julie21 said:
Nice to have a loving heart to heart with Dad. with a little 'post' name referencing, isn't it? Long after the point is no longer valid, I should imagine that it makes it fine now to say, "Dad, when you were a homosexual, I think you were a faggot." Compared to telling him in a manner of disgust at the time he was one. Reactions might have been very different then.
Yes, they might have been. But I didn't know what homosexuality was when he was one. And he never committed any such acts when I was at his house, so I never would have caught him. And if I had, I wouldn't have known the word "faggot," but I would have been seriously scarred [not, not scared, although I might have been]. And I would have run away, and felt naseous, much as I did when I first heard of homosexuality. Seeing it might have actually made me wretch, and lose my lunch.
As I said previously, Rep points don't bother me.

Could be you do know more, could be you know less. A lot of atheists know a lot about Christianity too, so do you want to be measured against them?
You'dew be surprised how much I know.
Sorry, but I have to laugh at that one...considering some of the posts I have read you post since coming to TOL, I would say that you do not have a clue about people most of the time.

Maybe if you tried the other side of the couch it could help.

And sorry about not your not pulling Gas anymore...I honestly thought you were still dispensing it.
Face to face is easier, and I haven't had anyone tell me I'm wrong, yet [when I do it face to face].
Buzzzzzzz....Nope, still got it wrong there mate.

Still not happy 'cos you still are sprouting utter rubbish lad.
the fact that I think you do is correct, because I do think that. Whether what I think or not is correct was not the point of my statement. Pay attention. And get over yourself.
Still trying to work out what gift of the spirit you have...no, got nothing yet. Must be something, but it's not really clear to see.
Doesn't really matter what you think, does it. God gives as He sees fit.
Ha! Ha! Ha!...that really gets me! Ooh! Ow! That hurts me sooooooo much LH!
And you are - - - - - - -- - - - ?
I will let others get their crayons and fill in the rest with what they like.
I'm quite rude, and abrasive. And many other things. Someone once said I was the rudest person on TOL. Of course, they had only been here a number of days, and had not yet met Sozo.
And your perception son, is utter :cow:

That is what I will deny...your perception which is so way off!
Whatever you wish.
I am not 'anything' more than God. Never professed to be, never will...but you go ahead and put whatever slant on it that you like, as you will no doubt do.
You're definitely not meaner than God.:nono:
Tell you what Lighthouse. Go up to a homosexual and call him a faggot...note the reaction.
beanieboy, you're a faggot.
Go up to a homosexual and call him a turkey...note the reaction.
beanieboy, you're a turkey.
Odds tell me that the faggot will not be met with the same reaction as turkey.
Note to self...practice what I preach..do not call Lighthouse names.
Actually, the whole point of this argument wiht you was to see if you would eventually call me a name. I aws being much more annoying than usual, on purpose. And you did. Which shows that you aren't as against it as you would like us to believe. Thus, you are a hypocrite, and need to re-assess something. It seems that maybe you have, but that doesn't mean you're right. Jesus called names, and we can too.
Note to Lighthouse...practice what you preach...Jesus wants us to love others as ourselves.
When have you ever seen me practice something I don't preach?
Faggot is not a loving name in this world Lighthouse. It has hateful tones implied to what was once an innocent meaning.
Hateful is not loving. Jesus wants us to be loving...therefore use loving words.
You are a hypocrite...snap!
Hate and love can work together. God hates all workers of iniquity, and loves them too. And He calls them on their sinm, or has us do it, as we are His body.
Show me something hypocritical I have done...
I am off to classes for now. Hopefully you will not miss me too much.
Not at all.