Is the Holy Spirit Female?

God's Truth

New member
A man and a man can not beget anything:

John 1:14
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Luke 1:35
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.

What is a man and a man?

God the Father is Spirit and Jesus is God the Father came as a Man.

God's Truth

New member
I want to add that although Jesus will build the temple described in Ezekiel for His Millennial reign, I also understand that Jesus did indeed mean His body was also the temple of the Holy Spirit:

hahahaha Yeah, clean up your major error. Maybe you shouldn't try to insult so fast.

By the way, Jesus isn't building a real material earthy building.

That is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard.

The Jews made the mistake of thinking Jesus was going to sit in a building on an earthly throne; now you make the same mistake, except you think he messed up the first time and has to come back and do it.

But the Holy Spirit was not given till Pentecost, so the work of building the Body of Christ (the Church) was not started till then and is still being built.

Don't forget that Jesus led some captives with him. He took people with him before Pentecost.

It will continue till the end of the millennial reign when it will be ready to be the Temple in the new Jerusalem on the new Earth.

However, I do recognise that Jesus and indeed the Holy Spirit, also played a part in Jesus' Resurrection but as the majority of scriptures point out it was God the Father who played the lead role and is an important point in understanding the Trinity: This article is helpful in explaining this:

hahahaha Jesus' Spirit IS the Spirit of God and there is only one divine Spirit. Played a role you say? lol
Who raised Jesus from the dead?’
April 2016 | by Rick Phillips
'He is not here but is risen'It is natural to inquire about the details of an event so important to us. But we should first remember that the Bible avoids providing us details about what happened within the tomb when Jesus arose in resurrection life.

We know he was killed and buried, that the tomb was sealed and guarded by Roman soldiers. But the next thing we learn is that when the women arrive on the third day with anointing spices, the stone was rolled away, and Jesus was gone.

The situation here is similar to that of the cross. God does not provide us intimate details of Jesus’ excruciating suffering. The Bible mainly tells us that he was crucified and died. Likewise, we are told that Jesus rose from the dead. The Bible’s chief concern is with the bare facts, along with their saving significance for all who believe.

This being the case, we should never try to reconstruct or dramatise those holy moments in Jesus’ experience about which the Bible is silent.
The BIBLE says that Jesus died on the cross, then went to prison/hell in his Spirit state. Jesus preached the gospel there and then raised himself from the dead, because he is God the Father come as a Son and that means he is the Holy Spirit because the Bible says so.

But one thing the Bible is not shy in speaking about is the answer to the question, ‘Who raised Jesus from the dead?’

Perhaps the most pointed answer was given by Peter in his Pentecost sermon, just weeks after the resurrection: ‘God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it’ (Acts 2:24). The answer is that ‘God raised him up’.

The obvious follow-up question is, ‘Who, within the Trinity, raised Jesus from the grave?’ Here, things become interesting, because the biblical answer is ‘Yes’! That is, at different places, the Bible ascribes the raising of Jesus to each of the three members of the Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

No doubt, the majority of references point to God the Father. Where we read, ‘God raised Jesus’, we should certainly take this as a reference to God the Father.

This emphasises a number of things. First, it is the God to whom Jesus cried, and into whose hands Jesus committed his Spirit, who raised him from the dead. In Matthew 27:43, we read of the chief priests mocking Jesus: ‘He trusts in God; let God deliver him now, if he desires him. For he said, I am the Son of God’.

By the resurrection, Jesus’ claims regarding his relationship as Son to the Father were proved to be true, and God the Father was proved to be faithful to all who trust in him. Moreover, Peter could say, ‘The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree’ (Acts 5:30), so that the resurrection was a proof that the Old Testament is fulfilled by the risen Christ.

Christ’s power

The Bible also ascribes Christ’s resurrection to Jesus’ own power as Second Person of the Godhead. This is in keeping with the power he claimed to Martha at the tomb of Lazarus: ‘I am the resurrection and the life’ (John 11:25).

Jesus said in John 10:17-18, ‘I lay down my life that I may take it up again … I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father’. Hebrews 7:16 says that Jesus lives for ever because he possesses ‘the power of an indestructible life’. The point is that being the ever-living, divine Son, the Alpha and Omega, death could not hold Jesus, and therefore death cannot hold those who belong to Jesus, in faith.

Lastly, there are references to the Holy Spirit raising Jesus from the dead. Romans 1:4 says that Jesus ‘was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead’.

More blatantly, Romans 8:11 says, ‘If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, through his Spirit, who dwells in you’.

The point is made evident right there, that the Spirit’s work in our lives is analogous to his work in raising Jesus from the dead. To be born again by the Spirit is to experience a spiritual resurrection.


This ends up providing a useful lesson in Trinitarian theology, namely, that in the work of any member of the Trinity, the other two members are always intimately involved.

Everything the Trinity does is done by all of the Trinity. Surely, in the case of the resurrection of Christ, the great preponderance of references speak of God the Father as the leading actor.

But the Son and the Spirit were also responsible in the resurrection, just as all three divine Persons are actively involved in our spiritual rebirth and ongoing sanctification — which is our first resurrection — just as they will together conspire to ensure our second and final resurrection on the great day to come. To all three be glory!

You keep trying to defend the trinity doctrine instead of the truth will keep you confused as you are.

According to your ignorant beliefs, there is more than one Spirit, even though the Bible says there is one. So since you reject the truth, tell me how you now make at least two different divine Spirits? Where is Jesus' 'spirit'?


Well-known member
hahahaha Yeah, clean up your major error. Maybe you shouldn't try to insult so fast.

By the way, Jesus isn't building a real material earthy building.

That is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard.

The Jews made the mistake of thinking Jesus was going to sit in a building on an earthly throne; now you make the same mistake, except you think he messed up the first time and has to come back and do it.

Don't forget that Jesus led some captives with him. He took people with him before Pentecost.

hahahaha Jesus' Spirit IS the Spirit of God and there is only one divine Spirit. Played a role you say? lol

The BIBLE says that Jesus died on the cross, then went to prison/hell in his Spirit state. Jesus preached the gospel there and then raised himself from the dead, because he is God the Father come as a Son and that means he is the Holy Spirit because the Bible says so.

You keep trying to defend the trinity doctrine instead of the truth will keep you confused as you are.

According to your ignorant beliefs, there is more than one Spirit, even though the Bible says there is one. So since you reject the truth, tell me how you now make at least two different divine Spirits? Where is Jesus' 'spirit'?

I was only taking the diametric position to make a point as you are so polarised but perhaps I should have been more straight from the start? When you missed using the obvious verse:

John 2:21
But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

I thought I would carry on but the sad fact is you just don't get it, that's all, some people get some things some people don't. I'm not the only Trinitarian believer although your position is quiet rare/out there but because we disagree on a doctrine you think that makes me satanic? Any reasonable and well balanced person wouldn't say such a crazy and vitriolic thing over such a small matter, after all this is not a salvation issue and even if it was it wouldn't warrant such weird hell fire language. No, a mature person would just say we have a difference of opinion. Perhaps if you mature more you will be able to see things this way?

God's Truth

New member
I was only taking the diametric position to make a point as you are so polarised but perhaps I should have been more straight from the start? When you missed using the obvious verse:

John 2:21
But the temple he had spoken of was his body.

I thought I would carry on but the sad fact is you just don't get it, that's all, some people get some things some people don't. I'm not the only Trinitarian believer although your position is quiet rare/out there but because we disagree on a doctrine you think that makes me satanic? Any reasonable and well balanced person wouldn't say such a crazy and vitriolic thing over such a small matter, after all this is not a salvation issue and even if it was it wouldn't warrant such weird hell fire language. No, a mature person would just say we have a difference of opinion. Perhaps if you mature more you will be able to see things this way?

You have a satanic attititude because your line of defense is to ridicule and insult.

You are wrong about what you said about me and my beliefs, but you think you are fooling me and others reading by insulting me, which you think builds you up.


Well-known member
You have a satanic attititude because your line of defense is to ridicule and insult.

You are wrong about what you said about me and my beliefs, but you think you are fooling me and others reading by insulting me, which you think builds you up.

You say I have a satanic attitude just because we disagree over a doctrine? Can you not see how over the top you are and how in fact it is Satanic to accuse someone of being evil. Satan is the accuser and you are now copying Satan's behaviour. You need to study more and get some good basic Christian teaching for God's Strewth!


God's Truth

New member
You say I have a satanic attitude just because we disagree over a doctrine?
Are you that dense?

I said you have a satanic attitude because of your attitude.

You post and try to put me down because you don't have truth.

You are ensnared by the devil to do such things.

Can you not see how over the top you are and how in fact it is Satanic to accuse someone of being evil. Satan is the accuser and you are now copying Satan's behaviour. You need to study more and get some good basic Christian teaching for God's Strewth!

You are the one who accused me and are doing Satan's job. Telling you that is something someone from God does.

Go think about it more.


Eclectic Theosophist
Expanding the telescope.........

Expanding the telescope.........

Another stupid anthropomorphic thread!!!!

I dont know Kat,

It just so happens that the 'God' mentioned in the Bible is 'anthropomorphic'
:) - just a fact of nature, as I've covered in my commentary extensively already. The very form, personality and psyche of man, is a mirrored reflection, image and semblence of 'God', the Creator. Hence, the 'soul' by nature, constitution and creative function, expresses thru the principle of 'gender', both 'male' and 'female'. This is according to the creative pattern, and personalities will reflect in quality and form, variance of gender expression, on physical and non-physical levels.

OF COURSE, we also recognize an aspect of 'God' that wholly transcends any form, gender, even personality! - and this 'God' is quite 'unknowable', as a pure essence of Being, formless, incorporeal, without definition, dimension or even name. - BUT, the realm of souls and creation, the principle of gender has its place in the structure of existence. Man in his present form is the anthropomorphic re-presentation of 'God', so,...if you have quibbles with 'that', take it up with this said 'God' :) - the facts are apparent, and nature proves it ;) - otherwise,...if you WANT to totally toss out any 'anthropomorphism' whatsoever, just accept a vague vaporarous unknowable omnipresent essence or some spirit-force pervading the whole of existence, and imagine that 'God' however, adding your image, assumption or personality upon IT. This 'God' cannot even be proved to exist, being 'invisible' by definition anyways, so its back to your own 'imagination'.

Furthermore, this 'God' isn't sexist, neither a male chauvinist, but religious mythology and tradition might paint him to be such (just more mirror psychology in making 'God' into our own image, which is what is going on anyways on some level, since we are reflections of One Universal Consciousness). 'God' is just as much 'female' as he is 'male', since out of his essence comes all qualities, attributes and forms within creation, since 'God' is their sole SOURCE. 'God' is 'no-thing','every-thing', and MORE. We could go on,...but hope that adjusts the focus a bit :sherlock:


Eclectic Theosophist
There is only one God and He is the Father and He came to earth as a Man.

In the ultimate sense it matters not what form, personality or name 'God' assumes, since there is only one universal spirit, one original essence, one creative consciousness that is the source and center of all reality.

A con-fusion of personalities may or may not serve any real purpose or hold any value, apart from some relative context where such association has any significance ;)


Well-known member
In the ultimate sense it matters not what form, personality or name 'God' assumes, since there is only one universal spirit, one original essence, one creative consciousness that is the source and center of all reality.

A con-fusion of personalities may or may not serve any real purpose or hold any value, apart from some relative context where such association has any significance ;)

Can't fight centuries of false doctrine, their foundation is perverted with flesh and blood, a sacrificial system of darkness from bad divisional teachings that has produced the religious mind we see here, parroting the Roman hoax of human blood sacrifice from a parable of shadows of spiritual things to come, Psalms 40:6 a pearl still hidden from most here.

God's Truth

New member
In the ultimate sense it matters not what form, personality or name 'God' assumes, since there is only one universal spirit, one original essence, one creative consciousness that is the source and center of all reality.

A con-fusion of personalities may or may not serve any real purpose or hold any value, apart from some relative context where such association has any significance ;)

The Truth matters.

God's Truth

New member
Can't fight centuries of false doctrine, their foundation is perverted with flesh and blood, a sacrificial system of darkness from bad divisional teachings that has produced the religious mind we see here, parroting the Roman hoax of human blood sacrifice from a parable of shadows of spiritual things to come, Psalms 40:6 a pearl still hidden from most here.

God wanted to reconcile people unto Himself and He cleaned us once and for all through Jesus and Jesus lives to intercede for us.

That, does not mean that God did not command animal sacrifices.


Well-known member
Are you that dense?

I said you have a satanic attitude because of your attitude.

You post and try to put me down because you don't have truth.

You are ensnared by the devil to do such things.

You are the one who accused me and are doing Satan's job. Telling you that is something someone from God does.

Go think about it more.

I really think you need to calm down. As you mature in your faith you will learn not to be so dogmatic and just calmly accept that everyone else has different opinions about many issues in the Bible, to think you have everything right is obviously not logical and makes others think you have pride. Instead just try to be at peace like Jesus taught.

BTW could you try to keep to the OP. Again.

God's Truth

New member
I really think you need to calm down. As you mature in your faith you will learn not to be so dogmatic and just calmly accept that everyone else has different opinions about many issues in the Bible, to think you have everything right is obviously not logical and makes others think you have pride. Instead just try to be at peace like Jesus taught.

BTW could you try to keep to the OP. Again.

Sounds like you were describing yourself exactly.


Well-known member
God wanted to reconcile people unto Himself and He cleaned us once and for all through Jesus and Jesus lives to intercede for us.

That, does not mean that God did not command animal sacrifices.

That's right, all those sacrificial types and shadows where behavioral characteristic of mans lower nature Matt 9:4, Jude 1:10, that produced those fruits, explained in parabolic oracles. The only sacrifices our Spiritual Father (who judges no man) excepts are spiritual, Psalms 51:17, 107:22, Romans 7:24, Hebrews 9:8-10, Romans 7:11,18-22, Gen 18:25, Gal 4:24. All riddles in patterns not to be exoterically read after you wake up 2Cor 3:6, Proverbs 1:6, Hebrews 6:1-5, 2Cor 5:16.

God's Truth

New member
That's right, all those sacrificial types and shadows where behavioral characteristic of mans lower nature Matt 9:4, Jude 1:10, that produced those fruits,

No, good people obeyed the old law.

explained in parabolic oracles. The only sacrifices our Spiritual Father (who judges no man) excepts are spiritual, Psalms 51:17, 107:22, Romans 7:24, Hebrews 9:8-10, Romans 7:11,18-22, Gen 18:25, Gal 4:24. All riddles in patterns not to be exoterically read after you wake up 2Cor 3:6, Proverbs 1:6, Hebrews 6:1-5, 2Cor 5:16.

A person is given understanding after they believe the scriptures and do what Jesus says.

You go against the scriptures.


Well-known member
No, good people obeyed the old law.

A person is given understanding after they believe the scriptures and do what Jesus says.

You go against the scriptures.

Well enjoy the duplicity of elemental darkness, Psalms 78:2, Adios.


Well-known member
Back to the more scriptural symbolism portrayed in duality about our two states of mentality, both states have a male/female component that have offspring/thoughts, portrayed in parabolic duplicity as history, a preordained struggle between our lower nature vs our higher nature Gal 4:21-28, the reason for the use of outward physical separation of gender is only a type of behavioral characteristic within everyone, carnal gender doesn't literally apply to our marriage/reconciliation within ourselves in God's temple where we are to take no thought which is the riddle in Paul's statements concerning female speech/silence in the church of God 1Cor 3:16, most still judge spiritual truth by appearance Gal 3:28.

God's Truth

New member
Back to the more scriptural symbolism portrayed in duality about our two states of mentality, both states have a male/female component that have offspring/thoughts, portrayed in parabolic duplicity as history, a preordained struggle between our lower nature vs our higher nature Gal 4:21-28, the reason for the use of outward physical separation of gender is only a type of behavioral characteristic within everyone, carnal gender doesn't literally apply to our marriage/reconciliation within ourselves in God's temple where we are to take no thought which is the riddle in Paul's statements concerning female speech/silence in the church of God 1Cor 3:16, most still judge spiritual truth by appearance Gal 3:28.

Just because some one is loving does not make them more feminine. Just because there are some women who are stronger does not make them part male.

God calls Himself 'Father' and He came as a Son.

His angles are called 'Sons'.

The first human He made was in His likeness and was made a male.

The female was made for the human male.