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Grosnick Marowbe

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Hall of Fame
North Korea has been threatening the U.S. with Nuclear Destruction for quite a while now and from all accounts, they're getting real close to having an ICBM and a miniaturized Nuclear device that will be able to reach several States in our Nation. Some experts are saying, it will take the North Koreans another year and others are saying the North have the capabilities at this present time. Russia, China, and Iran may soon get the inkling that it's time for them to join in on the plan.

Russia isn't too happy with us at this time and China won't lift a finger to help us calm down the North Koreans. President Trump asked the Chinese President to help with the North Korean "problem" however, they did nothing. China is one of our enemies and will remain so. Russia will follow China's lead because they share a Communist Ideology. Iran is a Nation led by Islamic Zealots. No doubt, China and perhaps, Russia is supplying North Korea with "Advanced Missile Technology."

Sooner or later we'll have to take action on the North Korean situation, which could possibly cause Russia and China to take the North Koreans side. We know that God Himself will someday destroy this earth and create a "New" Heaven and a "New" earth. Therefore, God will not allow mankind to destroy the earth with an all out Nuclear Holocaust. Could it be that we're on the threshold of a time when God will take the "Body of Christ" out of this world and thereby, bring about the rule of the "Anti-Christ" and the Tribulation period?

Our country is divided at this point in history and there is strife, great anger, hatred, violence, and obstruction towards the government. Not since the "Cuban Missile Crisis" in the early sixties has there been a more "Dangerous" time in our Nations history. Could we be entering the final days?


New member
The North Koreans have been working with the Iranians for decades, sharing information and technology. North Koreans also helped the Syrians build a plutonium producing reactor, but the Israelis destroyed it.

The "goal" seems to be an EMP device, which strategically detonated would destroy the U.S. electrical grid and send us "back to the horse and buggy days".
So far, their "reentry" nose cones have burned up following separation and their warheads have not been reduced to less than 1,000 pounds. As well, they are working on a "Poseidon" sub launched system.
So far...

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The political landscape is horrific today. The left-wing Democrats are obsessed with taking down Trump, even if it takes our country down at the same time. During my life I've seen a number of Presidents come and go, however, I've never seen such a tumult of destructive behavior, angst, and violent verbal and physical activity surrounding an election. As I've said before, there appears to be a "Psychological Civil War" taking place in our Nation. The Democrats cannot understand or accept that their candidate lost. The life long Politicians in Washington reject Trump because he's an "Outsider" and a man of the people. The Democrats and a few Republicans only seek to destroy and stand in the way of anything Trump wants to accomplish.

They act as if, Trump is the "infection" and they are the "antibodies."


New member
"You will come up against My people Israel like a cloud to cover the land. It will be in the latter days that I will bring you against My land so that the nations may know Me" (Ezekiel 38:16)

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Its really all about Israel. The ungodly atheistic nations hate Israel because Israel represents God and Jesus Christ, even if they don't. The Muslim nations would like to annihilate the Jews that also represents God and Jesus Christ even though they don't. In some of these atheistic countries you can go to prison if you have a Bible or try to distribute Bibles.


New member
Its really all about Israel. The ungodly atheistic nations hate Israel because Israel represents God and Jesus Christ, even if they don't. The Muslim nations would like to annihilate the Jews that also represents God and Jesus Christ even though they don't. In some of these atheistic countries you can go to prison if you have a Bible or try to distribute Bibles.

The Jews are only a tiny part of Israel.

You should be concerned about true Israel, the birthright nations.

Judah does not have the birthright.


New member
I think everyone is giving North Korea way too much credit.

Every missile they launch sinks. Every one. If they were so confident, why not fire the missiles already? The answer is simple. They do not have the capability. For ten years, all you hear is how North Korea is itching to launch a missile. Yet nothing has happened. It is all part of a scare tactic. The classic 1984 scenario where there must be a bad guy.

The same with Russia. Russia has not been a foe since the Cold War. They have not showed aggressive action towards the U.S. Yet everyone keeps insisting that Russia is some kind of insidious country, bent on the destruction of the U.S. Where is the evidence for this?

While North Korea is an enemy, they are vastly inferior. Russia is not an enemy.

As I said, this is all Big Brother propaganda. Because Islam is not a politically correct enemy, Russia has become the "new aggressor."

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New member
Even if they can't yet hit the U.S., they can hit South Korea and Japan.

NK would not have what is has if not for the Clintons.

I agree. I am sure they could reach Japan, and obviously South Korea. But I have confidence in our military, and those of other nations. A swift retaliation could and would send NK right back to the Stone Age. Which for them was only before the Clintons.

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