Is it wrong to go trick or treating or to a dress up party on Halloween?


New member
The thing about it as it relates to the Bible is that if you read through Leviticus or anything pertaining to Mosaic Law, birth defects were dealt with in a very desensitizing manner. To say the least.
But since Jesus died for us, such things do not matter. The body is part of the body of Christ, as noted in the New Testament. Therefore, the troubles that such people face is due to others not not following Christ. Christians are wrong, very wrong, in ridiculing which cannot be helped of one's body.

However, it is a Christians duty to treat their body well, and by extension, be true to their physical self. If one is unfortunate to have a sexual defect, then they need to be honest about what gender they go about. Otherwise, they are going to turn their involuntary status into a life long sin. If they are dishonest, they are being idolatrous and are treading on grounds of homosexuality if they venture into a relationship.
The biggest sin, however, is not those things, but rather looking for the approval of society rather then God. That is where I feel the big issue is.

I understand that people with such defects have a much harder time, but the Bible states that if one turns to God, He will turn those hardships into one's advantage. That's one of the most powerful aspect of having God in one's life.
Another thing to note is the object of secrets. Secrets are bad, bad, bad. The Bible stomps on them, because they are deceiving bits of baggage that leads to all sorts of things. One simply just needs to be honest with themselves and others, and let it run it's course.

Look, I appreciate your sincerity. But really really you don't know what you are talking about. When gender is indeterminate, what c-oice should they make? I dated a girl with no, zero sexual organs. There was just a place for a Cath to go to a bag for urine. With no breast development, her gender was indeterminate. What choice does God want her to make? She was raised female by the choice of her mother. So her gender was decided culturally, for her.

And you don't understand hermaphrodites at all if you think there is a choice. We aren't talking transgender, which is a much more confusing of an issue. This is totally off track from the original post so if we need to chat more, pm me.

I appreciate there being at least one person on here that can disagree and srill discuss things honestly and somewhat fairly.


I totally missed that thread, sorry I did. Anyone that studies intro biology knows that sex is not always cut and dried. People can be born XXY (Klinefelter's) as well as other types of intersex syndromes. (There are XX males and XY females)

Granted that the vast majority of gay people are not in this category, I think everyone MUST acknowledge there are people in this situation (it's biology . . .) and extend mercy accordingly.
No need to apologize, you understand the issue. It's obviously well over Nick's pointed head.

With respect to the OP, I was about 8 when we "decided" I shouldn't go out on Halloween anymore. I've been pining for the dressing up bit ever since. The origins of the holiday aren't so nice but at this point it's pretty much harmless fun for the kiddies. And making costumes fosters creativity etc. It's a good thing :)


New member
Me too!:shocked::confused::wazzup::think::luigi:

My sympathies to both of you.

I remember when there were conservative Democrats. Jfk's policies would be Republican ideas today. One more thing Jimmy Carter messed up for us,, ..


Look, I appreciate your sincerity. But really really you don't know what you are talking about. When gender is indeterminate, what c-oice should they make? I dated a girl with no, zero sexual organs. There was just a place for a Cath to go to a bag for urine. With no breast development, her gender was indeterminate. What choice does God want her to make? She was raised female by the choice of her mother. So her gender was decided culturally, for her.

Then that person is whatever culture made them, it's that simple. I don't know why you keep going about how I 'don't know what I'm talking about'. It's not rocket science. It seems I have answered every scenario as it pertains to the Bible, so please step off your pedestal.


New member
Now you don't even realize what you are saying. You started with they have a choice. You ignore all the trauma examples of having choice removed and then admit a cultural difference could form someone, which is culture deciding for them. Or the girl I told you with the absence of genitals who was of indeterminate gender but her mother raised her female so she was convinced. ..

And I'm not on a pedestal. I'm waitimg in answers. You lay blame at the feet of hermaphrodites and said they had a choice. I presented many scenarios the choice is a myth and your answer is to claim i am on a pedestal. I would say the one on a pedestal is the one ignoring arguments that contradict their position and then cry foul to not have to amend their position.

When you refuse tl be corrected, and demand on keeping your presuppositions no matter what the logic shows to the contrary, you show. .... difficulty and better hope you are right, you presume to be and wont accept otherwise. I had a friend walk over a cliff like that.

Then that person is whatever culture made them, it's that simple. I don't know why you keep going about how I 'don't know what I'm talking about'. It's not rocket science. It seems I have answered every scenario as it pertains to the Bible, so please step off your pedestal.


New member
Then that person is whatever culture made them, it's that simple. I don't know why you keep going about how I 'don't know what I'm talking about'. It's not rocket science. It seems I have answered every scenario as it pertains to the Bible, so please step off your pedestal.

We are products not only of our genes, but also of our chemistry and hormones, as well as our enculturation.
As far as choice goes, many of our choices are made for us when we are children. For most of us, we only begin to think in terms writ large when we get into college. And many of us never do progress to abstract or universal thinking.


Now you don't even realize what you are saying. You started with they have a choice. You ignore all the trauma examples of having choice removed and then admit a cultural difference could form someone, which is culture deciding for them. Or the girl I told you with the absence of genitals who was of indeterminate gender but her mother raised her female so she was convinced. ..

And I'm not on a pedestal. I'm waitimg in answers. You lay blame at the feet of hermaphrodites and said they had a choice. I presented many scenarios the choice is a myth and your answer is to claim i am on a pedestal. I would say the one on a pedestal is the one ignoring arguments that contradict their position and then cry foul to not have to amend their position.

When you refuse tl be corrected, and demand on keeping your presuppositions no matter what the logic shows to the contrary, you show. .... difficulty and better hope you are right, you presume to be and wont accept otherwise. I had a friend walk over a cliff like that.

..And if they choose to be Christian, they drop whatever lie they have been living.

The ultimate contradiction in your argument is that you are trying to justify vanity in the presence of God by the justification of vanity at His absence in one's life. It doesn't even connect., it rather cuts it's feet from under itself.

No amount of pitying unfortunate people is going to sway the truth. That is rather a logical fallacy. You are the one refusing to step off your pedestal in which you have been on from the start. Don't presume to tell me what I am refusing, because the only thing I'm refusing is your manipulation of the discussion.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

O.K. SOD I think this would be a great replacement avitar for barney being we are in an election cycle it is appropriately distasteful and is sure to irritate ememe, Barbie (the closet Obama lover), AO, et al...:chuckle:


New member
It's wrong NOT to dress up in scary costumes for Halloween!

Halloween is the day of the dead, celebrated in many cultures, including Christian (all saints day)


I'm at work right now. Along with my work uniform I'm wearing a pair of tattered bat wings, horns, and just enough makeup to look demonic.

I originally planned to head north to a night club in Tallahassee, but decided I'd rather make money than spend money. I'm kinda regretting that decision as I am watching the club's live stream. I'm also having a bit of body envy having just watched one of their dancers do a little striptease. MUST WORK OUT MORE.


I'm at work right now. Along with my work uniform I'm wearing a pair of tattered bat wings, horns, and just enough makeup to look demonic.

Did you know that your username is Hades' wife? That, for some reason, came to mind when I saw this kid dressed as a cauldron walking beside I who believe was Goldilocks. I know my mythology :D


New member
Did you know that your username is Hades' wife? That, for some reason, came to mind when I saw this kid dressed as a cauldron walking beside I who believe was Goldilocks. I know my mythology :D

Then you should appreciate her name even more.

Persephone was captured and held against her will by Hades in the underworld. From what I know of Persephone's story, I'd think they would relate to that somewhat.

But, HEY, I'm just thinkin' out loud. Thinking, bad habit in general on here.


New member
As a child, I loved the slight spookiness of Halloween. Now that I am very much grown, it kind of creeps me out.

To add to the general creepiness of last night, one of our close by neighbors blew his brains out. It's so awful and so very sad. :(
He was a very religious man. I cannot figure out why he would do this, and leave his sick wife alone.