Is your faith belief in an idea about Christ?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Does His finished work in you include you being filled with His love and pouring it out to the world?


Telling your fellow man that the Lord Jesus Christ died for their sin and was raised for your justification is always the most important point. God has offered reconciliation and is not imputing trespasses. Those of us in Christ (not you from the evidence) are complete in him, holy and with out blame.


Well-known member
"And when He had said these things, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of there sight. And while they were gazing into Heaven as He went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes, and said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into Heaven? This Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into Heaven."" Acts 1:9-11

The disciples died for the testimony of what they saw with own eyes. What could possibly inhibit a supernatural power beyond what we can see?
I have no idea why you posted this. Are you sitting around waiting for Jesus to return from the sky? Is this the idea that you've put your faith in? Why? What does believing this achieve for you but endless waiting?

Jamie Gigliotti

New member

Telling your fellow man that the Lord Jesus Christ died for their sin and was raised for your justification is always the most important point. God has offered reconciliation and is not imputing trespasses. Those of us in Christ (not you from the evidence) are complete in him, holy and with out blame.

So if the cleansing work of the cross was done to demonstrate God's love is not love the most important point?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son"

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
I have no idea why you posted this. Are you sitting around waiting for Jesus to return from the sky? Is this the idea that you've put your faith in? Why? What does believing this achieve for you but endless waiting?

Jesus revealed by what He said and did that that what is seen is not all there is. That the creator of the material world can manipulate it as He desires. That there is a realm that we can not see. You choosing to focus on the material and the parts of the Bible that are palatable do not change the reality Jesus revealed. Our souls exist beyond the material.


Well-known member
Jesus revealed by what He said and did that that what is seen is not all there is. That the creator of the material world can manipulate it as He desires. That there is a realm that we can not see. You choosing to focus on the material and the parts of the Bible that are palatable do not change the reality Jesus revealed. Our souls exist beyond the material.
But so what? I don't understand what this means to you. Or what you think it should mean to anyone else. What does believing that Jesus performed miracles, do for you? What does it do for any of us? We have no control over the miraculous, even if they do happen. So what what does it matter if we believe in them or not?

On the other hand, to believe that love and forgiveness, when shared with each other, will heal us and save us from ourselves (Christ within), is a belief that we can live by, and act upon. And it's a belief that when acted upon will give us real and positive results. It will make us better people, and will better our lives and the lives of those around us. Why chase after divine miracles when we can have the real thing? … Divine love, forgiveness, kindness, and brotherhood.

Jamie Gigliotti

New member
But so what? I don't understand what this means to you. Or what you think it should mean to anyone else. What does believing that Jesus performed miracles, do for you? What does it do for any of us? We have no control over the miraculous, even if they do happen. So what what does it matter if we believe in them or not?

On the other hand, to believe that love and forgiveness, when shared with each other, will heal us and save us from ourselves (Christ within), is a belief that we can live by, and act upon. And it's a belief that when acted upon will give us real and positive results. It will make us better people, and will better our lives and the lives of those around us. Why chase after divine miracles when we can have the real thing? … Divine love, forgiveness, kindness, and brotherhood.

Jesus taught how we relate to God. What we are to Him. How much He values us. And the Cross demonstrates that love and through the forgiveness it gives reconciled and restores us to relationship, the intimacy of fellowship with the Holy Spirit the union of love with our Father that He longed for. The lost sons and daughters that the Father willed Jesus to make a way home for. Relating to the Father and Jesus and the Holy Spirit the way God desires does exactly what you describe. Our identify as His beloved children secured in His love filled with His love brings His love and healing and truth to a depraved dark lost hurting world.
This can be imagined, but truly expericing this through the Holy Spirit is the way to the life our Father desires for us.