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"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all". James 2:10
"For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all". James 2:10
Today that means if you think you can follow the law then you are guilty if you don't, even in one tiny point of the law you are guilty of the whole law. That's why it's important to understand the audience of each Bible author.
Can any of you ?
Galatians 3:3 KJV -
Can any of you ?
The Holiness of God is reflected in His Law. That's why if someone offends in just one point they are guilty of all.
But isn't His Holiness not also revealed to our flesh that when confronted contrary to its own desires, a warfare happens? Who demonstrated this more than Cain when God spoke to him before he killed Abel?
I think Paul teaches on that when he mentions how the flesh battles against The Holy Spirit who indwells every believer. As for Cain he didn't have the indwelling Spirit and just plain jealousy ate him up and a murderous rage ensued.
Coveting needs qualifying.
You want what the other has. Those are your thoughts that come from your mind. Same as lust. No action, yet still sin.
I find Paul's teaching re flesh battles in Romans 7 when speaking of the law as contrasted to God's law. Do you see it there as well?
Re Cain: True there was no indwelling but, there was God Himself bringing the contrast to Cain for him as a test to prove him per Gen. 4:7. That is was testing is all about that even Jesus had to submit to them in the wilderness and for the same reason. We might even say that being convicted is for the same reason. I believe Paul would agree, given his declarations in Rom 7. What say you?
But, doesn't Paul say...
I see where you're coming from and so far I would agree. Jesus was of course tempted in the wilderness but not for the same reason. The Lord did not need to be proved as do all of us. Isa. 7:15 teaches that The Messiah shall know to choose the good because God gives not The Spirit by measure to Him. Jn. 3:34.
When Paul speaks of it in Romans 7, what law is it is he referring to? Who is he addressing?
So again: When Paul speaks of it in Romans 7, what law is it is he referring to? Who is he addressing? I think a good re-read of the chapter and up to vs2 of chapter 8 should say something that identifies where our battle lies.