Bowser said:
I've given you at LEAST examples of the term "raghead" being used as a RELIGIOUS SLUR, whether it can be used as a racist slur is irrelevent.
Fine call them ragheads. I don't care. they deny Christ, and God shall call them damned for it. Thatr's worse than anything I could think of to call them.
If "Faggot" becomes a racist slur in the future, does that mean it will be wrong to call gay people faggots?
How would it become a racist slur? A fag is a fag. Get over it.
You really are just attempting to weasel out of the consequences of your blatant inconsistency. We'll see if you can answer my simplified version of my argument.
I am weaseling out of nothing.
And now you cite Amos as a biblical precedent for using the word 'faggot'
Amo 4:11 I have overthrown cities among you, as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a brand plucked out of the burning: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith Jehovah.
Amo 4:12 Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel; and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.
This is desparate stupidity. Even if "Faggot" were being used here, it's being used of Israel, not homosexuals -- making there be more Biblical precedent for calling rebellious Israelites "Faggots" then homosexuals.
1] I was quoting someone else's post.
2] It was in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah, not Israel. And it was used because the people in those cities, with the exception of those God saved, were sexually immoral, in many ways. Homosexuality being one of them. It was used in reference to them for all their wicked ways, for which God rained fire on them. So the term faggot can be used in reference to adulterers, sluts, whores, fornicators, and any other sexually immoral person.
The words "your," "mother," "is," "a," and "horse" are all biblical terms, does that mean that calling someone's mother a horse has biblical precedent?
Now you're reaching. You're pathetic. "You brood of vipers," is a phrase that was used by Christ. In reference to self-righteous hypocrites. And it is perfectly okay to call a self-righteous hypocrite a viper.
Where's the roll-eyes smiley?