Well-known member
Hi and one poster made a BIG deal of Acts 2:1 , and I believe it is God's word and he made certain claims that I do not see , nor written in verse one !

Verse one reads , And in the day of the Pentecost , the One to be Fulfilled , they were all , with one Mind in the same PLACE .

#1 , And that Place was Jerusalem !

#2 , This day is Pentecost , ot 50 Days after the ressurection of Jesus .

#3 , Pentecostals , try to project them selves , 2000 years , like it will happen again .

#4 I just have to tell you that the Ressurection of Jesus will not happen again !!

#4 , The are nor Christians/CHRISTIANOS ant where to be found in Acts , !!

#5 , If there were Christians and this where the Body of Christ began , they can never , NOR will they ever be Jews or Gentiles !!

#6 , Gal 3:28 says that in the Body of Christ there CANNOT be Jews nor Greeks , nor Bond or slaves NEITHER , Male nor Female , do you see this ??

#7 , Pentecost was a Prophesy from Joel 2:28 , learn to read Acts 2 , Pentecostals .:deadhorse::deadhorse:

#8 , The Greek word " they were / en " is in the Greek Imperfect tense , which measn something that HAPPENED in the Past Tense and then STOPPED , that is why PENTECOST also STOPPED !!::mock::mock:

dan p
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Well-known member
Hi and one poster made a BIG deal of Acts 2:1 , and I believe it is God's word and he made certain claims that I do not see , nor written in verse one !

Verse one reads , And in the day of the Pentecost , the One to be Fulfilled , they were all , with one Mind in the same PLACE .

#1 , And that Place was Jerusalem !

#2 , This day is Pentecost , ot 50 Days after the ressurection of Jesus .

#3 , Pentecostals , try tp project them selves , 2000 years , like it will happen again .

#4 I just have to tell you that the Ressurection of Jesus will not happen again !!

#4 , The are nor Christians/CHRISTIANOS ant where to be found in Acts , !!

#5 , If there were Christians and this where the Body of Christ began , they can never , NOR will they ever be Jews or Gentiles !!

#6 , Gal 3:28 says that in the Body of Christ there CANNOT be Jews nor Greeks , nor Bond or slaves NEITHER , Male nor Female , do you see this ??

#7 , Pentecost was a Prophesy from Joel 2:28 , learn to read Acts 2 , Pentecostals .:deadhorse::deadhorse:

#8 , The Greek word " they were / en " is in the Greek Imperfect tense , which measn something that HAPPENED in the Past Tense and then STOPPED , that is why PENTECOST also STOPPED !!::mock::mock:

dan p

God's saved, those born again, were not called Christians until they were called so in Antioch, many years later.

Acts is scripture and historical, God has his facts straight

Lazy afternoon

Hi and one poster made a BIG deal of Acts 2:1 , and I believe it is God's word and he made certain claims that I do not see , nor written in verse one !

Verse one reads , And in the day of the Pentecost , the One to be Fulfilled , they were all , with one Mind in the same PLACE .

#1 , And that Place was Jerusalem !

#2 , This day is Pentecost , ot 50 Days after the ressurection of Jesus .

#3 , Pentecostals , try tp project them selves , 2000 years , like it will happen again .

#4 I just have to tell you that the Ressurection of Jesus will not happen again !!

#4 , The are nor Christians/CHRISTIANOS ant where to be found in Acts , !!

#5 , If there were Christians and this where the Body of Christ began , they can never , NOR will they ever be Jews or Gentiles !!

#6 , Gal 3:28 says that in the Body of Christ there CANNOT be Jews nor Greeks , nor Bond or slaves NEITHER , Male nor Female , do you see this ??

#7 , Pentecost was a Prophesy from Joel 2:28 , learn to read Acts 2 , Pentecostals .:deadhorse::deadhorse:

#8 , The Greek word " they were / en " is in the Greek Imperfect tense , which measn something that HAPPENED in the Past Tense and then STOPPED , that is why PENTECOST also STOPPED !!::mock::mock:

dan p

So you do not think this has ever happened since Pentecost (just because it has not happened to you)

Joh 7:37 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
Joh 7:38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Joh 7:39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)


Cross Reference

New member
The scriptures say, there is a knowledge that "puffs up". And then there is a knowledge that a society or people must have lest they be destroyed.

I think it might be time for many here to examine themselves with regards to what knowledge they possess and where it has led them. Run yours out and see where it leads.
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Well-known member
History is one thing, doctrine is another issue. Dispensationalists fail with depth of perception.

Hi , and what verse have we failed with depth of perception , Grasshopper ?

Will you explain 1 Cor 9:17 or will you try Eph 3:2 with one hand tied behind your head ?

dan p

Lazy afternoon

1Co 9:17 ForG1063 ifG1487 I doG4238 this thingG5124 willingly,G1635 I haveG2192 a reward:G3408 butG1161 ifG1487 against my will,G210 a dispensationG3622 of the gospel is committedG4100 unto me.

From G3623; administration (of a household or estate); specifically a (religious) “economy”: -.


Well-known member
1Co 9:17 ForG1063 ifG1487 I doG4238 this thingG5124 willingly,G1635 I haveG2192 a reward:G3408 butG1161 ifG1487 against my will,G210 a dispensationG3622 of the gospel is committedG4100 unto me.

From G3623; administration (of a household or estate); specifically a (religious) “economy”: -.

Hi and look at VINE'S under HOUSE and will see the Greek word OIKOS !!

Look also at the word LAW and you will see the Greek word NOMOS !!

OIKONOMIA is a compound Greek word that means HOUSE LAW !!

Did you see that , Grasshopper ??

God have mercy !!

Now BLOVIATOR , what does HOUSE LAW mean ??

dan p

Lazy afternoon

Hi and look at VINE'S under HOUSE and will see the Greek word OIKOS !!

Look also at the word LAW and you will see the Greek word NOMOS !!

OIKONOMIA is a compound Greek word that means HOUSE LAW !!

Did you see that , Grasshopper ??

God have mercy !!

Now BLOVIATOR , what does HOUSE LAW mean ??

dan p

What does BLOVIATOR mean.

and who authorized you to say it?



Well-known member
1Co 9:17 ForG1063 ifG1487 I doG4238 this thingG5124 willingly,G1635 I haveG2192 a reward:G3408 butG1161 ifG1487 against my will,G210 a dispensationG3622 of the gospel is committedG4100 unto me.

From G3623; administration (of a household or estate); specifically a (religious) “economy”: -.

Hi and just show where the Greek word ECONOMY is used ??

Maybe I will be the first to tell that many words in the bible are Transliterations , like Economy !!

Look up the Greek word for Administration and see how it is used !!

dan p