Greetings again Lon,
Kind regards
I would like to apologise for my comments on education. I missed my opportunity many times. My understanding of Luke 1:34-35 is that God the Father was the father of Jesus, as God by means of His Power and the Holy Spirit fulfilled the role of father to produce a human, not a deity. That is how I understand the term “the only begotten of the Father”. The child Jesus was indeed exceptional, but grew as a child, and learnt wisdom Luke 2:40,52."Your" deduction. I didn't say that. I find those who draw conclusions of this nature, do so with scriptures as well. What being the offspring of God does, indeed ensure, is that He inherits deity. Is this the part where we trample one-another's education and where-with-all? So be it. God does cover our mistakes, but it is problematic if they are arrogant and willful. We have to own our own. I'll leave you to your's.![]()
I am convinced that I will never accept the Trinity.You've no intention of EVER changing, even should the Lord Jesus Christ come and rebuke you Himself …In sorrow -Lon
Kind regards