lost anomaly
New member
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Have any Scripture to back this sort of an idea up with?
I would like to see the back-up too.
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
Have any Scripture to back this sort of an idea up with?
Originally posted by Lovejoy
How many people think that God created the universe already in progress, as in real time began having to play catch-up with subjective time?
Originally posted by lost anomaly
I'm not usre I understand the question.
Originally posted by Lovejoy
That's because it does not make any sense![]()
What I meant, if I understand myself, was: did God start the universe with the light of the stars already hitting the earth, with the galaxies already in motion, and the universe expanding. From our perspective, it should have taken billions of subjective years. Did it? Or did He start it in that shape already, so that we would perceive that this time has passed, when it had not?
Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I don't think that one could come to any other conclusion than that the universe was created in a state of maturity. It wouldn't make sense to do it any other way. For example, Adam and Eve would have had basically nothing to eat without fruit bearing trees around. They would have gotten quite hungry having to wait until the seedlings grew to maturity. Also God brought all the animals to Adam to see what he would call them. I don't think that it would make any sense to think that all the animals were anything but fully mature adult specimens just as Adam and Eve themselves were.
Resting in Him,
Originally posted by philosophizer
I agree. I but I think it's only a "mature" universe because that's what we want to call it. It's only because we've decided that it looks old. We look deep into space and see what looks like an expanding universe. And then we extrapolate some imagined "big bang" to explain why the universe looks like it's expanding. And then, since the big bang must have happened several billion years ago (judging by the expansion), then we begin to assume that the universe must look old. And then we ask why God created a new universe that looks so deceptively old. But really, we only think that because we've already decided that universal expansion assures a big bang and that must have happened a very long time ago. It's a very backwards logic.
Originally posted by God_Is_Truth
perhaps this should be a new thread in the general theology forum?
Originally posted by godrulz
The present exists, the past is fixed, and the future is not yet (even for God).
Originally posted by godrulz
Time is succession, duration, sequence. It is not a thing nor a place. It is an aspect of any personal beings experience, including God.
'Eternal Now' is a philosophical concept from ?Philo to Augustine to Calvin, etc. Timelessness is illogical.
God experiences an endless duration of time (eternity) with no beginning and no ending. This is a requirement of will, intellect, emotions, acts, etc.
The present exists, the past is fixed, and the future is not yet (even for God).