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Grosnick Marowbe

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The Gentiles never were given the Law and were NEVER under the Law. Only God's Chosen People, the House of Israel were given the Law and lived under it.


New member
Paul first took his Gospel to the Jews and they rejected it. Henceforth, he went on to be The Apostle to the Gentiles. Jesus earthly Ministry was ONLY to the Lost Sheep of Israel. The same for His Apostles. Paul was the ONLY one preaching The Grace Gospel to the Gentiles.

Show me where Peter ever preached a "law Gospel" to the Gentiles? He preached to Cornelius the death, burial and resurrection, and God filled them with the Holy Ghost.

Peter said "who was I that I could withstand God". Recounting it in Acts 15, Peter said that God had "purified their hearts through faith". Peter never preached that the Gentiles had to come under the law.

That was converted Pharisees who did not understand the grace Gospel of Peter and Paul.

Cue the chuckle.

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Grosnick Marowbe

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Show me where Peter ever preached a "law Gospel" to the Gentiles? He preached to Cornelius the death, burial and resurrection, and God filled them with the Holy Ghost.

Peter said "who was I that I could withstand God". Recounting it in Acts 15, Peter said that God had "purified their hearts through faith". Peter never preached that the Gentiles had to come under the law.

That was converted Pharisees who did not understand the grace Gospel of Peter and Paul.

Cue the chuckle.

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Peter preached The Kingdom Gospel to the Lost Sheep. That Gospel (Message) was about a future time when Christ will return to earth and set up His Kingdom to reign over His people, Israel. Christ will sit on the throne of David during that period of time. The Body of Christ (The Church) isn't included in that Kingdom. When a member of the Body of Christ leaves this world, they go to be with the Lord in Heaven.

Tattooed Theist

New member
Why water baptize at all today except to please some religious drone? Why endevour to NOT keep the one baptism of Ephesians 4?
Public declaration of inward transformation.

It's a demonstration that you are not trusting the Lord, but works.

You took Jamies reply completely out of context...

My question for you is this:

Since commanded (not requested) by the Lord on earth pertaining to salvation preached in Mark 16:16 KJV, why aren't you arguing for it?
"Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."
The ending makes clear what is actually required. ;)
Just being baptism is holding hands with belief doesn't mean belief without baptism will result in damnation - as the author makes extraordinarily clear.

Paul first took his Gospel to the Jews and they rejected it. Henceforth, he went on to be The Apostle to the Gentiles. Jesus earthly Ministry was ONLY to the Lost Sheep of Israel. The same for His Apostles. Paul was the ONLY one preaching The Grace Gospel to the Gentiles.
So, your suggesting we disregard anything not written by Paul?
You madists have a near obsession with Paul that I find rather odd and off putting when he is not the one who saved your soul.


Literal lunatic
Peter preached The Kingdom Gospel to the Lost Sheep. That Gospel (Message) was about a future time when Christ will return to earth and set up His Kingdom to reign over His people, Israel. Christ will sit on the throne of David during that period of time. The Body of Christ (The Church) isn't included in that Kingdom. When a member of the Body of Christ leaves this world, they go to be with the Lord in Heaven.

:chuckle: :crackup:


New member
Then again, Paul's message was different than Peters in that, Paul was preaching the "Grace Gospel" to the Gentiles, whereas, Peter and the others were preaching the Kingdom message (The same message as Christ in the four Gospels) to the House of Israel. Galatians 2:7 helps to explain this difference. "But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; Paul was the only Apostle to the uncircumcised (The Gentiles) and it was the message that Paul had received by The ASCENDED Lord Jesus Christ. As opposed to the message Christ preached during His earthly ministry, which was to the lost sheep of the House of Israel ONLY and NOT to the Gentiles. Understand?
There's no change in the message God wanted preached. It's all the same from the OT to the NT until now.

The gospel that Christ preached called people to repentance: KJV Mark 1:14-15
14 Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.
It was the same call to repentance God issued in the OT: KJV Ezekiel 18:30
30 Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.
It is still the same call that God NOW commands all men everywhere to do, according to apostle Paul: KJV Acts 17:30
30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
Repentance is change of mind for that which is good. Instead of doing evil, do good. IOW, overcome evil with good (Rom 12:21). And overcomers will Christ NOT blot out from the book life (Rev 3:5).

All start out in life NOT lost because of Christ - the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ. And being in Christ Who is our strength, we can overcome evil with good. But if we let evil overcome us instead of us overcoming it with good, then sorry. When we die not an overcomer, our names will Christ blot out from the book of life, and we are lost forever (Rev 20:15; 21:27).

The message of the gospel that Christ preached is the same message of the gospel that Paul preached. Sadly, the message of the gospel that most preachers of today preach, is different.


New member
The message of the gospel that Christ preached is the same message of the gospel that Paul preached. Sadly, the message of the gospel that most preachers of today preach, is different.
Why different? Because the message of the gospel they preach presupposes that people are born in sin, hence, born lost, being APART from or not in Christ. To be in Christ, they say, people must first believe and accept the gospel. This is requiring people who they said are still not in Christ to do SOMETHING to be in Christ Who said people can do NOTHING when apart from Him.

But these preachers can't see the paradox yet in what they preach. Hope they soon will.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Why different? Because the message of the gospel they preach presupposes that people are born in sin, hence, born lost, being APART from or not in Christ. To be in Christ, they say, people must first believe and accept the gospel. This is requiring people who they said are still not in Christ to do SOMETHING to be in Christ Who said people can do NOTHING when apart from Him.

But these preachers can't see the paradox yet in what they preach. Hope they soon will.

So, I see you are your own "Mentor." You post something, then, you create a post about the post you previously posted. That's quite an operation you have going for yourself.


New member
So, I see you are your own "Mentor." You post something, then, you create a post about the post you previously posted. That's quite an operation you have going for yourself.
You were saying you want this thread to be civil. But your style of response, instead of addressing what was posted attacks the poster.


New member
If you have any issue pro or con relative to what I have posted, post it. Don't attack me. Attack the issue raised in my posts, not me.


New member
The Gentiles never were given the Law and were NEVER under the Law. Only God's Chosen People, the House of Israel were given the Law and lived under it.

Paul taught that Gentiles are promised the Spirit through faith is Jesus Christ.

In Galatians 3:9 Paul said, "So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham."

In Romans 4:16 Paul asserts that Abraham is the father of us all.

The only relationship with God for Gentiles is through Abraham.

Salvation is only for the descendants of Abraham through faith.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Paul taught that Gentiles are promised the Spirit through faith is Jesus Christ.

In Galatians 3:9 Paul said, "So then those who are of faith are blessed with believing Abraham."

In Romans 4:16 Paul asserts that Abraham is the father of us all.

The only relationship with God for Gentiles is through Abraham.

Salvation is only for the descendants of Abraham through faith.

Guess what? Abraham was a Gentile.
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