Choosing not to rightly divide a passage into its dispensational context is the root of the majority of Biblical misinterpretation and errors taught today across so many pulpits.
Choosing to wrongly split up the Bible along Dispensational lines will always lead to Biblical misinterpretation and error.
Dr. Scofield defines a dispensation as
a period of time during which man is tested in respect of obedience to some specific revelation of the will of God. He teaches in the Scofield Bible that there are Seven Dispensations: (1) The Dispensation of Innocency: before the Fall; (2) The Dispensation of Conscience: before the Flood; (3) The Dispensation of Human Government; (4) The Dispensation of Promise: from the calling of Abraham until Mt. Sinai; (5) The Dispensation of the Law: from Mt. Sinai to the cross of Christ; (6) The Dispensation of Grace: from the cross of Christ to the Second Advent; (7) The Dispensation of the Kingdom: the Millennium.
The Bible does not claim that God has set apart periods of time for testing man.
The Bible claims that God has established a number of covenants, some with creation, some with all of mankind, and some with families.
Each covenant must be looked at separately and in conjunction with the other covenants for a full understanding of the Bible as a whole.
Assuming that the covenants fit into so-called Dispensations will cause many errors.