That was quite an interesting video. A calm and collected, intellectually honest clinical psychologist being interviewed by an irrational, rude, and moronic media shill. She was so overeager to misunderstand everything he said and still had the audacity to accuse him of being a provocateur.
She really represnts what a lot of the media has been reduced to. It was just a bit more clear in this video, almost laughably so. Really nothing but a grotesque display of political correctness, moral posturing (sans the actual morals), and virtue signalling. I think Jordan Peterson really got under her skin by remaining to relaxed and unintimidated. Ouch!
BTW, Douglas Murray, the guy who wrote the piece in the Spectator is also enjoyable to watch in debates and interviews. He's done a couple of podcasts with Sam Harris that are pretty enjoyable, and his book The Strange Death of Europe is an informative read.
I really enjoyed his writings over the years. One of my favorite tactics when speaking with unhinged progressives is to cite something from Thomas Sowell. They usually have no idea who he is, and reply with something along the lines of "yeah, but he's just a rich, white guy", not realizing that he's black guy, but also not realizing that it shouldn't have mattered anyways.
If you enjoy watching the "destruction of leftist's points of view", I'd recommend adding some Milton Friedman videos to your playlist. Thanks for sharing the video.