Is Hillary Clinton's health less important than Trump's?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison

Is Hillary Clinton's health less important than Trump's?

By Gerard J. Gianoli, M.D

Imagine, if you would, that tomorrow Donald Trump suffers a concussion. Suppose he trips on a flight of stairs, falling down and hitting his head. The head injury is so severe that he is unconscious for a time and has to be hospitalized for a week.

After getting out of the hospital, the Trump campaign tells us he has fully recovered, and that there are no lingering effects of the head trauma. During the following weeks, he is seen in public to wear glasses with a Fresnel corrective lens on one side. He also seems to have trouble maintaining his balance, loses his thoughts in the middle of speeches and has episodes of spasmodic movements suggestive of seizures.

In this imaginary scenario, would it surprise anyone if the media became skeptical and pressed for release of Trump’s medical records? Would it surprise anyone if the Clinton campaign made an issue of Trump’s health status during speeches and in TV ads? Would the media cry “foul” over the Clinton campaign doing so?

The answers to these questions are self-evident. The media and the Clinton campaign would be all over this, and no one would question the appropriateness of their actions.

To my knowledge, Trump has had no such issues with his health. However, Clinton has had multiple problems -- some she has revealed and some that she has not revealed.

So why has the media not been asking Clinton to release her medical records? Is her health status less important than Trump’s?

What do we know about Clinton’s health? We know that she has suffered two deep vein thromboses and an episode of cerebral venous thrombosis.

Blood spontaneously clotting within one’s veins on three separate occasions is not a good thing. In fact, it is life-threatening. This tells us that she has a hypercoagulable state requiring the use of Coumadin (a “blood thinner”) for the rest of her life to try to prevent this from happening again. While Coumadin may prevent future blood clots, it can also lead to life-threatening hemorrhage if she has any future trauma.

We also know that she suffered a concussion and, according to her husband, she took six months to recover. How do we know she recovered?

If she was a high school athlete, she would have had mandatory neuropsychological testing before being allowed to participate in sports again. Given that being the leader of the free world is more important than playing goalie for the local high school, why is the mainstream media not demanding to see Clinton’s post-concussion testing?

We also know from the Clinton camp that she has had a right transverse venous sinus thrombosis. This has been described as a blood clot in her brain, but that is not accurate.

More specifically, it is a blood clot that formed in one of the two major veins that drain blood from the brain. Coumadin was prescribed, not to dissolve the clot (it won’t), but to prevent the clot from extending to the other transverse venous sinus, which could result in death.

However, the right transverse sinus clot by itself will cause longstanding consequences. Since there are only two veins draining blood from the brain, the blockage of one results in increased intracranial pressure, which will remain a lifelong problem for such patients.

What are the symptoms of increased intracranial pressure? The most common are headaches, visual problems, and dizziness/balance problems. We know that Clinton has had all three of these. Less commonly known are “brain fog,” problems with concentration, and short-term memory problems. Sounds familiar?

Why has the media not been inquiring about Clinton’s health records as aggressively as they did when GOP candidate John McCain had skin cancer? What do her visits to ophthalmologists and neurologists show? Has she had any neuropsychological testing, as is routinely done in traumatic brain injury cases?

We also know from the leaked Democratic National Committee emails that some of the major media outlets were in collusion with the Clinton campaign and the Democrat Party. Could this be why they have not pursued the issues of Clinton’s health? This is an important issue to be explored for any candidate of any political party.

As a concerned American, I ask the media: Would you please do your job?

Gerard Gianoli, M.D., F.A.C.S. specializes in Neuro-otology and Skull Base Surgery. He is in private practice at The Ear and Balance Institute, in Covington, Louisiana and is a Clinical Associate Professor at Tulane University School of Medicine


New member
"...she is a sick twisted person in the first place" can be made more specific not only about her but also about Bill Clinton.

Trump may have access to the people in the Patriot movement who have known about the activities of Bill and Hillary going back to the time when he was Governor of Arkansas. If Trump starts to talk about this, which the media has mostly ignored or said was just a conspiracy theory, something more explicit will be revealed about the negative side of Hillary to those who are open to the information. These activities of Bill and Hillary go back as far as the 1980s in Arkansas.

"LARRY NICHOLS (Former Director of Marketing for the Arkansas Development Finance Authority): I first met Bill Clinton in the mid to late 70's. He was an "up and coming" politician. There were a group of us, Jim Guy Tucker, Bill Clinton, Sheffield Nelson and myself. And we kind of ran around and palled around with each other. It was from that point that I did a lot of projects for Bill from a marketing perspective. In 1988 I went to Bill and I said, "I need a job to kind of relax, mellow out." Bill Clinton and Betsy Wright, they suggested that I go to work for a place called the Arkansas Development Finance Authority, and they said my talents could really be used there. It was the best kept secret in Arkansas.

After about two weeks I went to Wooten Epps and I said, "Wooten, I think I've got enough background on this that we can start marketing it. Now, what is the criteria for loans?" He said, "Whoever Bill wants to get a loan."

To go back, though, to that moment in time, I'd been there about a month, and I realized that I was in the epicenter of what I'd always heard about all my life, what most people have heard about is the "machine." I was literally working, sitting in the middle of Bill Clinton's political machine. It was where he made payoffs, where he repaid favors to people for campaign support. I was in an interesting seat, and I knew it."
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Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Trump may have access to the people in the Patriot movement who have known about the activities of Bill and Hillary going back to the time when he was Governor of Arkansas. If Trump starts to talk about this, which the media has left untouched for years, something more explicit will be revealed about the negative side of Hillary to those who are open to the information. These activities of Bill and Hillary go back as far, at least, to 1987 in Arkansas.

Now that's an interesting post. Time will tell I suppose.

The Horn

We DO need to worry about Trump's health - his MENTAL health ! He's been diagnosed by a number of distinguished American psychiatrists as having a dangerous narcissistic personality which would make him totally unfit to be president. He is also a sociopath - someone with no conscience and who is totally self-centered and without moral scruples .
He's very similar in this respect to such dangerous sociopaths as Hitler, Mao Zedong and Stalin . No he's not as extreme and wouldn't go about killing millions of Americans, but he does have a lot in common with such ruthless, power-hungry ,manipulative individuals .
Trump is emotionally immature and acts like a spoiled toddler who can't get his way when he doesn't . He's rude, verbally abusive , disrespectful,impulsive and utterly lacking in restraint and level-headedness, qualities absolutely essential in a president, all qualities which Hillary Clinton has.
I'm extremely doubtful about the stories of Hillary's alleged health problems. They're just a desperate ploy on he part of the Republicans to try to discredit her , and lots of gullible Americans are falling for this hooey unfortunately .

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
We DO need to worry about Trump's health - his MENTAL health.....

Right. At age 70, after decades of dealing with officials, building buildings, building an empire, creating jobs, doing television shows, and all the rest, all of a sudden he has mental problem because he is running against Hillary. YOU are the retard here. In fact, the fact that you have never posted one single intelligent post indicates to me that your mental health is in question, not Trump's.


New member
A psychopath, a sociopath and someone with Antisocial Personality Disorder - DSM-5 301.7 - all have the same problem. They all have no conscience and are persistent liars. Many psychopaths become criminals and many psychopaths also get into positions where they can control other people, which is what they like to do. But not all people who are in positions where they can control others are psychopaths.

"(Antisocial Personality Disorder) is a DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition), diagnosis assigned to individuals who habitually violate the rights of others without remorse..."

"Lying, deception, and manipulation, for profit tor self-amusement,

Impulsive behavior,

Irritability and aggression, manifested as frequently assaults on others, or engages in fighting

Blatantly disregards safety of self and others,

A pattern of irresponsibility and

Lack of remorse for actions."

I want to emphasize that psychopaths - people with Antisocial Personality Disorder - have no conscience and are persistent liars.

You have got to have specific instances of a candidate lying over and over, and specific behavior indicating a lack of a conscience.

A specific instance of not having a conscience is this:

"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared a laugh with a television news reporter moments after hearing deposed Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi had been killed.

"We came, we saw, he died," she joked when told of news reports of Qaddafi's death by an aide in between formal interviews."


Well-known member
I didn't realize his name says it all.

trump·er·y (trŭm′pə-rē)
n. pl. trump·er·ies
1. Showy but worthless finery; bric-a-brac.
2. Nonsense; rubbish.
3. Deception; trickery; fraud.
[Middle English trompery, deceit, from Old French tromperie, from tromper, to deceive.]

Oxford dictionary


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
We DO need to worry about Trump's health - his MENTAL health ! He's been diagnosed by a number of distinguished American psychiatrists as having a dangerous narcissistic personality which would make him totally unfit to be president. He is also a sociopath - someone with no conscience and who is totally self-centered and without moral scruples .
He's very similar in this respect to such dangerous sociopaths as Hitler, Mao Zedong and Stalin
You don't know what you are talking about. It would be better to say, 'he does not seem to act presidential', in your own estimation. leave it at that.


New member
Is there a difference, actually seen in the behavior of people, between a psychopath and a sociopath?[/url]

"Psychopath and sociopath are pop psychology terms for what psychiatry calls an antisocial personality disorder. These two terms are not really well-defined in the psychology research literature, and so there is some confusion about them."

But psychiatrists and psychologists were talking about psychopaths before the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders, the DSM, began to include Antisocial Personality Disorder in 1980, in the Third Version. The first Version of the DSM was in 1952, which did not have Antisocial Personality Disorder.

"Antisocial personality disorder was originally labeled under the categories
of psychopathy and sociopathy before earning its current title.
The term antisocial personality disorder didn’t even appear in the psychiatric realm until the publication of the DSM-III in 1980.

"It is common for people to use the terms psychopathy and sociopathy interchangeably in conversation, as both seem to describe someone who has no remorse. Psychopathy and Sociopathy do have some similarities but professionals still argue some of the big differences that creates cause for two completely different diagnoses and disorders as opposed to one."

The above is from:[/url]

Psychiatrists and psychologists were interested in the psychopathic personality disorder back in the fifties to seventies.

Look at what a 1978 book, The Psychopath, says about this
personality disorder. In the 1978 book, The Psychopath: A Comprehensive Study of Antisocial
Disorders and Behavior, by William. H. Reid, he reports that a study
of psychopathic children found they had a lack of guilt, or lack of
conscience, which is common to psychopaths. They also engaged in
"pathological lying," and they tended to steal things. The members of
the highest level of the financial elite probably do not steal things;
instead, they steal billions of dollars from the people.

Reid reports that adult psychopaths are manipulators who want to
control others. Does this trait sound like members of the highest
level of the ruling elite, or financial elite? Psychopaths get
satisfaction from having put something over on other people - by
deception. This is exactly what the financial elite has done with the
Federal Reserve scam involving creating money out of nothing, loaning
it at interest, using the IRS as a collection agency to collect money
from the people to pay the FED. And the members of the financial
elite have no guilt for doing all this to us.

At least three American presidents were assassinated after they
severely criticized the usury bankers or tried to go back to lawful,
Constitutional money-creation by having the government issue U.S.
notes. Criminality is often a part of the makeup of the
psychopathic personality.

In the book, The Moral Molecule, 2012, Paul J. Zak ties oxytocin to moral
behavior, trust, and benevolent social behavior rather than harmful behavior toward others,. The psychopath has little or no conscience, meaning he or she has little or no moral compass to direct his or her actions. And the psychopath has little trust of others and others cannot trust him.


"....there is compelling evidence that OT (Oxytocin) acts in the brain to promote a variety of vital adaptive responses, including maternal behaviour, the formation of monogamous pair-bonds, sexual arousal and orgasm, peer to peer social interaction, social memory and anxiety reduction (Keverne and Curley, 2004; Storm and Tecott, 2005; Lim and Young, 2006; Neumann, 2007). "


People with Antisocial Personality Disorder - who are psychopaths - have deficits in empathy. In the 2013 study above they administered oxytocin to the subjects. "Exogenous oxytocin selectively increased third-party decision-makers' perceptions of harm for victims." Apparently this means that giving people oxytocin increased their empathy for victims of harm.
An hypothesis would be that psychopaths, who are low in empathy, because of lack of oxytocin, might increase their empathy for victims when given oxytocin.

"In this study, we explored whether exogenous oxytocin modulates empathy of an unaffected third-party toward offenders and victims of criminal offenses....Participants intranasally self-administered a single dose of 40 IU oxytocin (Syntocinon spray, Pharmaworld, Zurich, Switzerland) or placebo (containing the carrier without the neuropetide) 45 min before the experiment."

"In conclusion, our findings provide the first demonstration that oxytocin selectively increased perceptions of harm for victims but not the desire to punish offenders of criminal offenses in healthy men."

The hypothesis of interest is that inability to secrete oxytocin and feel empathy is linked to antisocial personality disorder or psychopathy, narcissism, lack of conscience and low morals as well as general manipulativeness."


What they say about Trump:

Anti Social Personality Disorder
Bad businessman
Child killer
Moral Degenerate
The Scourge of all evil

Who they are:

Seriously, take a big step back and review all of what you all have stated of him since he started his run. You're acing like a schoolgirl :rolleyes:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
.....and he says, "Hi. I'm called Musterion. I hate Catholics and hate billionaires and am an overall jerk. Gimme' a beer."
He's never said any such thing. Please do not attribute quotes without actually finding a quote and quoting it with a link please. ;) This practice is how misunderstandings happen.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Youtube with doctors discussing Hillary's health. This one is a little more credible.



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
We DO need to worry about Trump's health - his MENTAL health ! He's been diagnosed by a number of distinguished American psychiatrists as having a dangerous narcissistic personality which would make him totally unfit to be president. He is also a sociopath - someone with no conscience and who is totally self-centered and without moral scruples .
He's very similar in this respect to such dangerous sociopaths as Hitler, Mao Zedong and Stalin . No he's not as extreme and wouldn't go about killing millions of Americans, but he does have a lot in common with such ruthless, power-hungry ,manipulative individuals .
Trump is emotionally immature and acts like a spoiled toddler who can't get his way when he doesn't . He's rude, verbally abusive , disrespectful,impulsive and utterly lacking in restraint and level-headedness, qualities absolutely essential in a president, all qualities which Hillary Clinton has.
I'm extremely doubtful about the stories of Hillary's alleged health problems. They're just a desperate ploy on he part of the Republicans to try to discredit her , and lots of gullible Americans are falling for this hooey unfortunately .

Wow! these attributes you have listed fit the felon Hillary to a tee, lets give it a go shall we...

We DO need to worry about the felon Hillary's health - her MENTAL health ! She's been diagnosed by a number of distinguished American psychiatrists as having a dangerous narcissistic personality which would make her totally unfit to be president. She is also a sociopath - someone with no conscience and who is totally self-centered and without moral scruples .
She's very similar in this respect to such dangerous sociopaths as Hitler, Mao Zedong and Stalin . No she's not as extreme and wouldn't go about killing millions of Americans (even though she already has numerous dead bodies to her account), but she does have a lot in common with such ruthless, power-hungry ,manipulative individuals .
The felon Hillary is emotionally immature and acts like a spoiled toddler who can't get her way when she doesn't . She's rude, verbally abusive , disrespectful,impulsive and utterly lacking in restraint and level-headedness, qualities absolutely essential in a president, all qualities which Donald Trump has.
I'm extremely doubtful about the stories of Trump's alleged health problems. They're just a desperate ploy on the part of the Demoncrats to try to discredit him , and lots of gullible Americans are falling for this hooey unfortunately .

Fits like Cinderella's glass slipper, I could not have put it any better. :thumb:


Well-known member
Any woman who could do in court, then in an interview, what she did to that girl raped decades ago has had these issues way longer than just recently.