Is It "Sexual Assault" If Nobody Complains?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Then explain how at a supermarket, hearing comments on how nice your breasts are nearly daily and dirty jokes well after asking them to stop, factor into consent, and complaints to management get you "suck it up, hes old" ?

that's not sexual contact


Why cant some of you guys just admit there are pigs out there among you?

Without a doubt. I spent a good part of the day debating some of them (of course not here on TOL, people like okdoser and his Libertarian buddies who defend accused child rapist and pornographer Donald Trump are good God-fearing Christians).

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why cant some of you guys just admit there are pigs out there among you?

speaking only for myself, i 've never had a problem admitting there are pigs out there among me :idunno:

some are men, some are women

people in general are pigs

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed the evil thoughts, fornications, thefts, murders, adulteries,



Why cant some of you guys just admit there are pigs out there among you?

Why can't you just admit that if women are so equal, they wouldn't have ended up on the losing stick to begin with :chuckle:

List of things women can do better than men:

1.) Give birth

And wouldn't you know, many of them can't even seem to do that nowadays. You had one job :rolleyes:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Why can't you just admit that if women are so equal, they wouldn't have ended up on the losing stick to begin with :chuckle:

List of things women can do better than men:

1.) Give birth
2.) Fetch remote
3.) Rub my feet
4.) Fetch me a beer
5.) Pick my ducks
6.) Feed the dogs
7.) Cook dinner

And wouldn't you know, many of them can't even seem to do that nowadays. You had one job :rolleyes:

you missed a bunch


New member
The left (especially the CBC) has been portraying trump's foolish nonsense from eleven years ago as an admission of sexual assault

but no women have come forward to complain, and trump's own boasting said

“... when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

is it "sexual assault" if it's consensual? :dizzy:
Better question is why are so many self-proclaimed Christians defending such deplorable hedonism?

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond

“... when you’re a star, they let you do it,” Trump says. “You can do anything.”

wow - what happened to the formatting?

must be that tapatalk thing

hey - that's not one of those exploding samsung things, is it?

don't want my computer to catch on fire

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Better question is why are so many self-proclaimed Christians defending such deplorable hedonism?

can't speak for "so many", only myself

imo, trump's a pig

but he'll still make a better president than hillary


New member
In this very particular case, the claim is the act.

No one appears to be suggesting that Trump grasped a lady's genitals. No one other than Trump himself.

The issue is that he claimed it in boast.

The issue isn't what he's done, more how he thinks. It's a purely moral issue (and as I pointed out earlier, it's odd that this is the big issue for him).

What you're trying do is say that it's not an issue because it happened 11 years ago.

What I'm trying to do is point out that it still wasn't ok 11 years ago.

It's not cool to talk about other people like that. Even if you didn't then think you were going to run for the most important office on the face of the Earth.

It's not cool, don't defend it. It's not defensible. I agree that this is not top of the reasons why this idiot is not fit for this office, but by trying to defend it, or dismiss it, you must recognise that you're stone cold wrong.
This is a large reason that this country is growing more and more secular. Too many self-proclaimed Christians have abdicated their Christian duties. Namely conservative Christians who've opted to put politics over religion.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
This is a large reason that this country is growing more and more secular. Too many self-proclaimed Christians have abdicated their Christian duties. Namely conservative Christians who've opted to put politics over religion.

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so who's defending it?


New member
No, you have that all distinction all to yourself.

Yes, it is sexual assault even if no one complains. There are plenty of reasons why a woman wouldn't complain high among them is the belief that they wouldn't be believed. This is especially true if the man doing the assaulting has money, prestige and/or power. There is also fear of repercussions from reporting the abuse, again especially so if the man has money and power. There is also the strange way some people attack and blame the woman for daring to speak out or for waiting, or for claiming it was assault at all.

Consider: A man has been sexually and physically abusing his daughter for years. She doesn't fight it, she just closes her eyes and hopes he won't hurt her to much this time. She is terrified of the consequences of reporting the abuse. Those fears manifest as would anyone in her family or community believe her? Why didn't she report it years ago? What will he do to her if she does report it? If she doesn't protest is she actually consenting?

So last night daddy had his fun with her and she let him. Do you think that any sexual abuse took place? or is the girl just a whore?
That you have to condescend and break it down to the user known as "OK dozer" speaks to his character, or lack thereof, more than anything.

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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That you have to condescend and break it down to the user known as "OK dozer" speaks to his character, or lack thereof, more than anything.

care to tackle this?

Sexual assault is any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.

according to that definition, both my sons were the result of sexual assault, because I never gave my wife explicit consent to have sex with me


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, it is sexual assault even if no one complains.

so if my wife starts putting the moves on me and i respond without getting or giving explicit consent, both of us are guilty of sexually assaulting each other?

traci said:
There are plenty of reasons why a woman wouldn't complain...

not looking for excuses, looking for a wording of the law that's not subjective


New member
That's categorically false, because if the person doesn't mind than it isn't an assault. Do you and your significant other ask before being touched by each other?

If anything, you just outright exemplified what I was speaking of :rotfl:


Just shut it, those as yourself get more dumb by the day- sitting here trivializing the difference between a mere act and an assault :rolleyes:
I simply produced the U.S. Justice Department's legal definition of sexual assault that contradicts your vomiting of asinine opinion. You, like Trump, can reject reality and live in some alternate lie if you wish, but consequences frequently result from such divergences.


New member
so if my wife starts putting the moves on me and i respond without getting or giving explicit consent, both of us are guilty of sexually assaulting each other?

not looking for excuses, looking for a wording of the law that's not subjective
When you "respond" positively it is a form of explicit consent; that is unless said "positive" response is the result of coercion.