Is our perception of physical objects the true indicator of reality?


Well-known member
A reply to DFT's sequel on his perception of the earth's shape:

Railroad rails are closer to each other in the distance than when we look at the rails in front of our feet, there fore, the farther the object is from us the smaller they are.

Thus a friend who is 5"-10" when standing next to you, is only 3'-0" tall when standing at a distance, therefore your visual perception based on distance, not a tape measure determines the size of of object.

Since I cannot see the sun at night, the sun does not exist at night.

Since I cannot see you from where I am, you simply do not exist, therefore I must be replying to a fig newton of my imagination.

Since I cannot see soul, soul cannot exist.

Since I cannot see God, God does not exist.

Clearly an egocentric view point is erroneous.

For God not only exists but is clearly active in believer's lives.

If you believe you shall see.