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I believe in scrupulous separation of Church and State. This is a foundation protection for all of us.
then you would agree that it's wrong for this clerk to use her religion to justify discrimination
I believe in scrupulous separation of Church and State. This is a foundation protection for all of us.
Not relevant at all, perversion is chosen, skin color isnt.
God is correct, man isnt.
Not relevant at all, perversion is chosen,
She should not be fired. We live in a diverse culture and her rights need to be respected.Indiana Woman Fired for Refusing to Issue Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Licenses Files Suit
This is excellent and what should be happening - make them fire you, rather than quit, then file suit for religious discrimination. One should not have to check their religious beliefs at the door.
Religious accommodation has been upheld and needs to keep being upheld. Do not just quit, stand up for your rights.
Reasonable accomodations
That photo brings back memories. In the south as a white kid, I remember wanting to drink from the "colored fountain" but my parents wouldn't let me. I thought the water in them would be in colors and I was always disappointed!An old preacher I had, who is black and went to a segregated school in the '50s, would strongly disagree.
I think the burden of proof should be on you to explain why he is no different than the klansmen that lived in his town.
She gonna lose.
then you would agree that it's wrong for this clerk to use her religion to justify discrimination
That's where she'll fail.
You can transfer her to the broom and mop department but if she won't mop up the footprints left by the gays then she's useless.
She has a right to her own thoughts. On the job. Do your job. If I were her supervisor I'd do a little training on freedom of choice being something we all enjoy. Whilst performing the tasks of a job one is neither endorsing a behavior nor condemning a behavior.
Common sense is a good bottom line.
That is entirely correct. A Public Servant is there to provide a service on behalf of government, it is not the job of that public servant to attempt to filter the government's services through their particular religious viewpoint. What would be the feeling of folk if a Sikh or Muslim public servant refused to provide a government service to an atheist?
A Public servant does not have the right to place their values above the public they are hired to serve.
So, if a muslim religiously believes that christians shouldn't be allowed to marry, he/she can deny marriage licenses to christians?Wrong, as usual.
A man is obligated to reject regulations that go against God's standards.
:AMR:So, if a muslim religiously believes that christians shouldn't be allowed to marry, he/she can deny marriage licenses to christians?What if a muslim religiously believes it's wrong to not murder christians. Do they have a right to commit murder since their religion says so?
There are problems with declaring religious edicts to supersede the rule of law.
You know, the muslims agree with you. They believe god's laws supersede man's laws. Of course, when they try to do that you cry foul but they have exactly the same amount of scientific evidence to support their god as you have to support yours. Theocracy is a bad idea.:AMR:
Of course not.
No listen to yourself declare a religious edict that would supersede the rule of law:
Then you shouldn't do it then. :up:
Meanwhile, God's standards define the law. Live not up to them, and you are breaking the law, regardless of what men's regulations say.
Therefore, something. :idunno:You know, the muslims agree with you.
Nope.When they try to do that you cry foul but they have exactly the same amount of scientific evidence to support their god as you have to support yours.
Theocracy is a bad idea.
You are basically just sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "la la la I'm not listening".Therefore, something. :idunno:
And everything you say is a bad idea. :idunno:
See how that works?
Well see. She can prove reasonable accommodation was available.
Not relevant at all, perversion is chosen, skin color isnt.
God is correct, man isnt.