arrogance and false humility... either that... or they are ignorant, willingly blind or afraid of speaking out against global terror that is personified in the Religious Ideology of Mohammed.

England took the approach that the Spiritually blind are taking about Islam and it is now paying the price. A massive number of outspoken Atheists, Jews, Christians and Human Rights Advocates are now armed to the teeth with statistics, video, photographs and terror events that show an irrefutable truth.

Islam is a false religion, disguised as a peaceful philosophy... but in reality... it is a socio-political war-machine that is as Anti-Christ and Anti-Jew (Jesus was a Jew... but some people are kind of daft to this matter) as it gets, and it is the deepest threat to democracy, religious freedom and human rights that the human race will ever have to confront.

If an individual has any spiritual discernment and the ability to study religious text... they will rapidly find that Christianity and Judaism promote Love, Unity and human rights. As long as intellect and spiritual discernment are applied to a study of Islam... it becomes overly obvious that the very Hadith, god, Qu'ran and Man that Muslims revere are nothing more than a wicked machine created with the sole purpose of propagating an oppressive ideology that suppresses thought, human safety and social GRACE.

I believe that there are "Good Samaritans" of all walks of life that will be saved as Rehab the Harlot was saved. I number Muslim individuals that exalt Love and the Principles of Jesus Christ that compel them to place others above themselves in value... to the point that they would lay their lives down for the weak and innocent, despite their religion, lack thereof, or carnal condition, ... among these.

People do not define a Spiritual Philosophy (Religion)... the Philosophy is discerned by deep study and sincere reflection.

This is a "Religious" matter, because without scripture, Jesus Christ and the Love of God... mankind tolerates the oppression of the weak and susceptible... in the name of wickedness and power.

- EE
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Quotes from a previous thread that inspired this thread that contain animosity towards Christianity that is steeped with visible ignorance and a lack of education on matters.

EE said:
Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Um... no... if you were going to make a living as a psychic... "leaning in and whispering"... keep your day job.

Silent Hunter said:
You should take your pinkie out of your mouth when you speak so people can understand you.

I'm sorry... your cliche dialogue and poor use of sarcasm is causing me to dose off.

EE said:
]Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
This entire thread is a derailed thread created by a troll. The skies the limit! What's a matter McFly... "Chicken"!!!???

Silent Hunter said:
I'm not willing to defy Sherman. Perhaps you are.

Sherman said:
Quote Originally Posted by Sherman View Post
derailers with be banned from this thread.

Silent Hunter said:
I recommend you not push your pawns too quickly, Mr. Evil.

No problem Silent Hunter... I started a new thread for you. "you're welcome"

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Funny how even Astro physics traces it all to ONE point of Origin... Isn't it?

Silent Hunter said:
How is that funny and what does it have to do with Islam or the excesses of past/present christian hate.

Wow... it's funny how you claim moral superiority and intellect, but you seem to have an enormous hatred for all Christians in general. You're more bigoted and ignorant to matters than Archie Bunker.

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Can the finite precede the IN-Finite?

Silent Hunter said:
I don't know and neither do you beyond the christian need to fill gaps in our knowledge with something even more unknowable.

The God of the Gaps theory? Read Dawkins much? "The Dawkins Delusion". How original. Do you ever think for yourself?

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Silent ran for cover when they realized they couldn't intellectually bully an ex Atheist named EE! But I was enjoying that convo too!

Silent Hunter said:
How typically fundamentalist christian of you. My life doesn't revolve around TOL and I have more important things to do (astronomy club meeting) than continually correcting your stupidity. Good luck convincing me you're not the loser you've presented so far.

Oh... wow... you're not fundamentalist? You are a cliche'! I pose intelligent argument and conversation and you can't even muster a response that contains wit, logic or education.

I mis-typed the quote you were responding to and was citing that your argument and logic lacks legitimate education, authority or perspective. You have displayed empty reasoning this far.

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Knowing that the Origin of ALL laid His life down in Love for us bolsters are value and drives us to Love and uplift all of humanity with simple acts of Love, Support and thankless deeds of mercy!

Silent Hunter said:
Jesus "suffered" for, like, what, two days, tops? That's nothing compared to the weeks, months, I've seen people with cancer suffer before death FINALLY ended their pain. Jesus, as "god" gave up nothing, gods don't(can't) die, or so I'm told.

You have no understanding of the "tale" of the Creator that is Self Sacrificing. Your arguments against belief are so over written and easily refuted that I'm already disappointed in discussion with you before you either respond or fail to respond.

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Theologically or philosophically try me. You would be shocked and I can bind it all to the B-I-b-l-e.

I don't even need the Bible though...

What did Abraham read? God places eternity in the hearts of all men... all men simply can't accept that Love is personified in our Creator and the currency of the SOUL.

Silent Hunter said:
Rant much?

Hmmmmmm... You like to claim authority on matters, but when discussion starts to take place... you shut down and throw out babble that has no pertinence to what was said.

Afraid of sincere dialogue much? Are you afraid to step out behind your condescending cloak of fear?
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Terror, war, pestilence, earthquakes, plague, false worship, false doctrine and false religion are instruments for the destruction of the wicked in the hands of the Almighty. He uses the wicked to destroy the wicked. Nobody is safe when He strikes and He never misses a target.

“Shall there be evil in the city, and Yah Veh hath not worked it?”


EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
You paint a picture of Christianity by searching for bad examples. You run the second Christ genuinely shines through someone and sincere love and intellect is detected.

Silent Hunter said:
And, while easier to find because of recent events, you seek to paint a picture of Islam by searching for bad examples.

Would you like me to scare up support for my thesis from the WWW? You will be looking for political activists that hid behind Christianity and cite common events where people acted apposing to the teachings of Jesus.

I'll be finding hundreds of thousands of examples that started with Mohammed himself and span to this very day, from the inception of Islam, where people are acting exactly as Mohammed teaches.

Your arguments are poorly researched and void of modern context and support. Are you an Atheist or a Jehovah's Witness? Honestly... You seem more closed minded than any Atheist I have ever met. You know your mind is like an umbrella... right?

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
You claim the moral high ground, but you are simply searching for food that fills your condescending stereo type of Christians...

Silent Hunter said:
Delete "christians", insert "muslims", then you MIGHT see your hypocrisy.

Oh... you got me there... but lets see what quote is in red from you below. Hypocrisy? Intelectlual Hypocrisy from you... indeed.

(Link to original quote from you... Silent Hunter's hypocrisy)

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
so you can condescendingly address us as the retards you think we are.

Silent Hunter said:
I KNOW christians are retards.

Thanks for showing that you can't actually debate and have less factual reasoning ability than a book off of a shelf.

EE said:
Quote Originally Posted by Evil.Eye. View Post
Kick up the real debate silent and let's see how far "Asking Alice" will take you.

Silent Hunter said:
By chasing you down rabbit trails? No thanks.

Awesome... you will make an excellent example of what I am now pointing out.

Thanks [MENTION=11262]Silent Hunter[/MENTION]


Terror, war, pestilence, earthquakes, plague, false worship, false doctrine and false religion are instruments for the destruction of the wicked in the hands of the Almighty. He uses the wicked to destroy the wicked. Nobody is safe when He strikes and He never misses a target.

“Shall there be evil in the city, and Yah Veh hath not worked it?”

I honestly don't understand why you misunderstand scripture as you do. There is good and evil. God is not evil, nor is He a worker of iniquity.

He may flip what was constructed for evil to have a GOOD outcome... but HE NEVER designs the evil and wicked behavior of mankind and the spiritual forces that are rotten.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rm. 8:28

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Gen. 50:20


New member
I honestly don't understand why you misunderstand scripture as you do. There is good and evil. God is not evil, nor is He a worker of iniquity.

He may flip what was constructed for evil to have a GOOD outcome... but HE NEVER designs the evil and wicked behavior of mankind and the spiritual forces that are rotten.

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Rm. 8:28

As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. Gen. 50:20

I didn't say that the Almighty is evil or just did that.


I didn't say that the Almighty is evil or just did that.

He isn't the puppet master pulling the strings of evil. He is the force of LOVE that conquers EVIL.

That is my point. To associate all misery as God's will is a rather poor idea that binds God to the work of Satan.

God does Good... Satan does Evil. This is biblical. We can't mix the two.

This is what I was trying to convey towards your post. You are intelligent and well spoken, but you can't mix light and dark. Light "overcomes dark".

... What God "Allows" is different than if He had constructed it Himself. This distinction must be made.


New member
He isn't the puppet master pulling the strings of evil. He is the force of LOVE that conquers EVIL.

That is my point. To associate all misery as God's will is a rather poor idea that binds God to the work of Satan.

God does Good... Satan does Evil. This is biblical. We can't mix the two.

This is what I was trying to convey towards your post. You are intelligent and well spoken, but you can't mix light and dark. Light "overcomes dark".

... What God "Allows" is different than if He had constructed it Himself. This distinction must be made.

Job disagrees with you:

But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.


Job disagrees with you:

But he said unto her, Thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil? In all this did not Job sin with his lips.

It literally is saying that it is sin to attribute evil to God! You can't see that? Your proof text proves you wrong.

What God allows is not what God "Creates" or "Does". You are pinning all wickedness on God. You don't see this? You are going full blown Hyper Calve with this path.
[MENTION=15467]Truster[/MENTION] ... edited this in... Further more... Job's wife asked him to "curse God and die".

Satan is in the usurped place of "judge, jury and executioner" in Job, which falls directly back to my entire theology. Satan is at the "right hand of God"... Zech. 1:1 ... and he is Accusing and being Adversarial to God's servant JOB.

God asks Satan if he had "considered" Job. Satan was clearly there with Job on his mind, because He starts telling God how easy it would be to strip God of Job.

God "Allows" Satan to "Tempt" Job.

James 2 specifically says that God cannot be tempted, nor does God TEMPT.

If God designed Satan to "Tempt", then God is a liar and Satan is simply God's GodFatheresque Sock Puppet.

Think man! Think!

Please re-think matters.
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New member
Isaiah 45:7kjv
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yah Veh do all these things.

1 Samuel 16:14
But the Spirit of Yah Veh departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from Yah Veh troubled him.

Psalm 105:25
He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants.

Plenty more where those came from.


New member
It literally is saying that it is sin to attribute evil to God! You can't see that? Your proof text proves you wrong.

What God allows is not what God "Creates" or "Does". You are pinning all wickedness on God. You don't see this? You are going full blown Hyper Calve with this path.

Please re-think matters.

All sin is evil, but not all evil is sin.


New member

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter


When Yah Veh warns Yisra'El of what curses would befall them the curses are by nature evil. They are not sin in any way, shape or form.


New member
Isaiah 45:7kjv
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yah Veh do all these things.

1 Samuel 16:14
But the Spirit of Yah Veh departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from Yah Veh troubled him.

Psalm 105:25
He turned their heart to hate his people, to deal subtilly with his servants.

Plenty more where those came from.

You seem to be ignoring these.


When Yah Veh warns Yisra'El of what curses would befall them the curses are by nature evil. They are not sin in any way, shape or form.

Truster... you don't see what God has planned for Yisra'El do you? He will bestow mercy upon Yisra'El.

He is allowing bad to occur for His purpose... but His final purpose will be mercy to Yisra'El.

Joel... Ezekiel... Zechariah... Revelation... Daniel... Psalms...

Oh heck... Gen. to Rev. !!!


New member
The Eternal Almighty does not "allow" anything to happen.

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:


Truster doesn't care what the truth is. And debating silent hunter is like talking to an amoeba.

I agree. I wanted to give them a chance to respond... but their dialogue was perfect for this thread. Your spiritual discernment is sharp as always.

- EE


The Eternal Almighty does not "allow" anything to happen.

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

You remove "Choice" from the equation because you are embracing your Calvinist roots. You yourself explained that you did not want that direction of theology... and yet... you place all iniquity on the shoulders of God as His "Doing".

He Bore all iniquity... but He is Not... never was... nor will be... the Author of Iniquity.

God's dark dealings are not Evil or iniquity. He is forever LIGHT and Righteous in His dealings.

NEVER... EVER should God be equated as the Cause, or Creator of EVIL or INIQUITY.

God is LOVE! Never mix light with Dark! The Dark of God is not the Dark of Evil! This is a poor understanding of context and all scripture.

Satan rails against God 24/7 to defame God's Good NAME.