New member
Then why Isa 7:15 if not that Jesus still had to learn the ways of His Father per John 17:17 and as He prayed we would do in like manner? Why temptation if Jesus was God? God can't be tempted. Satan knew that. If Jesus was God then He could never have been our example in life.
In this, Jesus was perfect man in all He portrayed in His flesh, but, not yet was He God. He even said so. His transfiguration needed to be finalized and yet still, as Glorified Man, would sit at the right of God waiting for all things to be summed up in Him. If you understand you will realize how all truly born again, fit into that completion. . .! . . .as an heir of God and joint heirs with Jesus Christ!!!
Yes, Jesus learned obedience but not in the same way you and I do. We learned obedience because we were born with a sinful nature, He was not. Jesus learned what it was like to be obedient by the things He suffered. He was, as you say perfect man but also perfect God. Two natures held in perfect union H/U. He could be tempted as man. If He was not God His sacrifice on the cross was ineffective because as The man/God He is The only perfect mediator.
What you are saying is another reworking of the old heresy that denies the Deity of Christ.
A question: where did Jesus say He wasn't God?