ECT Is "obedience" to be considered a fruit or an attribute?


Your god, Dr. "Whatis Name, is no god except in your own mind that is now "Ichabod" because you have allowed him access for a 'new way' of believing for salvation to corrupt you sensibilities. You would have him be the savior of the world. How foolish can that be except to a mind made dead?

Spare me your warnings, child of your "god".

Please forward this on to your funny farm "FUMS" forum robots as a "warning".

I hope all here on this thread will go to that demonic site [above link] as well to read for themselves that which has ensnared countless folk, by being caught off by a Charlatan with the end result of such people who embraced his teaching: "How to love your worldly life as it is and have Jesus, too." . Please revisit this thread to share your findings.

Wow , CR are we getting a glimpse of whats in there ? i have a knack for bringing out the worst in people .

Be honest with yourself and take a look at what your saying and doing CR , i know you have a foundation to build on in you .


And you need to get a hold of yourself, Bunk. You think too highly of yourself.
You haven't said a thing here that originated with Dr. Hokum or you and if held up to the light of 'DAY', the Teachers who taught me did a better job of it and their chalk would reveal it.
You need to know that it is elementary teaching of abiding in Jesus Christ and move to the why of it all I also was taught and which you never speak of either message. You just make up words to whatever sounds good, make it complicated, screw up/sharpshoot correction given you only to claim a superior understanding any born again Christian can easily recognize.. That has been Dr. Hokum's method which has impressed you to embrace but scriptural hokum wrapped in any package is stil hokum. I personally believe the great Doc has most certainly found that out by.
So if anyone needs a warning it's you, kiddo.
To repeat Tozer: "Heresy of method can be a greater danger than the message". You got alot of "method" and want good folk to buy into it to support the worldly causes of Doc Hokum' other worldly wife, no doubt. Not for me and I pray for no one else either. Repent and live, is my best advice to you.

And as for praying i'll give you one last pearl to trample on .

Have you ever tried to send a car payment to ford motor credit , and you hadn't bought a car there yet . They won't and can't accept it .

So it is with our Lord . Until we have His Spirit sealed inside us , He and His word are not ours yet . So any prayers you might be sending , would be the same as sending a car payment to ford . He can't and won't accept it. I'll even let you in on a little secret . Praying as the world sees it , it's not praying at all . True prayer is done without ceasing . I won't ruin it by telling you anymore than that , you'll have to Faithe into Him to find out . i'm rooting for you Ken .

Cross Reference

New member
And as for praying i'll give you one last pearl to trample on .

Have you ever tried to send a car payment to ford motor credit , and you hadn't bought a car there yet . They won't and can't accept it .

So it is with our Lord . Until we have His Spirit sealed inside us , He and His word are not ours yet . So any prayers you might be sending , would be the same as sending a car payment to ford . He can't and won't accept it. I'll even let you in on a little secret . Praying as the world sees it , it's not praying at all . True prayer is done without ceasing . I won't ruin it by telling you anymore than that , you'll have to Faithe into Him to find out . i'm rooting for you Ken .

LOL!! <No comment>. You need a greater capacity for learning that only God can administer. I think it is nursery class for you for a long time. Your mind has been messed with for far to long. OMT: I don't want your prayers. But I offer you up in mine. Happy landing!